water white

[ˈwɔtɚ hwaɪt][ˈwɔ:tə hwait]

[机] 水白色的

  • In addition Obama must hand his water glass to a secret service man for a thorough destruction after drinking water outside the White House .

    此外,奥巴马在 白宫以外不管什么地方喝了 ,他必须将自己的水杯交给一名特工处保镖弄碎销毁。

  • And sometimes you can find a water lily with white flowers .

    时常你也能找到这 白色 睡莲

  • First introduce the reuse of the mixed water and then white water closed system and several typical zero discharge processes in pulp and paper plants are presented .

    介绍了造纸工业 循环回用技术的进展,对造纸过程中段 的回用做了讨论,并对造纸 水封闭循环系统和制浆造纸企业常用的零排放流程做了介绍。

  • Air land water pollution and white pollution have been shocked to us .

    空气、土地、 资源污染以及 白色污染的实例已令我们触目惊心。

  • Experimental Study of Flue Gas Desulphurization with the Sea Water and White Slurry

    海水 泥乳烟气脱硫试验研究

  • Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake kinetics of the six kinds of economic plant water spinach white celery green celery Chrysanthemum coronarium leek garlic differed considerably .

    蕹菜、 白芹、青芹、茼蒿、韭菜、大蒜等6种经济植物根系对氮、磷的吸收动力学参数差异较大,各种植物适宜的污染 水质条件不同。

  • Interaction between Seedling Growth and Water of White Poplar Hybrid Clones

    白杨杂种无性系苗期生长与 水分交互作用

  • The main objectives were to study the property of holding water of yellow white soil and the effects of applying organic matter on its holding and supplying water by tensiometer .

    用张力计法测量了黄 白土的持 特性及施用有机物料对其保水和供水性能的影响。

  • If you wash a palette with a mix of colours after finishing the painting you 'll find the water turning white !

    另外,在绘画结束刷洗颜料盒时,你会发现,不同色彩的颜料混在 ,会呈现出 白色

  • When the wind blows the water white and black .

    风,扬起 水面 水面的黑。

  • Production cost can be significantly reduced when using plain boiled water and white granulated sugar instead of distilled water and sucrose which increased productivity effect of factory nursery of Lonicera macranthoides new varieties .

    用凉 开水替代蒸馏水, 砂糖代替蔗糖配制培养基,可显著降低了组培苗生产成本,提高了灰毡毛忍冬新品种工厂化育苗的生产效益。

  • Although water is essentially transparent water vapor appears white as does ground glass .

    虽然水基本上是透明的,但是 蒸汽则呈 白色,像毛玻璃一样。

  • In the shallow limpid water of the white sandbar .

    跳进了 沙滩上那片清澈透底的 里。

  • That 's why even the water looks white .

    所以看上去连 河水 颜色都是 白色的了。

  • So for example water champagne white wine red wine dessert wine .

    例如,依次为 、香槟酒、 葡萄酒、红葡萄酒、餐末甜酒。

  • There are 80 types of rice specially designed to produce sake which is made from fermented rice water and koji & white rice imbued with a special kind of mold .

    专门用来酿造清酒的大米有80种。清酒是由 酒酿和酒曲酿成的。酒曲是加入了某种特殊霉菌的大米。

  • They were in full rapids now the water solid white and tearing them toward the falls .

    这时他们已经到了 激流中心,滚滚 白浪把他们朝着瀑布推去。

  • Conclusion q-space imaging provides the quantificational information about the diffusion of water in white matter and has potential application in diagnosis .

    结论使用q空间成像可以提供 活体内的 分子扩散的定量信息,具有潜在的应用价值。

  • The freeze drying powder was pure white with good disparity ( without collapse or atrophy ) . After adding with double distilled water it was white emulsus solution with good redispersibility .

    冻干粉剂为白色疏松粉末,无塌陷或萎缩现象,加双 蒸水后为 白色乳状溶液,再分散性良好。

  • So using tap water white sugar and reducing rooting culture time to 15 days in liquid medium instead of using distilled water sucrose rooting culture 30 days in solid medium can reduce 28 % of the cost of tube seedling .

    自来水、食用 白糖配制培养基,生根采取液体培养15d,比用蒸馏水、蔗糖配制培养基,生根采取固体培养30d,试管苗的直接生产成本可降低28%。

  • A THIRD of the world 's open water sharks-including the great white and hammerhead-face extinction according to a major conservation survey released on Thursday .

    根据星期四公布的一项较大范围的保护调查资料,三分之一世界公开 水域的鲨鱼&包括大 白鲨和外锤头鲨面临灭绝。

  • The study on Process Technology Water White Poly - α - Olefin Lubricating Oil


  • Calcined clay / LEE white slippery powder / PY ⅱ water white mica powder / titanium white powder 105 ~ 115 phr ;

    补强填充剂为煅烧陶土、LEE白滑粉、PY-Ⅱ型 白云母粉和钛白粉并用体系(105~115份);

  • The wind screamed over the Gulf and turned the water white .

    大风在海湾上空呼啸而过,把 海水吹得 白浪翻滚。

  • Neutralization of waste water by white lime at increased pH with mud recirculation ; b.

    建议采用以下三种方法: 废水采用泥浆循环,消 石灰中和,提高pH值的处理法;

  • Techniques on manufacturing of water glass and white lamp black by using Opal and diatomaceous earth

    蛋白土和硅藻土制 取水玻璃和 白炭黑的工艺研究

  • This place that he took me to it was as good an imitation of paradise as anything I 'd ever seen with blue water and white sand and the shade of palm trees .

    这个地方简直是我见过最像天堂的地方, 碧海白沙、棕榈树阴。

  • Vinyl acetate and butyl acrylate as mixed monomer can be used to prepare high solid content water based white emulsion .

    以醋酸乙烯及丙烯酸丁酯为混合单体来制备高固含量 水基 乳胶。

  • Finally as he ran sliding and scraping down the last few yards he saw an edge of white surf and the shallow luminous movement of water over white sand and beyond that a solid heavy blue .

    末了,剩下的最后几码,他是跑着滑下去的。他看到的白色浪花的边缘,浅浅的,发着亮光的 海水漫过 白色的沙洲,更远处是一片纯粹的、深沉的蓝色。

  • The colors include water white amber or dark colors .

    色泽是 白色,琥珀色或深色。