water on the brain

[ˈwɔtɚ ɑn ði bren][ˈwɔ:tə ɔn ðə brein]


  • The guy 's got water on the brain .

    那家伙八成 脑子 进水了。

  • AIM : To observe the effect of chromium-rich Chinese prescription and chromium-rich well water on the changes in blood glucose and anti-oxidation ability of brain and liver as well as biochemical indices in rats with alloxan diabetes and analyze the relationship between chromium and diabetes .

    目的:观察富铬中药制剂和富铬 井水 四氧嘧啶糖尿病大鼠模型血糖及 、肝抗氧化能力变化、血清各种生化指标的影响,分析铬与糖尿病的关系。

  • The enormous size of the child 's skull showed him to have water on the brain .

    这个孩子的头颅特别大,说明他有 积水

  • In the second part the influences of different taste stimulus ( sucrose solution saccharin solution and water ) on the expression of IGF-1 in the liver and brain were observed ;

    实验2观察了不同味觉刺激物(蔗糖溶液、糖精溶液、 肝、 内IGF-1表达的影响;

  • Psychologists said it was unclear why drinking water would improve your performance but said that being better hydrated could have a helpful impact on the brain and knowing you had a bottle with you might make you feel more reassured .

    心理学家表示,现在并不清楚为什么 喝水能提高成绩,但是多喝水确实 大脑有益,考生知道自己随身带瓶水可能会感觉比较安心。

  • Cleft palate neural tube defects excessive numbers of fingersortoes congenital heart disease and water on the brain are the top five birth defects among Chinese babies the report said .

    报告中提到,唇腭裂、神经管缺损、多趾症、先天性心脏病和 积水是困扰我国新生儿的五大出生缺陷。