water plant

[ˈwɔtɚ plænt][ˈwɔ:tə plɑ:nt]


  • Survey of chlorine dioxide application in rural water plant in Beijing

    二氧化氯消毒技术在北京农村 水厂应用现状调查

  • The research of recycling and reuse of filter backwash water has been done by field experiments in water plant of raw water taken from surface water bodies such as Xiang River .

    以湘江 原水为研究对象,对滤池反冲洗废水回用进行了 小试生产性试验研究。

  • The influent water quality of the reclaimed water plant is made certain according to the practical operating situation of the sewage treatment plant in BDA .

    根据开发区经开污水处理厂的实际运行情况,确定了再生 水厂的进水水质;

  • Thewater treatment process of the Nansha water plant in Guangzhou is described and the design principia of automatic system and the selecting principia of the equipments are presented .

    描述了广州南沙 水厂 生产工艺过程;确定了自动化系统的设计原则、系统设备的选择原则;

  • The water supply pipe and interface choice in building No.2 water plant in Qian'an

    迁安市建设第二 水厂输配水管材及接口的选择

  • The status of ecological watercourse nowadays is described in the paper and a discovery is that water plant can absorb the infectant and purify the water in different purifying efficiency .

    简述了目前生态型河道的现状,发现在河道中 种植 植被能很好的净化 水质,不同的植被净化的能力不一样;

  • Application of Advanced Treatment Technology in Water Plant

    给水深度处理技术在 城市 水厂中的应用

  • Application of Frequency Converter in the Water Plant Control System

    变频调速在 自来水 控制系统的应用

  • Design of V-filter Backwash Control System in Water Plant


  • On Design Technology for the Second Water Plant in Qinzhou

    广西钦州市第二 水厂 工程设计技术探讨

  • The application of MFA controller in dosing coagulation process of water plant

    MFA控制器在 水厂加药絮凝控制系统中的应用

  • This paper analyzes on the forming mechanism of algae pollution of raw water in water plant and its effect on making water advances some preventing measures on algae pollution of raw water .

    分析了 自来水 原水藻类污染的形成机理及其对制水的影响,提出了原水藻类污染的防治措施。

  • The technology of the pipe jacking construction applied in Langshan water plant expansion project in Nantong

    南通狼山 水厂扩建工程顶管施工技术玻璃钢夹砂管机械顶管施工技术的应用

  • While Jiangning Source Water Plant was run effluent flume of sedimentation tank shook abnormally with great amplitude which affected sedimentation efficiency and structure security seriously .

    江宁水厂 水源 投入运行时,发现沉淀池出水槽有异常晃动,且幅度较大,影响运行效果和结构安全。

  • The park consists of9 key areas such as historical and cultural area area for the aged water plant area lake area rest area and children playground .

    主要有9大景区组成,分别是历史文化区、老年活动区、 水生 植物区、湖区、观赏休憩区、儿童游乐区等。

  • Characteristics of the Typical Northern Water Resource Algae and Its Impact on the Water Plant Treatment Efficiency

    典型北方水源地藻类特征及其对 自来水 处理效率的影响研究

  • The chemistry water plant of zouxian power plant is extension found based on original plant with which the control system to carry on the reformation .

    邹县电厂四期工程化 车间在原三期基础上进行扩建,并对化水程控装置进行改造。

  • The ecological fibre is a new water treatment material that is processed by simulating the shape of wild water plant .

    生态弹性填料是一种模拟天然 水草形态加工而成的新型水处理材料,近年来在 污水处理中得到了广泛 应用

  • A water plant with a showy purple flower the Water Hyacinth was a native of the Amazon Basin and is now seen as the most important nuisance aquatic plant worldwide .

    一种开艳丽紫色花朵的 水生 植物,即水葫芦,本来生长于亚马逊河流域,现在却成为全世界最令人烦恼的水生植物。

  • On pressure test of the prefabricated concrete pipe in the eastern water plant in Hainan province

    浅谈海南省东方 水厂预制混凝土管的压力试验

  • Zhoukou Yuxing Food Additive Factory Analysis of sludge disposal wastewater saving potential in Nanjing water plant

    河南省周口市予星食品添加剂厂南京城市 给水 排泥水节水潜力分析

  • I would be a water plant !

    我将成为 水中 草木

  • LIU YUAN Water Plant use Powder Active Carbon to Treat Slight Pollution of raw Water

    浏园 水厂利用粉末活性炭处理源水微污染

  • The water plant is a lame duck .

    水生 植物是个不完全的家伙。

  • This paper achieved the automatic control of mud-and-sand elimination in waterworks through the use of FX2N-128MR PLC and introduced project design hardware composing of the water plant .

    采用FX2N-128MR可编程控制器,实现了自来水生产工艺中排泥除砂自动控制系统,介绍了 自来水 沉沙池、反应池和沉淀池的方案设计,硬件组成及软件实现。

  • In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant !

    在康河的柔波 ,我甘心作一枚 水草

  • Investigation on Sanitary Condition of A Pure Water Plant and Its Countermeasures in Hanzhong City

    汉中市纯净 水厂卫生状况调查分析及对策

  • Analysis of sludge disposal wastewater saving potential in Nanjing water plant

    南京城市 给水 排泥水节水潜力分析

  • The other warning device is a radio signal to the water plant .

    另一个警报设备是通向 污水 的无线电。

  • In the water plant in the increasingly extensive application will not only enhance the level of automation Waterworks in the production rate lower production costs but also improve water quality .

    自来水 中应用越来越广泛,不但能够提高水厂自动化水平,加快生产速度,降低生产成本,而且还可以提高供水质量。