wave vector

[wev ˈvɛktɚ][weiv ˈvektə]


  • Plasma waves are the collective motion modes of many particles in the plasma . The relationship of angular frequency ω and the wave vector k can determine the dispersion relations of plasma waves which are fundamental in studying instabilities .

    等离子体波是等离子体中粒子的各种集体运动模式,波的色散关系给出了集体扰动频率ω和 k之间的关系,同时也是不稳定性理论研究的基础。

  • We have obtained surface projected band structure and wave vector resolved surface layer densities of states .

    分别给出了理想表面和驰豫表面的投影带结构和 分辨的层态密度,并进行了较详细的讨论。

  • Boundary Conditions of the Plane Wave Vector and Angular Freguency on an Arbitrary Moving Interface and Its Applications

    平面 矢量及角频率在任意运动界面上的边界条件及其应用

  • The relationship between physically observable quantities and perturbed wave vector is explored on the basis of BBGKY hierarchy equations and the second order perturbation theory .

    基于BBGKY方程,采用二阶扰动理论探索了可观物理量与扰动 的相互关系。

  • Surface plasma wave have a much bigger wave vector than free electromagnetic with the same frequence . This property make it widely used in scientific researches and life .

    表面等离子波有着比同频率的自由电磁 更大的 ,这个性质使表面等离子 广泛应用在科研和生活中。

  • The relationship of angular frequency co and wave vector k can determine the dispersion relations of plasma .

    等离子体中波的色散关系给出了集体扰动频率ω和 k之间的关系。

  • Wave vector analysis of vibration transmitting characteristics of a cylindrical shell

    圆柱壳振动传播特性的 分析

  • The match conditions of wave vector is firstly used for solving the strip waveguide problems by approximate scalar finite-element method in this paper . Thus the two-dimensional problems are simplified into two one-dimensional ones .

    本文首次将 矢量的匹配条件应用于标量近似有限元法求解条形波导,从而将二维问题简化成两个一维问题。

  • Wave vector resolved surface densities of states and band structure along the surface Brillouin zone are presented .

    采用层轨道表象及表面投影技术,给出了(313)表面在二维布里渊区高对称点的 分辩的电子态密度和表面投影能带结构。

  • Based on the principle of wave optics the analytical formula of the surface with fringe spacing was analyzed . Then the wavelength and the wave vector were determined .

    依据波动光学的原理,分析了表面波波长随条纹间距变化的解析关系式,并据此对表面波波长和 进行了测定。

  • The pattern of equifrequency contours is an important tool to study the ADR effect and it reflects the directions of group velocities and phase velocities in the wave vector space .

    等频率轮廓线是研究声负折射效应的重要工具,它可以反映 空间中群速度和相速度的方向。

  • Secondly we make statistical study solar wind turbulence at ion scale . The results prove that the turbulence is strongly anisotropic in wave vector space within universal solar wind condition . The Alfven-whistler wave mode is dominant in the solar wind turbulence .

    然后,我们研究了太阳风湍流在离子尺度的特征,统计结果表明湍流在 空间是强各向异性的,Alfven-whistler波模在太阳风湍流中占主导作用。

  • We present sets of symmetry average points in the Brillouin zone from which the average over the Brillouin zone of a periodic function of wave vector can be determined easily . The calculation accuracy is comparable to that of special points but the calculation labour is reduced considerably .

    本文提出了一些布里渊区中的对称平均点,用它可以方便地计算 布里渊区中的平均值,其精度可以和特殊点相比而计算量却要小得多。

  • System programmed with VB language and transferred numerical files into wave vector graphics with professional drawing tools Surfer automatically .

    系统利用VB语言编程,调用专业绘图工具Surfer对数值文件进行处理,生成 海浪 矢量图像,实现了 海浪 数值图像的自动生成。

  • The measurements of the radio spikes with high time and frequency resolution by the spectrometer in Beijing Observatory may provide a self consistent diagnosis for the ambient plasma parameters ( magnetic field density temperature wave vector and the properties of nonthermal electrons ) .

    利用北京天文台高时间和高频率分辨率的射电频谱仪对射电尖峰的测量,可以对背景等离子体参数进行的自洽诊断(磁场,密度,温度, ,及非热电子的性质)。

  • Relying on dispersion equation the refraction angles of wave vector and energy flow of TM wave at the interface between homogeneous right-handed material and hyperbolic uniaxial left-handed material are studied .

    研究了横磁波在各向同性右手介质和双曲色散型单轴左手介质界面处 和能流的折射。

  • Equivalent Wave Vector Analysis of Rectangular Dielectric Waveguide

    矩形介质光波导的等效 分析

  • The nanowire diameter related wave vector uncertainty carrier distribution in InAs nanowires and the carrier concentration related Fermi-Thomas screening effect were proposed to play important roles for this phenomenon .

    通过 不确定性与纳米线直径的关系、InAs纳米线中载流子的分布、载流子浓度相关的Fermi-Thomas屏蔽效应对该现象进行了理论分析,给出了合理的解释。

  • It is found that under little axial strain armchair carbon nanotubes are still conductors but Fermi wave vector Fermi dot and the effective mass near Fermi face are changed .

    在小的轴向拉伸下,扶手椅型碳纳米管仍然是良好的导体,但其 费米波 、费米点及费米面处的有效质量都发生了变化。

  • For electromagnetic waves propagating in such materials the electric field E magnetic field H and wave vector k form a left-handed triplet of vectors and so such materials are called LHMs .

    电磁波在这样的材料中传播时,电场、磁场和 的方向成左手螺旋关系,所以这种材被称为左手材料。

  • The method to selecting the wave vector diagram the designing consideration and experimental results of the device are presented in the paper .

    本文介绍这种器件 图的选择,设计方法和实验情况。

  • Geometric phase of electromagnetic field in wave vector space


  • To solve the reversible propagation between vertical plane and incline plane several propagation methods have been researched . According to the rotation of wave vector in Fourier space we have found a reversible transform of spectrum rotation solving the hard problem .

    本文首先研究了几种正面到斜面的传输方法,并根据Fourier空间 内波 的旋转变换,综合出了可逆的谱旋转方法,解决了正面到斜面的可逆传输问题。

  • Due to the poloidal wave vector the incident direction of lower hybrid wave launching into plasma will be changed .

    由于极向 的存在,低杂波进入等离子体的入射方向会发生改变。

  • From the equation group of Maxwell it is possible to derive the formula of the normal velocity of the monochromatic plane wave in the even crystal the wave vector in this electric anisotropic crystal and the relation necessary for the normal velocity .

    从Maxwell方程组出发,推导出均匀晶体中平面单色波的法向速度公式,并导出了在这种电各向异性的晶体 中波法线 矢量和法向速度必须满足的关系。

  • Influences of Wave Vector Direction on Energy Bands and Applications of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals


  • The dispersion is related to the wave vector and similar to the dispersion relation of the isotropic dielectric .

    其色散关系与 方向有关,与各向同性的电介质的色散关系相似。

  • These special points can be used in integrating the periodic functions of block wave vector over the Brillouin Zone .

    这些特殊点可用于计算晶体 中波 的周期性函数过布里渊区的积分。

  • The result shows that the gain matrix elements change dramatically with the variation of wave vector .

    计算表明,增益矩阵元的偏振因子随 的变化而发生很大的变化。

  • Wave vector analysis is a technique for analyzing the characteristics of wave propagation such as frequency and wave number .
