weld into

[wɛld ˈɪntu][weld ˈɪntuː]


  • However with the growth of distance from the weld the stresses gradually turn into compressive .

    随离开 焊缝距离的增加,逐渐过渡 压应力。

  • Finally the fluid flow of the weld pool was taken into account by increasing the heat conduction coefficient at elevated temperature .

    最后采用增大热传导系数的方法, 考虑池内流体流动对整个温度场的影响。

  • However the method mainly improves shape of weld toe and reduces stress collection . It is inadequate to adjust residual stress field to come into being impress stress field .

    它主要是改善 趾几何形状降低应力集中,在调节接头残余应力场方面还远远不够。

  • The results show that the crack initiates at the outer surface of the weld comer and propagates into the steel base material with a high cycle fatigue mode .

    钎焊 焊缝的枝晶间显微疏松导致的应力集中与微裂纹效应以及近焊缝 母材晶粒长大是导管早期疲劳开裂的主要原因。

  • In the metastable weld pool the distribution of elements has an obvious change that element Ni concentrative distribute between element Mg and Fe element Mg and Ni react and elements Ni and Fe would diffuse into each other to form a Fe-Ni solid solution .

    在亚稳态的 池中,各个元素的分布状态发生了明显变化,Ni元素更集中分布在Mg元素与Fe元素之间,Mg与Ni发生冶金反应,Ni与Fe相互固溶扩散。

  • Weld track system adopts video camera sensor as inspection item to inspect bevel timely and video signal processed is transmitted into bias calculation and process circuit made of single PC and then weld mis-alignment correction motor shall be driven to correct weld alignment timely .

    焊缝跟踪采用视频摄像传感器作为检测元件,实时检测坡口的棱边,视频信号经处理后 送入主要由单片机构成的偏差计算与处理电路,驱动焊缝纠偏轴电机进行焊缝的实时纠偏。

  • Finite element model including the weld and the HAZs of the welded tube in hydroforming is made by slicing the HAZ into strips with various flow stresses .

    通过对热影响区进行 片的方式,建立了包含 焊缝和热影响区的焊缝管液压胀形的有限元模拟模型。

  • Deflection electron beam welding was brought out to improve the heat input of both side dissimilar metals and the appearance of weld surface . Cu was added into the joint to prevent the intermetallic compound Fe-Al from generating .

    试验中引入偏束焊技术以解决异种金属连接时两侧 热输入不均以及 焊缝表面 成形的问题,并研究了通过 接头处添加Cu以解决 焊缝 大量Fe-Al脆性金属间化合物生成的问题。

  • Position the threaded bush and weld it into place .

    安装螺纹衬套并 焊接

  • On the base of these previous works it makes several suitable simplifications on the practical weld joints and computes the J-integral along the crack tip while working pressure crack depth and welding residual stress are taken into account .

    在此基础上,对实际的 焊接接头裂纹体模型进行了适当的简化,综合 考虑工作载荷、裂纹深度以及焊接残余应力的影响,计算了2.5mm以下裂纹深度的裂纹体裂纹尖端J积分。

  • Based on the influence of the solid shrinkage of weld seam on welding residual stress value of welding residual stress is decreased through reducing the friction resistance so the further studies on the measure through changing sliding friction into rolling friction were taken .

    根据 焊缝固态收缩对焊接残余应力形成的作用,课题组进一步研究了将滑动摩擦 滚动摩擦的方法来减轻焊件自重拘束以达到调控焊接残余应力的目的。

  • Weld structure may appear flaw wear or damage when worked under the complex and rigorous condition for a long time which eyen lead equipments into waster .


  • The effects of some factors such as friction loss crack path loss excess weld metal and variable cross-section on leakage rate are taken into consideration during the computation .

    计算过程中分别讨论了实际流道表面粗糙度引起的流道摩擦损失、 焊缝的余高、裂纹路径变化、变流道截面等因素对临界流量的影响。

  • Firstly with the weld model into ANSYS WORKBENCH mesh generation of finite element model .

    首先将带有 焊缝的模型 导入Ansysworkbench后划分网格生成有限元模型。

  • The next task is to weld the players into a force capable of maintaining the record set last year .

    下一个任务是将 运动员组成一个能够保持去年所创记录的队伍。

  • There were some oxide particle in the weld seam when the oxide fluxes was used which approve that the oxide fluxes enter into the weld seam following the convection of weld pool . 3 .

    另外,实验发现涂覆氧化物活性剂后,在 焊缝中存在一些氧化物的颗粒,说明氧化物活性剂随着熔池的流动 进入了焊接熔池。

  • Edge detection of weld seam image is an important part of vision sensing automatic seam tracking system . In this paper a new edge detection operator Canny operator is introduced into the processing of weld seam image .

    焊缝图象的边缘检测是视觉传感焊缝自动跟踪的重要部分,但目前 焊缝图象处理中使用的传统边缘检测方式存在局限性。

  • Weld a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force .

    把未经训练的一群 新兵组织 有战斗力的部队。

  • It introduced the consistent match between weld wire and weld flux in present manufacturing process of spiral submerged arc welded pipe in China also analyzed the causes of pores produced in manufacturing process of welded pipe applied into From West to East pipeline project .

    介绍了我国当前螺旋埋弧焊管制造 焊丝焊剂的匹配情况,分析了西气东输工程管线钢管制造中气孔 产生的原因。

  • The principle of the self-regulating effect is that different heat production of cathode and anode make two cores length in the arc different . The longer weld core stretching into the arc column gets more heat from the arc column to accelerate its melting .

    电弧自调节作用原理是由于两焊芯端部在弧柱区的长度不同, 伸入弧柱区中较长的 焊芯从弧柱 获得更多的热量,而加快其熔化,从而起到电弧的自调节作用。