



  • I humbly took my shelter under the wayside shade where every strange traveller may stand .

    我谦卑地在任何生客都可站立的 路边棚下,找个荫蔽。

  • I don 't want to see all your hard work go by the wayside .

    我不愿看见你的所有努力 付诸东流

  • And when you look at the news through that filter a lot falls by the wayside .

    我是说新闻进过上述条件过滤后,很多都会落在 一边

  • Wayside grass love the star then your dreams will come out in flowers .


  • Plus it gives you the opportunity to rekindle relationships that may have fallen to the wayside .

    此外,它提供了一个机遇,让你可以重燃彼此间的关系,否则你们的关系可能和 路人 无异

  • Most people fall by the wayside .

    大多数人 半途而废

  • We 've seen some potential competitors fall by the wayside .

    我们看到有些潜在竞争对手 中途 退出

  • When this happens you lose your feeling of accomplishment and you fall by the wayside .

    如果这样,你会失去成就感, 半途而废

  • We spent the night in a wayside inn .

    我们在一家 路边的旅店过夜。

  • Now even the whole paycheck moniker may fall by the wayside .

    如今,“ 全薪光”的绰号可能要成为 过去了。

  • Under evil social influence some young people fell by the wayside .

    有些青年在社会不良 风气的影响下 堕落下去。

  • In the mid 70s Morrison planned a comedy album . The project fell by the wayside .

    70年代中期莫里森打算出部喜剧专辑。该计划后来 夭折了。

  • Amateurs fall by the wayside when the going gets tough

    业余爱好者遇到困难时往往 半途而废

  • That we sit sometimes in the wayside nook .

    我们这 机会坐在 路边角落里。

  • I like the wayside floret .

    我喜欢 路边的小花。

  • There are guides and wayside inns along the road .

    沿途 有向导和 客店我们预备着。

  • This meant our proposal fell by the wayside .

    这意味着,波兰的提议 半途而废

  • A lot of managers have fallen by the wayside because they do not have that ability .

    很多经理被 淘汰是因为他们没有这种能力。

  • HOW PURE Platero and how beautiful is this flower by the wayside !


  • The boys tried to make a 50-mile hike but most of them fell by the wayside .

    孩子们原想徒步行走50英里,但大多数都 半途而废了。

  • They let prevention fall by the wayside .

    它们使预防工作 半途而废

  • Google can no longer afford to let promising ideas fall by the wayside .

    谷歌可不能再浪费好 点子了。

  • Albert Gore Jr. apparently ready to fall by the wayside ? he can focus on Jesse Jackson one-on-one .

    在那儿-戈尔参议员已经差不多 淘汰了-他可以集中精力一对一与杰克逊周旋。

  • In the wayside under the tree sits the beggar .


  • They will not be left by the wayside to fall in vain .

    他们不会被徒然留在 路边 跌倒。

  • Look at what they 're leaving by the wayside .

    看他们在 路边留下什么了。

  • Can cultivate at curtilage or wayside .

    可以种植于庭园或 路旁

  • Economic downturn increases the risk that people will neglect care with prevention falling by the wayside .

    经济下滑加剧了人们忽视卫生保健的风险,预防工作更是 大受影响。

  • The train stopped at some wayside halt .

    火车在某个 路边 小站停了下来。