



  • In order to study the effects of different oligosaccharides and antibiotics on growing performance and diarrhea incidence of weanling piglets 0 .

    为探讨不同低聚糖和抗生素对 仔猪的生长性能、腹泻率的影响,在试验组基础日粮中分别添加0。

  • Effects of egg yolk containing cholecystokinin-antibody on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of weanling piglets

    含胆囊收缩素抗体卵黄粉对 断奶仔猪生产性能及养分消化率的影响

  • Effects of Colistin on Electrolytes Homeostasis of Blood in Early Weanling Piglets

    粘杆菌素对 断奶仔猪血液电解质稳态的影响

  • Genome-wide Expression Profiles of Intestinal Development of Piglets during Suckling and after Weanling Fed with Different Weanling Diets

    哺乳期及 断奶后饲喂不同日粮仔猪小肠发育全基因组表达谱研究

  • Food additive & Calcium citrate Study on Citric Acid Adding in Weanling Pig Diets

    GB17203-1998食品添加剂柠檬酸钙 断奶 仔猪日粮中添加柠檬酸 试验研究

  • Effects of Different Levels of AAA on Growth Performance and Plasma Biochemical Indices in Weanling Piglets

    不同水平 断奶 仔猪生长性能和血浆生化指标的影响

  • Effect of Adding Different Level of Compound Enzyme in Diet on the Growth-development of Weanling Piglets

    饲料中添加不同水平复合酶 制剂 仔猪生长发育的影响

  • The effect of NCG on the immune organ index of weanling mice .

    研究了NCG对 断奶小鼠免疫器官指数的影响。

  • Effects of Lactobacillus sporogenes on productive performance of weanling piglets ; ANTIBACTERIAL SUBSTANCE PRODUCED BY ANTI-LISTERIAL LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM AND ITS CHARACTERISITICS

    乳酸芽孢杆菌制剂对 断奶仔猪生产性能的影响抗李斯特细菌植物乳杆菌的抑菌活性物质特性

  • Early weanling pigs often arise ablactation hyperirritability which may cause diarrhea .

    早期 断奶 仔猪常出现断奶应激,导致腹泻。

  • Establishment of Model of Iron Deficiency and Effects of Iron-enriched Yeast on Growth and Blood Biochemical Indices in Weanling Piglets

    断奶仔猪缺铁模型的建立及酵母铁对 断奶 仔猪生长及血液生化指标的影响

  • Effects of High Levels of Dietary Zinc and Copper on Growth Performance Digestive Physiology and Cecal Microbe in Weanling Piglets

    高锌和高铜对 断奶仔猪生产性能、消化生理和盲肠微生物数量的影响

  • Effect of High Zinc Diet on Serum Zinc and Excrement Zinc Content of Weanling Piglets

    高锌日粮对 断奶仔猪血清锌和粪便排泄锌含量的影响

  • The combined effects of NCG and arginine together on the growth performance of weanling mice .

    研究了NCG与Arg联合作用对 断奶小鼠生长性能的影响。

  • The experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary copper levels on the production performance and serum indices of weanling to2-month-old growing meat rabbits .

    本文旨在探讨日粮铜水平对 断奶至2月龄生长肉兔生产性能、血清指标的影响。

  • This paper took a review on the gastrointestinal microflora colonization rule and function of pigs in embryo period suckling period and weanling period .

    本文就猪胚胎期、哺乳期、 断奶期胃肠道微生物菌群的定植规律及其功能等方面进行综述,供进一步研究猪胃肠道微生物参考。

  • Effect of Adding Nano-montmorillonite Instead of Zinc Oxide on Physio-biochemical Parameters of Serum and Zinc Content of Feces in Weanling Piglets

    纳米蒙脱石替代氧化锌对 断奶仔猪血清生化指标及粪中锌含量的影响

  • The Effect of Copper Supplementation on Growth Performance and Digestive Physiology in Weanling Pigs

    不同水平的硫酸铜对 断奶 仔猪生产性能及消化生理的研究

  • The effect of NCG on the mass concentration of free Arg in the serum of weanling mice .

    研究了NCG对 断奶小鼠血清中游离Arg的质量浓度的影响。

  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of nutrient restriction on the antioxidant capacity of plasma and gut epithelial tissues in weanling lambs .

    本研究旨在探讨 能量、蛋白质或 能量与蛋白质同时限制 饲养 断奶羔羊血浆和胃肠道上皮组织抗氧化能力的影响。

  • Air temperature and airflow simulation in the weanling barn based on CFX

    基于CFX的 猪舍内温度和气流场模拟研究

  • The experiment was conducted to study the effects of oligosaccharides on rumen microflora of weanling lambs .

    本试验旨在研究低聚糖对 断奶羔羊瘤胃菌群的影响。

  • The experiment compares the effect of EM with that of regular additives on weanling stress of early weanling piglets .

    试验比较了EM和常规药物添加剂对 仔猪早期断奶综合症的作用效果。

  • Study on Citric Acid Adding in Weanling Pig Diets

    断奶 仔猪日粮中添加柠檬酸试验研究

  • Determination of Extruded Corn Nutrition Value and Its Effect of the Growth Performance of Weanling Piglets

    膨化玉米营养价值评定及对 仔猪生产性能影响的研究

  • Cloning of myoglobin ( Mb ) gene of M. longissimus dorsi and effects of iron glycine on its expression in weanling pigs

    猪背最长肌 肌红蛋白基因片段的克隆及甘氨酸铁对其表达的影响

  • Effects of weanling age on the performance and digestive enzyme activities in weanling piglets

    断奶 龄对仔猪生产性能和消化酶活性的影响

  • Regulatory Effects of Zinc on Immune Response in Weanling Pigs and Intestinal Epithelial Cell

    锌对 仔猪及小肠上皮细胞免疫功能的调节作用

  • The Preparation of Iron-Enriched Yeasts and Its Bioavailability in Weanling Piglets

    富铁酵母菌的制备及其 仔猪的生物学效价

  • Evaluation of pet food by-product as an alternative feedstuff in weanling pig diets .

    断乳的猪食中 作为一个供选择的家畜饲料的宠物食品副产物进行评估。