water way

[ˈwɔtɚ we][ˈwɔ:tə wei]


  • The water supplying way can replaces the water tower and the water pump . Therefore for improving water supplying quality and saving powers it is very valuable .

    该系统取代了高塔或水泵直接加压 供水 方式,提高了供水质量,节能效果明显,极具推广、应用价值。

  • In the bank of the Huanghe River hundreds pump stations were builded the Huanghe River silt wear very water pump to damage very pump water way part to have an unfavourable effect on pump performance parameter .

    黄河沿岸建有数百座扬水泵站,黄河泥沙对水泵磨蚀十分严重,不仅严重破坏了 水泵 流部件,而且也对水泵性能参数产生很不利的影响。

  • PLC Retrofit of Water Way Coal Handling System in Thermal Power Plant

    热电厂 水路输煤系统PLC改造

  • The results show that the best reservoir sand conglomerate formed in braided channels and the front edge of the middle fan . DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF MID WATER WAY

    并深入讨论了近岸 下扇沉积不同微相内砂砾岩的物性特征,结果表明近岸 下扇扇中分支水道与扇中前缘微相内的砂砾岩体的储集性最好

  • You can suck it chew it or dissolve it in water the way you like to have it and still feel the taste of a real cup of tea said the center 's director Mridul Hazarika .

    “你可以吮吸它、咀嚼它,也可以按你喜欢的 方式把它化在 里。不管怎样,你都能感受到跟一杯真正的茶相同的滋味,”该中心主任姆里达尔·哈扎里卡说。

  • Stress distribution near the opening and stress concentration for composite laminates with a circular opening Application of Bit Water Way in HDD

    含孔复合材料层合板孔边的应力集中水平定向 钻进扩孔钻头 水口应用分析

  • Water way transportation is the main transportation means in the international trade and domestic trade .


  • Design and realization of 3D visualization and analysis system of Three Gorges water way

    三峡 航道三维可视化与分析系统的设计与实现

  • An idea on the Reform of Cost Management of Water Way Transportation Engineering


  • This paper describes the present reformation pattern for the cost management of water way transportation engineering and proposes the important points for the works of cost management at each stage of design .

    综述当前 水运工程造价管理工作的改革模式,并提出各设计阶段造价管理工作的重点。

  • An improved circulating cooling water management way is presented .

    同时,提出了下一步循环冷却 管理 思路

  • Choose the water source the water way and the manner of water diversion .

    选择了合理的引水水源地、调水线路和调 方式

  • Study on drill bit for large diameter core drilling of deep hole in hard rock Application of Bit Water Way in HDD

    硬岩深孔大口径取芯钻进的钻头研究水平定向 钻进扩孔钻头 水口应用分析

  • Technology of 1000 meter directional borehole at large diameter for mine gas extraction Application of Bit Water Way in HDD

    顶板大直径千米长钻孔抽采瓦斯技术水平定向 钻进扩孔钻头 水口应用分析

  • Grey correlative evaluation on safety and stability of regulating structures in water way


  • Seen from water consumption way deep-water irrigation in mid - early term of late rice increased the supply of underground water . Just on the contrary shallow-water irrigation increased the supply of vapor in atmosphere .

    水分耗散 途经上看,晚稻中早期深灌将增加了地下水的补给量,相反,浅灌增加了空中水蒸气补给量。

  • The water way carriers demand the new transportation way to change the present backward situation urgently .


  • On Treatment of Recycling Cooling Water by Way of Lime Softening

    石灰软化 处理循环冷却

  • On the basis of the different hydrodynamic conditions and different features rimstone dams are classified into three types that is water way model fan shaped model and round model .

    根据形成边石坝的不同水动力条件、不同的几何特征,将边石坝分为3种类型,即 水道型、扇型及圆型。

  • Clinical Study on Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure ( CRF ) with Removing Blood Stasis and Promoting Water Flow Way

    化瘀行 水法治疗慢性肾功能衰竭的临床研究

  • This time the calligraphy painting is almost completely obscured save a few brush strokes as is the brick wainscoting disappeared which has been overrun by the water sluicing way from the moat .

    这时,书法画几乎完全地被 遮掉,留下几瞥笔划,与不见的砖块壁板一样。

  • Channel development and application of mid water way


  • Experiment studies showed that : under certain water saturation water by way of wetting phase takes up much exiguous throat which makes the flow capacity of gas fell and the percolation law changed . Gas flow at low permeability gas reservoir is characteristic of starting pressure .

    实验表明:在一定的含水饱和度条件下, 作为润湿相占据了较多的细小喉道,使得气体的流动能力下降,渗流规律发生了变化,气体在低渗透气藏中渗流表现出启动压力特征。

  • Floating refuse on water way woring system

    水面 漂浮垃圾作业系统

  • Water Way Transportation in Shaanxi Province

    陕西省 水运概况

  • During the process of trenchless construction it is often inconvenient due to the bit water way matching the pump output inappropriate .

    在实际非开挖施工过程中,由于扩孔钻头 水眼大小与泵量不能够很好 匹配,给正常施工带来很大的不便。

  • The Wusong Jetty of Shanghai & A Successful Example of Regulation of water way in the River Mouth

    上海吴淞导堤&河口 航道整治的成功典范

  • This paper deduces the mode of the bit water way matching the pump output combining the construction equipment and hydraulics whose results are credible through the construction test .

    本文结合施工设备和水力学知识,理论上推导出了扩孔器钻头 水眼大小与泵量的匹配关系模型,并通过工程检验,证明了计算结果的可靠性。

  • Therefore the joint transportation of railway and water way is matured in transport structure .

    在运输结构上,通过汉江建立 联运的条件已经成熟。

  • There are abundant natural resources especially the large and fertile soil and land mine water way and waterpower ;

    美国独立战争前,自然资源丰富,尤其是土地辽阔肥沃、矿产和水力 资源充足为美国经济 发展提供了自然禀赋基础;