water jet pump

[ˈwɔtɚ dʒɛt pʌmp][ˈwɔ:tə dʒet pʌmp]


  • Design of Ultra-high Pressure Water Jet Pump Package System for Hull Rust Removal

    船舶除锈超高压 射流 组系统设计

  • Through analyzing the mechanism of car washing machine car washing and water jet energy efficient in several ways the motor pump nozzle and hose were selected reasonably .

    本文分析了洗车机的洗车机理和 射流洗车节能的几种途径,对电机 、喷嘴和软管进行了合理选取。

  • The running cost of water ring vacuum pump and steam jet ejector vacuum pump is compared . The result shows that using water ring vacuum pump is economical .

    通过对 环真空泵和水蒸汽 喷射 运行成本的计算和比较分析,得出使用水环真空泵比水蒸汽 喷射泵更经济,可降低生产成本。

  • Equipment such as hydrofining reactor high pressure water injecting pump feeding pump for reboiler at the bottom of vacuum tower and jet fuel pump etc. were added .

    新增了加氢精制反应器、高压 水泵、减压塔底重沸炉进料泵、 喷气燃料 油泵等设备;

  • A high efficiency oil - gas - water separator designed on gravitational expansive and centrifugal separation principles a jet pump and a vane pump are equipped in the test - loop .

    中国科学院力学研究所用于研究这些关键设备的模拟实验装置,包括了集重力、膨胀和离心原理于一体的高效油气 分离器和 增压 、叶轮增压泵等设备。

  • Measurements were taken of the water jets in a confined space at the jet pump throat inlet and inside the throat by using a particle image velocimetry device .

    用粒子图像速度场仪(PIV)对 射流 喉管入口和喉管内有限空间 射流进行测量。

  • Making use of the pressure of city water supply network to save energy with jet pump

    采用 射流 利用城市 供水管网的压力节能

  • Feasibility Study on Transformation of Vacuum Water Jet Air Ejector into Water Ring Vacuum Pump for Medium and Small Power Generating Set

    中小型机组真空系统 射水抽气器改造为水环式真空 的可行性研究

  • A series of experiments relating to bubble cloud of cavitating water jet were carried out for different nozzles within different pump pressures and ambient pressures .

    在不同 压和淹没压力条件下针对不同类型的空化喷嘴,对空化 射流的空泡云长度进行了一系列实验研究。

  • Water jet vacuum water ejector pump

    真空-用喷射 能达到的真空

  • Water jet is a kind of new technology and new craft emerging rapidly regarding water jet as the core at the same time collecting the pump valve seal hydraulic pressure automation controlled for integrative comprehensive discipline .

    水射流是一项迅速崛起的新技术、新工艺,同时又是以 射流为核心,集 、阀、密封、液压、自动化控制为一体的综合学科。

  • The Influence and Improving Measures of Water Jet Condensation Vacuum Pump on Vacuum Drying System

    喷射真空冷凝 对真空干燥系统的影响及提高措施

  • Backwashing of air - water filter by jet pump

    射流 气进行滤池气 反冲洗试验研究

  • The Similarity of Feed Water and Drainage for Jet Pump

    供、 排水 射流 相似律

  • Design of the Multi-nozzle Water Jet Pump and Experimental Research on It

    多喷嘴 液体 射流 的设计及试验研究

  • Experimental Research of Large Throat Area Ratio Water Jet Pump

    大面积比 喷射 试验研究

  • The result showed that using the extract water of chips as solvent caprolactam monomer and oligomer in nylon 6 residue were seperated efficiently by water jet pump thus the caprolactam monomer was recovered .

    结果表明:利用切片的萃取水作溶剂,采用 喷射 抽滤可有效地分离残渣中的己内酰胺单体和低聚物,回收其中的己内酰胺。

  • Water vapor as a medium power jet pump to form a vacuum is an important application areas .

    用水蒸汽作为动力介质的 喷射 形成真空是一个重要应用领域。

  • The larger the area of jet pump water inlet is the better it is for drawing liquid ; When a jet pump uses the bigger - diameter throat tube of Laval nozzle its injection capacity and drawing capacity is stronger .

    喷射 采用的 拉瓦尔喷管的喉管直径越大,其喷射能力和抽吸能力越强。

  • Calculation and Experimental Comparison of Static Thrust of Water Jet Pump

    喷水 推进器系泊推力计算与实验对比研究

  • Finally the comparison studies between theory calculation CFD simulation and testing data demonstrated that the new static thrust calculation formula could provide designers more insight into the hydrodynamics performance of water jet pump .

    通过理论计算、CFD仿真方法和实验测试值的对比研究表明,改进后的系泊推力理论计算公式可以应用于实际的 喷水 推进器 设计

  • Experiment proves that it can improve influx height of condensate pump that adopting large throat area ratio water jet pump .

    试验证明,采用大面积比 喷射 可以提高凝 水泵灌注高度。

  • Rational design is made for the volume capacity upper and bottom covers of vacuum permeating bucket outside the cocoon cooking machine with a secondary water circulation vacuum pump connecting the atmospheric jet pump as the vaccum pump for the machine .

    对煮茧机外真空渗透桶容积及上、下盖进行了合理设计,用二级 环真空泵串联大气 喷射 作该机真空泵,并分析了设计原理。

  • Efflux elements in the different hydro - efflux hammer were use to go on experiment by adding pump discharge and similar water jet reflection and impulse in efflux element were found when pump discharge was large .

    通过对不同液动射流冲击器射流元件在增加 量的情况下进行实验,发现射流元件 内部出现了 射流近似反射及脉冲现象;

  • After comparing the performance features of the water jet air ejector water ring vacuum pump and steam jet air ejector the water ring vacuum pump was chosen with satisfactory effect .

    比较 射水抽气器、水环真空 汽抽气器的性能特点后,确定选用水环真空泵,取得满意的效果。

  • Melting snow provides water for rivers electric power centers and agricultural crops . Initial Research on Adjustable Jet Pump Used for Units Technical Water Supplying System at Powerstation

    融化的雪为河流、水电站和农作物提供 资源。电站技术供水系统中可调式 射流 的初步研究

  • By orthogonal experiment this paper analyzes the effect of area ratio the distance between water nozzle and mixed spout spraying angles of jet pump on the efficiency .

    通过正交实验,选取面积比、喉嘴距以及 喷嘴角度三个因素,研究了其对 射流 效率的影响。