wealth tax

[wɛlθ tæks][welθ tæks]


  • To reduce the debt ratio to 90 per cent of GDP a wealth tax would need to raise € 450bn or 30 per cent of GDP .

    要将债务占GDP比例削减至90%,需要征收4500亿欧元的 财富 ,占到GDP的30%。

  • By changing social wealth distribution tax affects different economic entities interests so it has an important impact on equilibrium and constraints in the interests of the various sectors of society .

    通过改变社会 财富分配状况, 税收影响不同经济主体的物质利益,对社会各方利益的均衡有着重要的影响和制约。

  • He wants to lower France 's wealth tax by broadening its base .

    他想要通过扩大基数来降低法国的 财富

  • A home transfer is not advisable for wealth preservation or tax avoidance if the value of the parents ' estate is within the limit allowed for exclusion by the Internal Revenue Service or state tax authorities .

    如果父母的房产价值是在美国国内税务署(theInternalRevenueService)或州税务机关允许的免税范围之内,为了 财富保值或 避税而过户 房产是不可取的。

  • The difficulties of national tax coordination transformation of capital and wealth tax havens are the phenomena of information asymmetry .

    国家间税收协作困难、资本及 财富转移、 避税天堂的存在等,都是信息极度不对称的体现。

  • Making a levy on estate and gift may regulate social wealth distribution improve social fairness maintain national tax sovereignty and encourage public welfare .

    开征遗赠税,对于调节社会 财富分配,促进社会公平,维护国家 税收主权,鼓励公益事业的发展具有深刻的意义。

  • Tax laws and regulations are sharp sword of adjusting wealth and the main function of Individual Income Tax law is to adjust income difference which is also the basic legal way to realize distribution justice .

    税法是 财富分割的利器,所得 税法更是以调节收入差距为主要功能,是实现分配正义的基本法律手段。

  • The ability to pay principle embodies initially the technological economic substance doctrine and the social ideal of wealth redistribution and then embodies the requirement of tax equity .

    量能课税首先是技术性的实质课税原理和 财富再分配的社会理想的体现,其次才是现代 税收实质公平的体现。

  • If these efforts to cut the debt burden fail a one-off wealth tax or the sale of selected state-owned assets should also be contemplated .

    如果上述削减债务负担的努力无法奏效,那么还应当考虑征收一次性的 财富 ,或者选择出售一些国有资产。

  • Its goal already adopted by the opposition parties in parliament is a wealth tax .

    其目标是议会反对党早已采纳的 财富 计划

  • Among them the equilibrium wealth said directly highlighted tax maxi-cans essence .

    其中,均衡 财富说更加直接的突出了遗产 劫富济贫的本质。

  • Has created considerable local wealth and tax revenues promotes local economic development and social prosperity .

    这些城市外来务工人员为当地创造了可观 财富 税收,促进了当地经济的发展和社会的繁荣。

  • Galvanizing support for a wealth tax .

    财产 的令人振奋的支持。

  • For countries that prefer the rule of law and an international economic order a global wealth tax is a better bet .

    对于更青睐法治和国际经济秩序的国家,全球 财富 是更好的措施。

  • His solution is a global wealth tax .

    他的解决方案是征收全球 财富

  • The best argument against a one-time wealth tax in normal times is that it is antithetical to freedom .

    在常规时期对 财产一次性 征税,与“自由”相悖这是反对方最强有力的观点。

  • The factors influencing educational donation consist of the material wealth the tax policy the managerial ideas of charitable donation and the donation culture .

    制约教育捐赠的因素包括物质 财富税收政策、慈善捐赠的经营理念和捐赠文化等。

  • The unemployed insurance premium of unit pay presses the formulary row of wealth tax section to raise .

    单位缴纳的失业保险费按 财税部门的规定列支。

  • How much are you paying for wealth management such as asset allocation fund selection or tax advice and how much are you paying for the investment expertise in each area ?

    你将为 财富管理支出多少成本?例如资产配置、基金选择或 税务建议等,同时你为各个领域投资专业技能的支出是多少?

  • The most interesting argument against Piketty 's idea that a global wealth tax is needed to combat inequality comes from Kevin Hassett of the American Enterprise Institute .

    皮凯蒂认为,需要通过在全球范围内 征收 财富 来缩小贫富差距。对此,来自美国企业研究所(AmericanEnterpriseInstitute)的凯文o哈西特提出了最有意思的反驳意见。

  • Unlike income wealth does not have to be declared to the tax authorities .

    财富不是收入,不需要向 税收部门报告。

  • Bear in mind that if the uncertainty in the markets cleared equity and asset valuations would rise significantly in my view by more than the one-off cost of a global wealth tax making the rich even richer .

    请记住,如果市场上的不确定性一扫而空,股票和资产的估值将会大幅提高按我的预测,增长值会超过全球性 财富 的一次性成本,让富人更富。

  • Influential figures in Italy have suggested a wealth tax could achieve the same reduction in public debt .

    意大利一些显要人物建议,征收“ 财富 ”同样可以削减公共债务。

  • His main campaign themes are a wealth tax the fight against tax evasion money laundering and gay rights .

    他的主要竞选主题是开征 财富 ,打击逃税、洗钱,以及支持同性恋权利。

  • In addition some problems are discussed such as distribution of social wealth social guarantee system and tax revenue system reformation employment consumer-credit market cultivation education system-pattern innovations and so on .

    讨论了社会保障制度和 税收制度改革、消费信贷市场培育、就业问题、社会 财富分配、教育体制和模式创新等问题。

  • A global wealth tax would require international co-operation .

    征收全球 财富 需要国际合作。

  • Revenue is a major means which government participates in social redistribution the state can improve the tax system and carry out secondary distribution on wealth of society by using tax leverage to promote the relative justice of social distribution .

    税收是政府参与社会再分配的主要手段。政府可以通过完善税收制度,运用 税收的杠杆对社会 财富进行二次分配,以促进社会分配的相对公平。

  • Impose a modest wealth tax on the mega-rich .

    对超级富豪征收适量的 财富