wave path

[wev pæθ][weiv pɑ:θ]


  • The difficulties of multi-component seismic data processing are converted wave dissymmetrical ray path and anisotropy .

    多分量资料处理的主要困难是转换 波非对称性射线 路径和地层各向异性等因素造成的。

  • The seismic wave path in layered medium is related to the velocity in layers and the occurrence of subsurfaces it is related to the initial orientation of the rays also .

    层状介质中地震 传播 路径与各层介质的速度、界面产状及射线初始方向有关。

  • As the main new trails of the thesis firstly we used the Double Propagation Wave algorithm to find path on grid model in 3-D space .

    作为论文的创新部分,首先将双 传播算法推广到三维空间 栅格环境中。

  • The relationship between the drought and excessive rain in Jiang-huai Valley and the features of the meridional wave train path

    江淮流域旱涝与大气遥相关经向 波列 路径特征的相关关系

  • Research on Several Electromagnetic ( Optical ) Wave Propagation Problems on Earth-space Path in Troposphere Atmosphere

    对流层地&空 路径电磁(光) 传播的若干问题研究

  • Calculate sound wave propagation path by numerical simulation reconstruct two dimensional temperature distribution in furnace by acoustic CT algorithm by taking account the refraction of sound wave the result shows that accuracy of reconstructed temperature field is improved .

    论文通过数值模拟的方法计算 声波在炉膛中传播的折射 路径,利用声学CT算法重建炉膛断面二维温度分布,结果表明考虑声波折射后,声学测温技术二维温度场重建精度得到提高。

  • First of all with the advancing of national sustainable development strategy and the rising of green economic wave many enterprises go on the path of green development so it is quite necessary to have scientific theories and methods of enterprise green development strategy for direction .

    首先,随着国家可持续发展战略的提出和绿色经济 浪潮的兴起,许多企业纷纷走向绿色发展的 轨道 上来,因此亟需科学的企业绿色发展理论和方法的指导。

  • It is concluded that studying the compensation method of seismic wave absorption and attenuation along its propagation path is more precise and closed to the real conditions than available single-trace compensation technique as a conventional or fundamental method .

    因此,除了研究常规的单道吸收与衰减补偿方法外,研究沿地震 传播 路径的吸收与衰减补偿方法更接近真实情况,补偿更准确。

  • This text has counted the electric wave propagation path loss of street in one kind of typical rule range urban area and reaches calculation data fairly with the measured data in the document . Then calculate and analyze electric wave propagation 's characteristic in urban area .

    本文计算了一种典型的规则排列城市环境中街道的 电波传播 路径损耗,并与文献中实测及计算数据比较,然后对一种非规则城市环境的电波传播特性进行了分析计算。

  • Wave propagation prediction plays an important role in modern wireless communication system . Accurate prediction of wave propagation path loss provides necessary conditions for planning and design microcellular wireless network .

    电波传播预测在现代无线通信系统中扮演着极其重要的角色,精确预测 电波传播 路径损耗为合理的微蜂窝无线网络规划、设计提供了必要条件。

  • Measuring of Mobile Communications Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Path Loss

    移动通信 电波 路径损耗的测试

  • Propagation model are used to predict the path loss on the radio wave path . Different model has different propagation path loss formula although classical propagation models have considerable general applicability but they need a detailed analysis for the specific environment .

    传播模型是对无线 电波 传播 过程中的路径损耗进行预测,不同的传播模型有不同的路径损耗公式,经典传播模型虽具有相当大的普遍适用性,但是对于具体环境需具体分析。

  • When occur line failure lightning lightning strike point and the point of failure positional relationship will make the traveling wave propagation path .

    当线路发生故障性雷击时雷击点与故障点的不同位置关系又会使 行波的传播 路径变得不同。

  • Research on electromagnetic wave propagation models of the path loss in wireless communication system

    无线通信系统中 电波传播 路径损耗模型研究

  • For UAV SAR a motion compensation method based on wave path difference of significant point were proposed this method starting from the principle of azimuth compression can compensate echo phase error accurately by Interpolation .

    针对无人机载SAR的特点,提出了基于 显点 差的运动补偿方法,从方位向压缩原理入手,利用插值可以比较精确的补偿各回波的相位误差。

  • The reflection wave affection through the propagation path need to be considered when designing the LMDS system .

    因此在进行LMDS系统设计时要考虑传播 路径上可能的反射 影响。

  • The algorithm is realized with VC + + 6.0 in this paper . This paper has counted the electric wave propagation path loss in a microcellular environment model and the results verify the validity of the ray tracing method .

    本文采用VC++6.0作为算法的开发平台,编程实现了该算法,并建立小区环境模型,对 电波传播 路径损耗进行计算,并对结果进行了分析,验证了该射线跟踪算法的有效性。

  • In wireless communication the relative movement between the transmitter and the receiver may cause the change of the electromagnetic wave propagation path thus makes the channel become a random time-variety channel .

    在无线通信中,发射机和接收机之间的相对移动会造成 电波传播 路径的改变,从而使信道变成随机时变信道。

  • For a received signal-level variation in wide-band transmission is about 10 dB and is influenced by received bandwidth arrived wave number and path length difference .

    根据仿真结果,可知宽带接收系统的信号电平变化约为10dB,信号电平的分布受到传播模式中的接收带宽、 达波数、 路径差的影响。

  • The wave ray path equation is obtained and the wave-action density is conserved following a wave . They agree well with the observational results and give a simple interpretation of the horizontal wavelike structure of the low-frequency fluctuations .

    得到了 射线 路径方程,导出了波作用密度守恒关系和波动能量密度变化方程,这与观测结果是一致的,并给出了低频振荡水平波状结构的简单解释。

  • The problem of the seismic wave travel path in the nonhomogeneous medium is often mentioned in seismic sequence analysis by means of rapid ray tracing .

    在地震层析研究中,常常涉及地震 在非均匀介质中的传播 路径问题,故快速射线追踪是不可缺少的工具。

  • The result shows that there are obvious polarization anomalies which could be due to the lateral heterogeneity of the lower crust and uppermost mantle velocity structure in the wave propagation path .

    结果显示Love 的传播呈现明显的有规律的偏离大圆 路径的异常,地壳-上地幔速度结构显著的横向不均匀性可能是造成这些偏振异常的主要原因。

  • Study of the scintillation for optical wave propagation in the slant path through the atmospheric turbulence by considering the inner scale effect

    考虑内尺度效应时光 闪烁的斜 传输研究

  • That energy for change is sweeping the world and with the intent of the people it is going to be like a tidal wave washing away everything in its path .

    这转变的能量正在席卷全球,带着全体人民的意愿,它就像 海啸 一般冲洗每件挡在 路上 障碍

  • First the method determines the fault line according to natural frequency or the distribution of the transient traveling wave signal accurately and then the natural frequency that reflects traveling wave propagation path including fault point is used to compute the fault distance accurately .

    该方先根据暂态行波信号的固有频率值或分布情况准确地判断故障线路,然后利用反映包含故障点的 行波传播 路径的固有频率对故障距离进行准确计算。

  • In the satellite doppler positioning the observations are discarded when the elevation of the satellite is under ten degrees . Thus the buckled parts of wave path do not effect on the positioning accuracy for the order of meter magnitude and then can be neglected .

    在卫星多普勒定位中,抛弃了卫星的仰角低于10°的观测资料,因此, 弯曲不影响米级定位精度,可以忽略。

  • The results reveal that the transmissive wave is the dominant wave for path propagation in ground-sky communication .

    结果表明,在地空通信中,透射波乃是 路径传播的主 ,lateral 在高空的远场问题中可以忽略。

  • It presents WDM system expansion solution that is adding 10 Gbit / s wave path or replacing 2.5 Gbit / s with 10 Gbit / s in 8 / 16x2.5 Gbit / s WDM system including WDM terminal equipment transformation solution applied techniques and testing items .

    对在原有8/16×2.5Gbit/s 分复用系统中增加或替换少量 10Git/s波道的扩容技术作了介绍,如波分复用终端设备改造方案,扩容工程所应用的技术及测试项目等。