wash up

[wɑʃ ʌp][wɔʃ ʌp]


  • I need to wash up .


  • Aren 't you finished with the wash up yet ?

    你还没把 餐具 吗?

  • He must wash up his hands before lunch .

    他们吃饭以前必须 洗手

  • These are provided for staff to change and wash up .

    供员工更衣和 梳洗 地方

  • If you need to wash up afterwards please use this room .

    如果您事后需要 清洗,请用这个房间。

  • Go and help wash up at the sink .

    到洗涤槽去帮忙 洗碗盘吧!

  • The girl helps her mother to wash up after dinner every day .

    女孩每天晚饭后帮妈妈 餐具

  • I 'll just go and wash up before lunch .

    午饭前,我要 洗漱 一下

  • I 'll go wash up before we eat .

    吃饭之前我要 洗手 洗脸

  • I 'm gonna um go wash up okay ?

    我现在去 洗漱,好吗?

  • I wash up quickly .

    很快地 把脸

  • It 's peter 's turn to clear away and wash up today .

    今天轮到彼得收拾桌子并 洗碗

  • It 's a good habit to wash up before a meal .

    饭前 洗手 洗脸是好习惯。

  • Tar balls continue to wash up on beaches .

    焦油球继续被 冲刷 沙滩上。

  • I ran some hot water and washed up


  • I will be with you just as soon as I wash up .

    等我 洗脸 洗手就来陪你。

  • After supper we would wash up and she 'd sit by the fire .

    晚饭后我们 餐具,而她却坐在炉边烤火。

  • My little daughter often helps me wash up .

    我的小女儿经常帮我 餐具

  • Great ! I want to wash up .

    太好了, 正好我想 一个 洗手间

  • I take my time waking up but then I wash up quickly .

    我花了一些时间起床,然后很快地 洗漱 完毕

  • Also be sure to teach her how to wipe wash up and flush when she is finished .

    同时,一定要教她如何擦拭, 清洗和冲洗时,她是完了。

  • He waited patiently for his turn to wash up .


  • Thousands of herring and crab are washed up on the beaches during every storm

    每次暴风雨过后海滩上都 留下数不尽的鲱鱼和螃蟹

  • I went through to the tiny galley to wash up .

    我走过去到小厨房里去 餐具

  • He headed to the bathroom to wash up .

    他走进洗手间去 洗漱

  • They need to wash up and rest .

    他们需要 休息一下。

  • I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates too .

    我肯定是你做的早餐并且 清洗 他们的餐具。

  • She type of person who always offers to wash up after a party .

    她是那种聚会之后总是主动提出 清洗 餐具的人。

  • Wash up and eat your breakfast Avery !


  • I shall wash up after dinner today .

    今天饭后,我要 收拾 一下