wave propagation

[wev ˌprɑpəˈɡeʃən][weiv ˌprɔpəˈgeɪʃən]


  • On the basis of this the simulating process of electromagnetic wave propagation in multi-layer media is proposed .

    多层复合隐身材料的设计基础是 电磁场与物质 相互作用的 宏观电磁理论。

  • Numerical study on effect of joints on blasting wave propagation in rock mass ;

    在实验的基础上,研究了电磁场对瓦斯爆炸过程中 火焰 传播和爆炸 的影响。

  • By means of fluid model and linear field theory the dispersion equation of the electromagnetic wave propagation along a cylindrical waveguide filled with an infinitely thin annular plasma .

    利用等离子体流体模型和线性场理论,分别导出了无限薄环形等离子体填充圆柱波导和无限薄环形等离子体填充 波纹 波导中的色散关系。

  • The finite element method was used to calculate elastic wave propagation in the medium .

    本文采用有限元素法计算弹性 在介质中的 传播

  • Characteristics of wave propagation in grouted rockbolt were investigated with numerical simulation experimental measurement and theoretical analysis .

    用理论分析、数值模拟和实验测试的方法研究了自由锚杆和锚固锚杆中的 传播特性。

  • The coherence bandwidth of shortwave channel is calculated by using the density profile and wave propagation features in ionosphere .

    从该电子密度模式和电离层 传播特性出发确定多径分量,计算短波信道相干带宽。

  • Study of Crack Distribution Effects on Sound Wave Propagation in Basalt

    玄武岩中裂隙分布形式对 声波 传播的影响

  • Based on wave propagation theory the wave solution of a simply supported beam with a crack is investigated .

    基于 结构 振动 传播理论,讨论了在简谐力作用下,裂纹简支梁的弯曲波动解。

  • Earth-ionosphere waveguide radio wave propagation for the production and transmission of radio broadcasts .

    地-电离层波导 电波 传播广播制造和传送的地方。

  • Numerical simulation and experimental testing are used to study wave propagation characteristics in grouted rock bolt .

    采用数值模拟和实验模拟的方法对锚杆–锚固体系中的 波动特征进行研究。

  • This paper studies the rule of diffraction generated when the electromagnetic wave propagation falls across barriers .

    研究了电磁 遇到障碍物而产生 绕射的规律。

  • Study on Some Problems Related to Wave Propagation in the Troposphere and Ionosphere

    对流层与电离层中 电波 传播的相关问题研究

  • The theory of elastic wave propagation in damaged media was studied .

    对弹性 在损伤介质中的 传播理论进行研究。

  • Secondly the relation between longitudinal wave propagation velocity and resin-bonded stiffness of full length anchoring bolt is simulated .

    然后模拟 纵波在全长锚固锚杆内 传播速度与树脂-围岩粘结刚度之间的关系;

  • By one-dimensional theoretical analysis and two-dimensional finite element simulation the stress wave propagation through a thin plate sandwiched between two bars is investigated .

    采用一维理论分析和二维有限元模拟,研究了杆中嵌入薄板的应力 传播 行为

  • Analysis is made on wave propagation in soils under high speed train loads by two-dimensional finite element method .

    基于有限元法分析了地铁运行引起的土的 波动 特性

  • Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Characteristics in Anisotropic Left-handed Materials

    电磁 在各向异性左手介质中的 传播特性

  • In this paper the elastic wave propagation in honeycomb materials is investigated based on the dispersion relations .

    通过研究蜂窝材料的弹性 频散关系,分析了其 弹性 传播 特性

  • Optical wave propagation in turbulent atmosphere

    光波在湍流大气中的 传播

  • Earth-ionosphere waveguide radio wave propagation the iridescent internal layer of a mollusk shell .

    地-电离层波导 电波 传播软体动物甲壳的内层,呈彩虹色。

  • The wave propagation in perhaps the most general model of a poroelastic medium is discussed .

    讨论了弹性多孔介质 中波 传播的(或许是)最一般的模型。

  • In this paper the wave propagation characteristics of infinite cylindrical shells with circumferential surface crack are investigated .

    研究了 振动 在含有环向表面裂纹的无限长圆柱壳中的 传播特性。

  • The wave propagation along axis direction in piezoelectric hollow cylinder is studied .

    对压电圆柱壳体 内波的轴向 传播进行了研究。

  • Stress Wave Propagation Model and Simulation in Non-destructive Testing of Wood

    木材无损检测中的应力 传播建模和仿真

  • Verification and application of the improved numerical model for nonlinear wave propagation

    改进的非线性 传播数值模型的验证和应用

  • When electrical parameter is changd by wet tunnel wall electromagnetic wave propagation attenuation will vary .

    摘要矿井隧道壁湿润会引起电参数改变,从而使电磁 传播衰减率发生变化。

  • A special integration scheme for partition of unity finite element method for short wave propagation in solids ;

    提出了固体中 短波 传播 数值 模拟的单位分解有限元法。

  • Plane Wave Propagation in One-Dimensional Quasi-periodic phononic Crystals ;

    研究了 声波在一维准周期系统中的 传播问题。

  • Analysis of influence of boundary conditions on cylindrical shell dynamics based on wave propagation approach

    基于 传播方法的边界条件对圆柱壳振动特性的影响分析

  • By using FEM the wave propagation in soil is comprehensively studied and the FEM model is established .

    本文从实用角度用有限元法研究了地基中的 波动问题,建立了地基 波动的有限元分析模型;