


  • He was a weak-willed and indecisive ruler .

    他是一位 意志 薄弱、优柔寡断的统治者。

  • If we allow this plague to spread unchecked it will affect many weak-willed persons and bring about their moral and mental degradation .

    如果听任这种瘟疫传布,将诱使许多 意志坚定的人道德败坏,精神堕落。

  • Weak-willed people can not do this .

    意志 薄弱的人不 适合做这样的事。

  • It 's their treat but I don 't hang it on the Christmas tree because they are very weak-willed puppies .

    骨头 形状的姜饼是慰劳狗狗的,我不会把它挂在圣诞树上,因为我的狗狗们 意志 薄弱

  • Wealth may tempt weak-willed persons to be addicted to harmful habits such as drug-taking and gambling and result in their own ruin .

    财富会促使 意志 薄弱者染上恶习,如吸毒或赌博,并导致他们的毁灭。

  • The weak-willed are usually portrayed as irrational creatures who allow their hot desires to overrule what cooler reason tells them is in their best interests .

    意志 薄弱的人通常被描述为非理性的动物,他们听命于自己的炽热欲望,而不是从冷静的理性 角度出发,作出最符合自己利益的 举动

  • However the flattery of the bourgeoisie may conquer the weak-willed in our ranks .

    资产阶级的捧场则可能征服我们队伍中的 意志 薄弱

  • Leo Tolstoy 's was based on the religious purification of soul which appeared somewhat backward and weak-willed .

    托尔斯泰的 人道 主义立足于用宗教精神“净化”心灵,存在落后和 萎靡 倾向

  • She has a timid and weak-willed nature and has no definite views of her own .

    她生性 怯弱,没有主见。

  • A person regarded as weak-willed or timid . plant materials and animal waste used as fuel .

    窝囊 认作为胆小, 温顺的人用作燃料的植物材料和动物废弃物。

  • A person regarded as weak-willed or timid .

    窝囊 认作为胆小, 温顺的人。

  • If you find that hard to get your head around then have pity for the apparently weak-willed who may just show that applying a limited amount of logic can sometimes prove more troublesome than using none at all .

    如果你发现这很难理解,那么就同情那些看上去 意志 薄弱的人 。他们可能表明,有时运用一些逻辑比一点也不用逻辑更加麻烦。

  • Some weak-willed women would even commit suicide because of this .

    有些 性格 软弱的女人 竟会因此而自杀。