weigh up


  • You have to weigh up getting out maybe 30 cents down against carrying the cost of the trade on your balance sheet with no idea what might happen next said one banker .

    你必须 权衡 一下,一方面是 承受3毛钱的亏损脱手,另一方面是在资产负债表上背负这笔交易的成本,不知道接下来会发生什么,一名银行家表示。

  • French voters get an early chance to weigh up their decision in parliamentary elections next month .

    法国选民获得一个更早的机会来 掂量自己将在下个月议会选举中的决定。

  • Ask these employees afterward how they felt when they met this person and use their responses to help weigh up yours .

    事后,问一问这些员工当他们见到这个人他们如何感觉,并用他们的答复来帮助你 衡量 一下你的答复。

  • Weigh up the sugar in Jin packages .

    拆开分包 称量包一斤。

  • Can my luggage range weigh up to30 kilos ?

    我可以携带30 公斤的行李吗?

  • A pineapple can weigh up to 10 kilograms .

    波罗蜜果实的 重量大于10公斤。

  • They argue that people weigh up the health risks of smoking the possible social and psychological benefits and the fact that it is habit-forming before deciding whether to light up .

    他们证明,在人们决定是否点燃香烟前,就已经 估量 吸烟的健康风险、可能带来的社交和心理好处以及正在形成习惯的事实。

  • My recruiting sergeant weighed me up when I first walked into his office .

    当我第一次走进招募官的办公室时,他考量 我一

  • They weigh up to forty-five tons and originated 32 kilometers from the site .


  • I recently spoke to Smee and to Edwin latter director of the link cash machine network to weigh up the risks .

    我最近与斯米和link提款机网络的董事 埃德温拉特(edwinlatter)有过交流,请他们考虑这种风险。

  • The euro returned to its well-trodden downward path yesterday but equity commodity and credit markets rallied from early lows as investors continued to weigh up the implications of emergency measures aimed at stabilising the eurozone announced on Monday .

    欧元昨日再度进入近期常见的下行通道,但股票、大宗商品和信贷市场从早盘的低点反弹。投资者继续 掂量周一公布、旨在稳定欧元区的紧急措施的影响。

  • Even as pundits continue to weigh up the renminbi debating the ' IFS ' and ' buts ' and worrying about market bubbles and slowing Chinese growth the currency is being adopted apace driven by real business demand .

    尽管专家们仍在 权衡使用人民币的 利弊、争论各种“如果”和“但是”的情形、担心市场泡沫和中国经济增长放缓,但在实际商业需求的推动下,人民币正迅速被市场接纳。

  • The data also comes as policy makers weigh up regulatory changes to bank pay .

    上述数据发布之际,政策 制定正在 思考对银行业薪酬实施监管改革。

  • Google and its rivals now weigh up a number of other factors about an advert and the advertiser before deciding how much prominence to give to the message .

    目前,谷歌及其竞争对手 衡量一则广告以及广告商的许多其它因素,之后再决定给这则消息排在多显著的位置上。

  • Shareholders have to weigh up the conflicting risks and these are usually reflected in share prices during the offer period .

    股东们必须 权衡彼此冲突的风险,而这些风险通常会在竞购期间的股价上得到反映。

  • One of the key aspects of the system architect 's role is to weigh up conflicting requirements and decide on a solution often by trading off one aspect against another .

    系统架构师角色关键的一方面就是 衡量相互冲突的需求、决定解决方案,常常要牺牲一个方面来换取另一个方面。

  • In making his decision he has not only to consider the economic aspect but also weigh up all the constructional advantages and disadvantages of both tunneling and the alternative method of either passing around or over the obstruction .

    决策时,不仅要考虑经济因素,还要 权衡 开凿隧道的利弊得失,研究绕道或者跨越障碍物的可能。

  • After the Bull Elephant - which can weigh up to 5.5 tons - turned away in the stand-off over a number of seconds and the amateur filmmaker can be heard whispering : ' Everyone 's able to breathe now .

    当这头5.5吨 的公象在对峙了数秒离开后,这些业余电影制片人听到有人小声说道现在大家可以呼吸了。

  • You have to weigh up in your mind whether to pursue the matter or not .

    你心中必须 权衡 一下此事是否要继续进行。

  • But not many of them weigh up the most extreme scenarios : how would the world fare if either the flow of migrants were to slow down radically or conversely there were no legal limits on migration at all ?

    但许多人未 衡量最为极端的情景:如果移民流动彻底放缓,或飞速攀升,对移民的法律限制不复存在,那么世界移民的进展状况又将会如何?

  • He can weigh up anyone in the first few minutes and he is hardly ever deceived in a man .

    他能够在开头几分钟内就可以 掂量 一个人的好坏,而且几乎从未把人看错过。

  • Fund managers strategists and experts looking to the year ahead expect institutional investors to show a stronger interest in alternative asset classes as they watch the ongoing effects of the credit squeeze and weigh up the prospects for equity markets .

    展望今年,基金经理、策略师和投资专家预计,机构投资者将对另类资产类别表现出更大兴趣,目前它们正观察当前信贷紧缩的影响,并 评估全球股市的前景。

  • Although the ultrasonic calls are too high-pitched for the human ear to pick up the love songs allow females to weigh up the most suitable father for their offspring .

    尽管由于这发出的声音音频过高,人耳无法听到,然而这样的“歌声”却是为雌鼠提供 寻找最适合 哺育后代对象的 重要 参考 因素

  • But before laughing and jeering too much one ought to weigh up the issues raised by this statement .

    但是在大肆嘲笑之前,人们应该先 衡量 一下这份声明所提出的问题。

  • The figures come as central bankers weigh up the strength of recovery ahead of interest rate decisions in the eurozone and the UK on Thursday .

    数据发布的同时,各国央行行长们正在 考量复苏态势的强劲程度,随后欧元区和英国将于本周四公布利率决定。

  • Japan would have to weigh up various factors before making a decision to break with the US on the issue not least the finalisation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership one of the biggest trade deals in history and a visit by Mr Abe to Washington next month .

    日本在这个问题上做出与美国分道扬镳的决定之前,将不得不 权衡各种因素,包括史上最大贸易协定之一《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-PacificPartnership,简称TPP)的最终敲定,以及安倍下月访问华盛顿。

  • The thought is roughly weigh up the pleasures and pains in some appropriate way .

    只需大约 衡量 一下,快乐和痛苦。

  • Women were a little more complicated and likely to weigh up the pros and cons before settling on their choice .

    而女性则会想 多一些,她们在做决定前可能 利弊 权衡一番。

  • As the ice thickens during the winter the blocks can weigh up to twice that .

    随着冰在严冬里逐渐变厚, 冰块可以变成原来的两倍大。