wave length

[wev lɛŋkθ][weiv leŋθ]


  • Wave Length Restitution Changes in Ventricle Affecting the Initiation of Ventricular Fibrillation during Acute Myocardial Ischemia ; Right or Left Ventricular Tachycardia : Clinical and Electrocardiogram Characteristics

    急性缺血后心室肌 波长的整复性变化对心室纤颤发生的影响左右心室起源的阵发性室性心动过速的临床特征和心电图分析

  • This formula makes it easy to determine the wave length of sounds .

    这一公式使得求声音的 波长十分容易。

  • With this algorithm the influence of the single wave length in track spectra on ride quality can be analyzed easily and the range of sensitive track wavelengths can be precisely defined and obtained .

    运用该算法还可以方便地分析轨道谱中单一 波长对车辆运行平稳性的影响,以及定义和分析对平稳性有影响的线路敏感波长范围。

  • The effects of wave length with constant wave height rudder angle and ship speed on the deviation of turning trajectory are discussed .

    计算时考虑了 波浪漂移力,并讨论波高一定时 波长、舵角、船速对回转圈漂移的影响。

  • Na 's reagent in basic solution of iodide will become gummy compound with light red and brown color in response of NH3.Its color behaves strong absorbability in wider wave length .

    纳氏试剂在碘化汞和碘化钾的碱性溶液与氨反应生成淡红棕色胶态化合物,此颜色在较宽的 波长内具有强烈吸收。

  • X-ray wave length dispersive spectrometer

    X射线 波长色散谱仪

  • Comparison of two kinds of wave length laser in treating epistaxis of little 's area

    二种激光治疗鼻 little氏区出血的疗效观察

  • A New Method of Measuring the Grating Constant and the Wave Length

    测量光栅常数和 波长的一种新方法

  • By a quarter of wave length commutator principle combining with electromagnetic wave absorb of filling material .

    利用四分之一 波长转换器原理,结合填充材制成电磁波吸收体。

  • Application of the Electronic Counter to the Experimental Measurement of Wave Length by Michelson Interferometer

    电子计数器在迈克耳逊干涉仪测 波长实验中的应用

  • The technical problem solved by the utility model is to provide a multi wave length photo electric laser power meter .

    本实用新型要解决的技术问题是:提供一种多 波长光电激光功率计。

  • Angle of incidence and wave length for ellipsometry method were studied .

    对椭圆偏振法的入射角和 波长进行了探讨。

  • Wireless is exactly the same thing as light and heat except that its wave length is immeasurably longer .

    无线电与光和热完全一样,除了其 波长得多。

  • The classical analysis technique for ocean wave length and direction is the spectrum analysis .

    传统的 波浪 波长和方向分析技术是谱分析。

  • A multi wave length photo electric laser power meter of the utility model relates to a testing various wave lengths laser power dynamometer in the laser technical field .

    一种多 波长光电激光功率计,属于激光技术领域中涉及的一种能测试多种波长激光器功率的功率计。

  • The effects of measuring wave length addition of chromogenic agent chromogenic media acidity temperature time and interfering elements on the measured results were studied .

    研究了测量 波长、色介质、度、色剂加入量、度、间及干扰元素等对测量结果的影响。

  • Selected the suitable wave length and color conditions the trace carbamide in waste stripping liquid was determined by the colorimetry method of paradimethylaminobezaldehyde .

    通过正确选择 波长、显色条件等,使用对二甲氨基苯甲醛比色法能准确测定解析废液中微量尿素的含量。

  • This paper gave the calculation formula of minimum deviation angle of a prism and the curved relation line of minimum deviation angle varying with wave length of entrance light .

    本文给出了棱镜最小偏向角的计算公式,最小偏向角随入射光 波长变化的关系曲线。

  • If you know the frequency you can find the wave length .

    如果知道频率,就可以求出 波长

  • A green phosphor display is generally used as the human eye is most sensitive to the color green in this wave length which falls in the middle of the visible light spectrum .

    一般使用黄磷绿色显示,因为肉眼对黄磷绿色这种 波长最敏感,这种 波长位于可见光光谱中间。

  • Besides it was also found that the wave length was related to the monomer concentration as well as to the concentration of active species .

    280nm左右。此外,还发现 吸收 波长与活性种浓度和单体浓度有关。

  • We design several different aperiodic photonic quantum-well ( APQW ) structures to achieve the filter function in preassigned wave length range .

    本文的主要内容是设计几个不同的非周期量子阱来达到预设 波段的滤波器功能。

  • Each band represents a deviation of one half wave length of the applied light .

    每条光带表示所用光的一个半 波长的偏差。

  • A Method of Measuring Wave Length of Light Wave Using Metre The Chinese quartz meter system is made .

    用米尺测量 光波 波长的方法通过对石英球端面标准米尺尺长的相对测量,提出了建立我国石英米系统的可行方案;

  • Localization of large moulding board in construction of puncheon shearing force wall ; The absorption is most effective for the shorter wave length rays .

    大模板在短肢剪力墙工程施工中应用的局限性对于 短波部分来说,吸收效应尤为明显。

  • The absorption is most effective for the shorter wave length rays .

    对于 短波部分来说,吸收效应尤为明显。

  • The forward conductive voltage is related to the peak wave length of the laser ;

    正向导通电压和激光器的峰值 波长有关;

  • As the speed is constant when the frequency is increased the wave length will .

    因为速度不变,当频率增加时, 波长就会减少。

  • The wave period in shallow water keeps constant but the decrease of wave length must be calculated by alternative method .

    浅水波周期保持常值,而 波长缩减时其计算需进行迭代。