wave trough


  • This paper deals with the experimental study of improvement on the oil cooling ability by producing ultrasonic wave vibration in the quenching oil trough .

    本文对在淬火油 内用 超声波振动提高油冷却能力的试验进行了研究。

  • Taking the preprocessed signature coordinate curve as the segmented object and choosing visual contribution as the segmentation standard the new method could seek the special points & the wave crest and the wave trough .

    以预处理后的签名坐标曲线为分割对象,以视觉贡献度为分割标准,可以寻找特殊点&波峰和 波谷点。

  • The experiment result exhibited that the colloid crystal particles with different dimensions and layers could regularly arrange on the wave trough of the buckling sturcture by adjusting the suspension concentration .

    实验发现,通过调制悬浮液的浓度,具有不同维数和不同层数的胶体晶体颗粒会规则地排布在褶皱的 波谷处。

  • A sprinter 's greater visibility is also assisted by the bow wave being bigger and the following trough being deeper .

    游的快的运动员的可见度也得益于前面更大的涡流和其后的更深的 波谷

  • Results demonstrate that the MCC develops in a weak baroclinic environment a 850 hPa horizontal wind shear line with a vortex dominated in the low levels and an anticyclone in upper levels without baroclinic wave trough accompanying in midlevels .

    结果表明,MCC发生在较弱的斜压环境里,对流层低层有明显的天气系统如 切变线、中尺度低涡,中层可以没有 低压 参与,高层则出现在反气旋环流里。

  • As the wave bore down on us the trough deepened .

    波涛向我们压来时, 波谷加深了。

  • Finally the pressure distribution through the vertical wall when max wave trough forces occur in the condition of different wave forms different bed scales and different depth of water have been presented .

    最后,研究了不同波态、不同基床尺度和水深条件下总水平 波谷力最大时刻压强沿水深的分布情况。

  • Utilizing the results above the transverse stability is thoroughly studied in the condition of not only wave crest and wave trough at midship but also wave crest at the any vessel 's position .

    利用计算所得结果不但对波峰、 波谷处于船中时,而且还对波峰处于船舶任意位置时的横稳性进行了全面的研究。

  • In supersonic flow results indicate that the disintegration of the jet column is caused by the surface waves induced by aerodynamic forces and the breakup point is at the wave trough .

    结果表明:在超声速气流中,射流柱破碎是由迎风面的表面波引起的,破碎点位于 表面波 波谷

  • The wave crest of the temperature curve almost corresponded to the wave trough of the relative humidity curve and vice versa .

    温度曲线的波峰近似对应于相对湿度曲线的 波谷,反之亦然。

  • If the curve still had discernible wave peak and wave trough but the phase of increase and reduction were delayed or inverted it was marked as 2 score .

    尚能分出波峰 波谷且平滑的正弦曲线,但其增高减低时相有延迟,或呈反向变化记作2分;

  • The pore pressure of seabed also shows the double crest variation and increases at wave trough .

    海床中孔隙水压力在波峰时也表现出双峰型特性,且 波谷时的海床压力增大;

  • In horizontal plane spectral shapes between adjacent locations are similar . And the characteristics of spectra ( including height of wave crest s depth of wave trough and their locations ) will change along with changes in azimuth gradually .

    在水平面上,一般相邻声源的频谱比较相似,随 源位置的变化,各个方位角声音的频谱波形发生渐变,主要表现为波峰高度、 波谷深度和它们的位置在逐步变化。

  • Physically at a special critical wave speed the flow may have a naturally periodical separated-reattached pattern with each wave trough capturing a stable vortex ring .

    物理上看,在一个特定的临界行波速下会形成自发的周期性分离再附流,每个 波谷的分离 捕获一个稳定的涡环。

  • Analyses indicate this event was in close relationship with the short wave trough at 500 hPa and low vortex with shear line at 700 hPa as well as with successive generating and intensive developing of M β CS along the shear line .

    该过程与500hPa 短波 和700hPa低涡切变线以及沿切变线相继生成和强烈发展的β中尺度对流系统密切相关。

  • The author provides a computation pattern of the celerity of wave crest and wave trough ( Vc Vt ) and the influenced distance of unsteady flow ( S ) .

    提出水位变化幅度(△H),波峰、 波谷传递速度(V峰、V ),以及不稳定流波及其距离(S)的计算模式。

  • The essay is mainly dealt with wave function and energy transformation of quantized poten-tial trough by calculus of variations compared with method of perturbation .

    本文用变分法研究了量子势 函数和能量漂移,并与微扰法进行了比较。

  • First it is presented that probability distributions of total horizontal irregular wave trough loads and overturning moments on vertical walls can be well expressed by Weibull distribution and the effects of bedding factor relative berm width and relative wave height on shape parameter a are discussed .

    首先,提出了直立堤上总水平 波谷力和倾覆力矩 值可用威布尔分布来表述,并讨论了基床因子、相对肩宽和相对波高等因素对形状参数α的影响。

  • It also appears that the frequency of pressure variation induced by irregular wave reductions its period becomes longer and crest and trough of bottom pressure variation do not completely agree with those of irregular wave .

    非规则 在水底引起的压力变化频率降低、周期变长,两者之间的峰 对应并非完全一致;

  • An Approach to the Calculation of Standing Wave Trough Pressure

    关于立 波波 压力公式的探讨

  • The stress at various sections and positions of corrugated metal pipe has been tested with different depth of filling during construction . Test results show that the stress values of each test point in the wave crest and wave trough increase quickly with the increment of filling depth .

    施工过程中不同填土高度下,波纹管不同断面和部位应力的试验结果表明:各测点波峰、 波谷的应力随着填土高度的增加迅速增大,波中点应力的变化不大;

  • In addition the wave train manifests as systems related to subtropical high westerly trough and blocking high showing quasi-stationary meridional waves feature .

    此类遥响应特征在西太平洋区域表现出与副热带高压、西风 、阻塞高压等相关的系统的准定常经向 波列

  • Features of seismic reflection wave in the South Okinawa Trough and the geological interpretation

    南冲绳海 地震反射 特征及其地质解释

  • In the modern power system acute fluctuation of load lead to great difference of wave crest and trough abundance non-linear load make severe aberrance of current and voltage wave . These factors make remarkable increase of error of energy metering and unrational billing .

    现代电力系统中,负荷 波动剧烈使负荷峰 差值很大,大量的非线性负荷使电流、电压波形畸变严重,这些因素使电能计量误差显著增大,并使计费不合理。

  • The Miles ' equation which is satisfied by the Faraday wave within the trough and the corresponding solution of the nonpropagating breather solitons and kink solitons are introduced .

    本文首先介绍 中Faraday 水波所满足的Miles方程,以及相应的非传播呼吸式和扭结式孤立子解。

  • It makes up of pedrail style drive organization ultra sound wave cleaning trough spray system drying system circulation filter system and separate device of oil and fog .

    由履带式传动机构、 超音波清洗 、喷淋系统、吹干系统、循环过滤系统、油雾分离装置等组成。

  • The results indicate that the disintegration of the jet column is caused by the surface waves propagating along the jet body . The jet breaks up at the wave trough .

    结果表明:沿射流柱表面传播的表面波是引起射流柱破碎的主要因素,破碎点位于 表面波 波谷

  • In this paper flume experiments are carried out to observe the sliding course of gentle-slope seabed which exhibits as local superficial soil body acted upon by the shearing actions of wave peak and wave trough sliding downwards to form sheet flow .

    论文研究利用水槽试验手段,观察得到缓坡海底滑动过程,表现为浅表局部软弱土体在波浪波峰 波谷的剪切作用下发生成层运动并向深处发展的滑动;

  • An Experimental Study on Solitary Wave in a Trough

    静水 孤立 的实验研究