weak link

[wik lɪŋk][wi:k liŋk]


  • We may have found a weak link .

    我们也许能找到它的一个 弱点

  • He 's the weak link . he 's ruined the whole company .

    他才是个 薄弱 环节,是他毁了整个公司。

  • Food transportation security is the security weak link of food physical distribution in China one of the main reason is imperfect in policy and laws of food transportation .

    食品运输安全是我国食品物流安全的 薄弱 环节,其中主要原因之一是因为我国食品运输安全政策与法规建设的不完善。

  • Here was the weak link in Blue and we knew it .

    我们明知这是蓝色方案的 薄弱 环节

  • A weak link in a chain .

    链条中 薄弱的一

  • People can be a weak link in an otherwise secure network .

    人们可以在一个安全的网络,否则的 薄弱 环节

  • The current study of circular economy is the weak link in the theory .

    当前我国循环经济研讨中的 单薄 环节是其理论研讨。

  • As a weak link in the national economy infrastructure in general poses no duplication problems .

    基础设施是我国的 薄弱 环节,总体上不存在重复建设问题。

  • This weak link can be even more tenuous than might first be apparent .

    这个 脆弱 链接可能会比最初更弱。

  • The results showed that the study on the fragility of the mine emergency rescue system could find out the weak link of the mine emergency rescue system .

    结果表明对煤矿应急救援系统脆性进行研究,可以找出煤矿应急救援系统的 薄弱 环节

  • Analysis shows that the weak link at the moment is the railways .

    分析的结果,当前的 薄弱 环节是铁路。

  • Another weak link in the telecommuting chain can be the users'laptops .

    远程办公链中的另一个 薄弱 环节在于用户的笔记本电脑。

  • A fuse is a deliberately weak link in an electrical system .

    保险丝是电路系统中故意安排的 断的 环节

  • There is weak link that widely exists in natural education which is to train the teenagers'ability of self-care self-supporting and self-government .

    薄弱 环节是广泛存在于自然的教育,这是培养青少年的能力自我照顾,自我支持和自我管理。

  • The order of teaching contents by systematic design is always a weak link in chemistry teaching design .

    系统设计的教学内容的顺序一直是化学教学设计的 薄弱 环节

  • One weak link can break the chain of a mighty dynasty .

    一点 薄弱 环节会毁掉一个强大国家的前途。

  • The power source is the weak link in today 's portable electronics .

    在当前的便携式电子产品中,电源是一个 薄弱 环节

  • I will not be the weak link !

    我绝不会让 埃及 在我手上!

  • The weak link in this case is Geoff .

    在这种情况下 薄弱 环节在于“Geoff”。

  • It could be lack of knowledge or skills a problem or weak link in the structure or process of the work or any other causes .

    这些原因可能是 缺乏 某种知识或技能、组织结构或工作流程中的问题或其他原因。

  • We must find the weak link in our work and then strengthen it .

    我们要找出工作中的 薄弱 环节,加强力量。

  • That is the only weak link in his reasoning .

    那是他推理中唯一的 薄弱 环节

  • Greece the weak link in the eurozone is inching closer to defaulting on its debt .

    希腊是欧元区的 薄弱 环节,它正在慢慢走向债务违约的深渊。

  • It seems as though there is a weak link in the HA chain .

    似乎在HA链中有一个 链接

  • They 're a fairly good team & their only weak link is a relatively inexperienced goalkeeper .

    他们是一个相当好的球队&唯一的 软肋是守门员相对来讲经验不足。

  • The work of archive appraisement is a comparatively weak link in the archive work .

    档案鉴定工作是档案工作中比较 薄弱 环节

  • Construction and management of professional laboratory is vital to colleges and universities but it is also a weak link .

    专业实验室的建设和管理事关高校教育全局,地位非常重要,但一直是一个 薄弱 环节

  • Therefore you would not exercise the latissimus dorsi muscles as effectively because of the weak link .

    所以,你不会背阔肌肌有效行使,因为这个 薄弱 环节

  • Core staff leave management is the weak link in enterprise management .

    企业核心员工离职管理,是企业管理的 薄弱 环节