waveguide phase shifter

[电] 波导移相器

  • Study on High Power Capacity Design of Ferrite Waveguide Phase Shifter

    铁氧体 波导 移相 的高功率设计初探

  • By the aid of the phase shift-frequency characteristic the conformal transformation and the perturbation theory a new kind of compact broadband waveguide phase shifter is developed .

    借助相移-频率特性、保角变换和微扰理论,研制出了新型的宽带 移相

  • A coplanar waveguide ( CPW ) phase shifter was proposed which was double periodically loaded with BST capacitors .

    提出了一种双周期性BST电容加载共面 波导传输线的 移相 结构。

  • The Theoretical Calculation and Experimental Study Of Grooved Waveguide Ferrite Phase Shifter

    铁氧体槽 波导 移相 的理论计算与实验研究

  • This article with the appling of equation in the waveguide filled with ferrite derived the expression of input impedance of the ferrite transmission line then joined with the translate resonance technique obtained the characteristic equation of the model of the grooved waveguide phase shifter .

    利用铁氧体矩形波导中的场方程,导出了铁氧体传输段的输入阻抗表达式,结合横向谐振技术和等效导纳概念,导出了铁氧体槽 波导 移相 计算模型的特征方程。

  • By concise mathematical explanations and experimental results a new structure of latching ferrite rectangular waveguide phase shifter is first introduced in this paper .

    本文介绍了一种新型 波导结构的锁式铁氧体 移相 ,给出了简明的数学解析与实验结果。

  • Because of these merits it is used more and more widely such as broadband ridge waveguide filter broadband direct coupler diplexer frequency converter phase shifter ridge waveguide slot antenna array and so on .

    由于脊 波导本身的特点,使其得到了越来越多的应用,例如宽带脊 波导滤波器、宽带定向耦合器、双工器、变频器、 移相 、脊波导缝隙天线阵等等。

  • A study on linbo_3 channel waveguide and waveguide phase shifter

    LiNbO3条波导和 波导 的研究

  • It is suggested to adopt oversized waveguide technique in designing the phase shifter which will enlarge the cross section by 156 % thus the difficulty of manufacturing and assembling are reduced notably and the cost of phased array antennas is saved .

    本文提出在 毫米 移相 中采用过尺寸 波导,使 移相 截面尺寸增大了1.56倍,从而大大降低这种 移相 的加工、装配困难,使整个相控阵天线的成本得以降低。