wear hollow

[wɛr ˈhɑlo][wɛə ˈhɔləu]


  • Tear-and - wear and protection of hollow shaft of ball mill

    球磨机 空心大轴 磨损分析及处理方法

  • With the oil field exploitation the well liquid water content rising eccentric wear between sucker rod and tubing intensified the hollow sucker rod pumping is the effective way to solve the problem .

    随着油田的逐步开采,井液含水量不断上升,抽油杆与油管之间的偏 不断加剧,采用无油管 空心抽油杆采油是解决上述问题的有效技术途径。

  • Evolutional rule of wear trace wavelength and wave hollow from calculation of boundary layer parameter are deduced . A new thread of researches in erosion wear is provided .

    通过对边界层参数的计算推论 波长和波深演变规律,提出了冲蚀磨损机理新的研究思路。