


  • Waylay : ( 35pts ) Your Ambush critical hits have a50 / 100 % chance to reduce the target 's melee and ranged attack speed by30 % movement speed by70 % and prevent item use for8 sec .


  • I 'm sorry Nick I got waylaid .

    抱歉,尼克,我被 耽搁了。

  • She lingered outside the theater to waylay him after the show .

    她在戏院外面徘徊想 演出之后 拦住说话

  • She was forever waylaying him in odd holes and corners of the hotel

    她总是在酒店的 犄角 旮旯 截住

  • Marshal 's got men waiting to waylay you back at the livery .

    警长派了人在马厩那里 伏击你们。

  • Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea

    绿色和平组织设法聚集起足够数量的小船在海上 拦截该船。

  • He would often waylay me as I was going to class and produce a piece of paper from his pocket often with a puzzle already on it .

    他常常 我去教室的 路上 拦住我,从他的口袋里掏出一张纸条,通常这上面早就写好了难题。

  • The trucks are being waylaid by bandits

    卡车被强盗 下来