water level regulator

[ˈwɔtɚ ˈlɛvəl ˈrɛɡjəˌletɚ][ˈwɔ:tə ˈlevl ˈreɡjuleitə]


  • This paper introduces a kind of Fuzzy controller of water level in boiler compared with the proportion integral regulator it has been proved that Fuzzy control of boiler level is possible .

    文中根据锅炉 水位调节中的问题,介绍一种 水位模糊控制器,将其同PI 调节 进行了仿真比较.所得结果,证实了锅炉水位的模糊控制是可行的。

  • Automatic Control of Heat Recovery Boiler Drum Water Level by Use of a SLPC Programmable Regulator

    用SLPC可编程 调节 实现对废热锅炉上锅筒 水位的自动控制

  • In light of these problems technical renovation was carried out and an automatic control system was adopted for water level control which consisted of water level sensor water level regulator PLC controller frequency conversion based speed regulator .

    针对所存在的问题进行了技术改造,即采用水位探头、 水位 调节 、PLC控制器和变频调速器等组成的水位自动控制系统。

  • This paper deals with the water level system of double tanks and a cascade control system is applied to control the water level in which the fuzzy-PID controller is used as the main regulator and the proportional controller as the auxiliary regulator .

    文章针对双水箱液位系统,主 调节器采用模糊PID控制,副调节器采用比例调节器的串级控制系统对 水箱 液位控制。

  • The application of fractal theory in fault diagnosis of water level regulator of main condenser

    分形理论在主冷凝器 水位 调节 故障诊断中的应用蒸馏装置冷凝器造水设备冷凝器

  • Based on fuzzy control double stroke water level regulator system

    基于模糊控制的双程 水位 自动 调节系统