weak base

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  • The properties of molybdenum adsorption and elution of D380 macro-porous weak base anion exchange resin have been studied with dynamic state method .

    本文用动态法研究了D380大孔 弱碱性阴离子交换树脂对钼的吸附和洗脱性能。

  • Inverse Preservation of Some Covering Properties and Weak Base g-Functions

    覆盖性质的逆象保持性和 g-函数

  • This has led to weak base of theory for many workers .

    但这也导致了很多员工理论 基础 薄弱

  • Study on Influencing Factors and Mechanism of Silicon Scaling in Weak Base ASP Flooding


  • Functions of rigid combination beams of weak base foundation deduced with theories

    软弱 地基基础刚性组合梁的作用与理论推导

  • Two different kinds of pH value calculation formula about weak acid weak acid salt and weak base weak base acid were unified on the basis of proton theory of acids and bases thus teaching becomes easier .

    根据酸碱质子理论,将弱酸及弱酸盐和 弱碱及弱碱盐组成的两种不同类型的缓冲溶液pH值的计算公式统一起来了,这样更便于教学。

  • This paper puts forward the definition and processing methods of weak base .

    文章提出 软弱 基地的定义和多种处理方法。

  • Applicable to weak base weak acid oli especially resistant to abrasive medium .

    适用于 弱碱,弱酸,油类,尤其能耐研磨性介质。

  • Effects of Weak Acids and Weak Base on the Mouse Skin Conductance

    弱酸 弱碱对小鼠皮肤导电性的影响

  • Ionized alkaline earth metal laser weak base anion-exchange resin

    碱土金属离子激光器 弱碱性阴离子交换树脂

  • Application of acylated weak base resin for treatment of highly chromium-containing wastewater

    酰基化 碱性树脂对高浓度含铬废水的处理应用

  • Preparation of efficient solid anti-scaling corrosion inhibitor based on the characteristics of corrosion and fouling in weak base alkaline-surfactant-polymer flooding


  • They involve a chemical equilibrium between a weak acid and its salt or a weak base and its salt .

    它包含弱酸及 弱酸盐与 弱碱 弱碱盐之间的化学平衡。

  • The suggested method is examined for pairs of regions with known attenuation laws of the intensity and ground motion . Result makes known : Nerve maneuver intensity is the strong and weak base of explosive force ;

    文中利用几个地区已知的地震动和烈度衰减资料对建议的方法作了比较验证。结果表明:神经活动的强度是爆发力 强弱 基础

  • The dairy industry is a young department with weak base in agriculture and food processing enterprises in China .

    奶业在我国农业和食品加工企业中是一个起步晚、 基础 薄弱的部门。

  • At last compared with anti-S transform control the inverse control has a better effect on the process changing from strong acid to weak acid or from strong base to weak base .

    最后比较了逆模型控制和反S变换控制,逆模型控制有更好的效果,可以很好控制酸性到弱酸和碱性到 弱碱的情况。

  • Due to its unique advantages weak base ASP flooding becomes to a flooding technology which has more prospect .

    由于 弱碱三元复合驱技术所具备的独特优势,使其成为更具发展前景的驱油技术。

  • But the facts that imbalance of resource distribution and weak base of electricity industry and the scale economic character and high barrage of entering market and so on cause the electricity generators in district have strong powers in district power market .

    但是,由于我国资源区域性分布不均匀,电力工业 基础 薄弱,发电企业的规模经济性以及发电行业的高壁垒等一系列因素,造成区域内的发电商具有相当的市场势力。

  • Putting in Order the Theory of Yinqi and Yin-yang Sympathesis in Neijing ; weak base anion-exchange resin

    《内经》阴气与阴阳交感理论的系统整理 弱碱性阴离子交换树脂

  • According to the results we developed a type of heterogeneous catalytic system that contains amine weak base anion exchange resin acidic compounds and metal ions and the catalyst can be recycled after parting of the organic phase .

    在此基础上开发了一种包含胺型 弱碱性阴离子交换树脂、酸性化合物和金属离子的多相催化体系,该催化体系在分离出有机相后,催化剂可循环使用。

  • Weak Base and Covering Property


  • Buffer Solution usually containing a weak acid and its conjugate weak base or a salt of such a composition that the pH is held constant within a certain range .

    缓冲溶液化学术语。通常指含有一种微酸和与之结合的一种 或盐,并能维持酸碱值基本恒定的溶液。

  • TiO_2 nano-particle is developed by using the weak base NH_4HCO_3 to control pH soft chemical synthesis method .

    采用 弱碱NH4HCO3控制pH软化学合成法,研制了TiO2纳米粒子。

  • However China as a developing country with large population currently has a comparatively weak base in terms of building a learning society which requires us to attach importance to the construction of a learning society .

    而我国作为发展中国家和人口大国,建立学习化社会的现实 基础尚比较 薄弱,这就要求我们在建立学习化社会的实践中务必引起重视。

  • The results demonstrated that for some conditions the isotherm curves are linearly related to the adsorption of Cr by the weak base anion exchange resins .

    静态和动态实验表明:在所研究的外界条件下, 弱碱阴离子树脂对铬()的吸附等温线可以近似为线形;

  • Experimental study on changing law of viscosity and interfacial tension in weak base ASP flooding


  • In addition we give a depiction for g-metrizable space from a new direction with σ & ω HCP closed weak base . They enrich the basic theory of generalized metric spaces .

    f空间和仿紧空间的判定方法,并给出了g-可度量空间关于σ-弱遗传闭包保持闭 的一个刻画,进一步丰富和发展了广义度量空间的基本理论。

  • Weak base anion-exchange resin


  • Acting as moderator the intermixture of strong alkali and weak base can stabilize pH values in the performance and can improve bleaching velocity as well as the brightness of the pulp .

    采用中强碱和 弱碱混合物做缓冲剂,可使漂白过程的pH值既不过高,也不过低,对提高漂白速度和浆的白度有利。

  • Content : In this paper we study some mapping properties and some characterizations of spaces with star-countable weak base sn-networks and cs ( cs ~ ) - networks . Especially several properties on sn-networks are proved .

    本文研究了具有星可数( 、sn网及cs(cs~)-网空间的一些刻画及映射性质,主要讨论了具有sn网空间的若干性质。