



  • The shadows of the dancers wavered continually

    舞者的身影在 轻轻 晃动

  • I 'm afraid my concentration began to waver as lunch approached .

    随着午餐时间的临近,恐怕我的注意力开始 分散了。

  • This is a set state policy of China that will never waver or change .

    这是中国确定的国策,不会 动摇不会改变。

  • You will never succumb to challenges and hardships ; you will never waver in your pursuit of excellence .

    你将永远不会屈服于挑战和困难,你绝不会 动摇你的追求卓越。

  • While stressing that America would not apologise for its values and way of life or waver in its fight against terrorism Mr Obama signalled a new desire to work with other nations .

    尽管奥巴马强调美国将不会为其价值观和生活方式道歉,同时不会在对抗恐怖主义的斗争中 退缩,但他表明了一种与其他国家合作的新意愿。

  • I will not waver I will not walk away I will get on with the job and I will finish the work .

    我不会 犹豫不会 退缩,我将继续工作,我将完成这项工作。

  • Today on the streets of Montreal opinion seems still to waver

    今日在蒙特利尔的街头巷尾, 人们的意见仍 摇摆

  • We will not waver in their pursuit .

    我们对这些人的追捕绝不 动摇

  • So each year at this time we renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this barbaric act of terror and who continue to plot against us – for we will never waver in defense of this nation .

    因此,每年的这个时候,我们都再次重申我们对那些对我们犯下野蛮恐怖暴行和一直密谋与我们对抗的人的决心&我们永远不会在保卫国家上 有所 动摇

  • She draws another wavering breath .

    她颤抖着又吸了 口气

  • We will not apologize for our way of life nor will we waver in its defense .

    我们不会为我们的生活方式而道歉,更不会 动摇捍卫 和平 决心

  • This last consideration made him waver .

    想到最后这一点,使他有 动摇了。

  • In their memory in their name we will never waver .

    在他们的记忆里,以他们的名义,我们永不会 动摇

  • Some military commanders wavered over whether to support the coup

    军队的一些指挥官在 犹豫是否支持政变

  • It moved slowly and steadily and did not waver up or down .

    它慢慢地稳步移动,没有上下 摇摆

  • As the music slows his mood seems to waver .

    舞曲放慢了节奏,儿子的情绪似乎也 开始 摇摆

  • We will never waver in this position .

    这个立场是不会 动摇的。

  • You know the time has come to get that sorted and you can 't waver and procrastinate any longer .

    你知道现在是整顿的时候了,你已经无法再 动摇和拖延。

  • I wouldn 't have taken him for a waver .

    如果是我,我不认为他是在 犹豫

  • Your commitment must not waver .

    你们的承诺不能 动摇

  • This time his voice wavered badly

    这次他声音 得厉害。

  • Coleman has never wavered in his claim that he is innocent


  • The disaster caused him to waver in his faith .

    这场灾难使他的信仰发生了 动摇

  • No setbacks can make him waver .

    任凭什么挫折都不能使他 动摇

  • You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence .

    你绝不会 动摇你追求卓越的 脚步

  • Jim began to waver .

    吉姆开始 动摇了。

  • He told wavering colleagues the country must back the Government 's stance .

    他告诉 那些 犹豫不决的同僚们,国家必须支持政府的立场。

  • This is not easy so we can not waver .

    这是不容易的,所以我们不能 动摇

  • This caused them to waver in their faith .

    使他们的信仰 动摇了。

  • Then we can 't let that faith waver now .

    然后我们不能 动摇这份信任。