weak signal

[wik ˈsɪɡnəl][wi:k ˈsiɡnəl]


  • The measuring system is composed of instrumental amplifier AD623 and transmitter XTR115 to amplify weak signal and transmit current loop signal .

    本应变测量系统由仪表放大器AD623和电压电流变送器XTR115构成,实现 信号放大和电流环信号传输。

  • Once kidney disease progress to the medium-term the body will be issued some weak signal .

    肾脏病一旦进展到中期,身体会发出一些 微弱 信号

  • Wave spectrum measuring using Doppler spectra of microwave The weak signal in laser clutter background can be detected by means of the prediction error .

    海面波谱的微波信号多普勒谱反推法研究利用预测误差检测到激光杂波中的有用 信号

  • The transmission of weak signal in one-way coupled Hodgkin-Huxley neural system


  • A stable programme control exciter and weak signal pickup circuits are designed and a16 channels magnetic induction tomography hardware system is finally completed .

    设计并实现了稳定的程控激励源和 信号检测电路,完成了一个16通道的磁感应断层成像硬件系统。

  • This thesis is mainly concerned with problems of weak signal detection based on chaos and chaotic A / D converter .

    本文主要研究了基于混沌的 信号检测和混沌A/D转换器两个问题。

  • Weak Signal De-noising Based on Accumulated Average in Time-domain and Multi-resolution Analysis Methods

    基于时域积累平均和小波多分辨率分析方法的 信号去噪

  • Under weak signal environments bit synchronization is very important and difficult in GPS receiver design .


  • In accordance with the requirements in the test of a certain magnetoelectric angle sensor weak signal acquisition and analysis system based on DAQ2204 data acquisition card is introduced .

    针对某型号磁电式角度传感器的测试要求,设计了一种基于DAQ2204数据采集卡的 微弱 信号采集与分析系统。

  • Finally it researches the general design of system design and finish a amplified circuit of weak signal .

    最后对系统的总体设计进行了研究,并设计和实现了一种 微弱 信号的放大电路。

  • However nothing is perfect and sometimes you may lose your connection or experience a weak signal .

    然而,天底下没有十全十美的,有时你可能失去你的经验方面还是 信号

  • Study on Weak Signal Detection Method Based on External Excitation Chaotic Oscillator

    外激励型混沌振子 微弱 信号检测方法研究

  • When exploring and researching on macroscopical and microcosmic world the weak signal detection is needed .

    己们反在探索研讨微观和微观世界中,常常须要检测 信号

  • By using closed-loop feedback circuit weak signal can be picked up from noisy background .

    采用闭环反馈电路,可使系统从环境大噪声中提取出 微弱 信号

  • Study on the Weak Signal Detection Approaches Based on the Specific Chaotic System

    基于特定混沌系统的 微弱 信号检测方法研究

  • Research of Weak Signal Extraction and Transmission Technology Based on Low Voltage Power Line in Underground Coal Mine

    基于低压电力线煤矿 井下 信号提取和传输关键技术研究

  • The proposed method excellently solves the technical problem that common instrument is difficult to detect weak signal .

    这种方法很好地解决了通用仪器难于检测 微弱 信号的技术不足。

  • Research on the theory and application of stochastic resonance in weak signal detection


  • The basic principle of stochastic resonance ( SR ) in weak signal detection was introduced .

    阐述了应用随机共振对 微弱 信号进行检测的原理。

  • The weak signal in laser clutter background can be detected by means of the prediction error .

    利用预测误差检测到激光杂波中的有用 信号

  • Pulsar Weak Signal Periodicity Detection Based on Discrete Square Wave Transform

    基于离散方波变换的脉冲星 微弱 信号周期性检测

  • Improvement and comparison of weak signal detection based on chaotic oscillator

    基于混沌振子 微弱 信号检测的改进与比较

  • Method of weak signal detecting based on periodic region of chaotic oscillator

    基于混沌振子周期区域的 微弱 信号检测方法

  • Application and Research on Weak Signal Detection by LOD for DS / SS

    LOD在直扩系统 微弱 信号检测中的应用与研究

  • Biorthogonal spline wavelet may work for the identification of its weak signal .

    双正交样条小波可实现对其 信号的分辨。

  • The method that combine the cumulative average and multi-resolution analysis in wavelet transform was presented which can de-noise the weak signal collected from the sensor .

    提出了对传感器采集到的 微弱 信号进行累加平均和小波变换中的多分辨率分析方法相结合去噪。

  • Study of weak signal detection based on chaotic oscillator and wavelet theory

    基于混沌振子和小波理论检测 微弱 信号的研究

  • A new micro-ampere detector which uses the data amplifier to enlarge the weak signal is developed according to the principle of the ampere detection and the potentiostat .

    根据安培检测和恒电位器原理,利用数据放大器采集放大 微弱 信号,研制了一种新型微安培检测器。

  • The detection of weak signal by wavelet theory and the method of chaotic oscillator are analyzed .

    分析了小波理论和混沌振子检测 微弱 信号的方法。

  • Study on reliability of chaotic oscillator in weak signal detection ;

    针对窄带极化雷达系统,本文研究了 微弱 信号的检测问题。