weak evidence

[wik ˈɛvɪdəns][wi:k ˈevidəns]

[法] 不充分的证据

  • Growth and underlying inflation have been relentlessly weak providing clear evidence that demand in the eurozone is faltering .

    近期增长和基础通胀率一直 疲弱,提供了有关欧元区需求不振的明确 证据

  • TCM stagnant from the selected 120 patients with peptic ulcer heat of liver and stomach type to account for 34.17 % 30.83 % disharmony of liver and evidence and weak evidence spleen 24.17 % as well as 10.83 % stomach yin deficiency . 2 .

    结果1.所选120例消化性溃疡中医分型中肝胃郁热证占34.17%、肝胃不和证 30.83%、脾胃 虚弱(寒)证24.17%、胃阴不足证10.83%。

  • Don Evans former US Commerce Secretary and head of the financial services forum said the weak yen was clearly helping Japanese exporters but there was no evidence of currency manipulation .

    美国前商务部长、现任金融服务论坛(financialservicesforum)主席埃文斯(donaldevans)指出, 弱势日元显然帮助了日本出口商,但“没有 证据”表明日本操纵了汇率。

  • His own earlier research in a Greek population provided weak evidence in favor of the nap hypothesis but another larger study conducted in Costa Rica failed to show an association .

    他自己在希腊人群中进行的前期研究给出了 微弱 证据支持午睡设想,但是另外一个在哥斯达黎加人中进行的大型研究没有显示两者有联系。

  • When handling current Two Robs One Steal cases in the street some investigators can not collect definite and sufficient evidence because of weak evidence so it does not reach the requirement of criminal procedure law .

    在办理街面两抢一盗现行案件时,有些侦查人员在侦查讯问中,因为 证据 意识 ,所收集的证据不确实、充分,达不到《刑事诉讼法》的要求。

  • Weak points and Evaluation on Legal Evidence System Based on Cases & On Article 27 of Stipulations on Civil Economical Trial Reforms Issued by the Supreme Court

    从个案看法定 证据制度的 缺陷及其评价&兼论最高人民法院《关于民事经济审判方式改革问题的若干规定》第27条

  • The studies provide weak evidence that photosensitizing plants can be effective in conjunction with phototherapy and moderate evidence that Ginkgo biloba monotherapy can be useful for vitiligo .

    对于光敏植物联合光疗法的效果,这些研究并不能提供 充足 证据,不过对于单独采用银杏治疗白癜风的证据恰当。

  • From the course of development hyperthyroidism early multiple empirical heat syndrome gradually revealed weak side this is evidence of the actual situation mixture . 3 .

    从病程发展而言,甲亢初期多实证、热证,渐而显露正 的一面,久病则多虚实夹杂之

  • Specifically because there is a direct interest between the accomplices the probative force of their testimonies is generally weak and thus circumstantial evidence is needed .

    具体来说, 同案共犯之间由于存在直接利害关系,其 口供在一般情况下需要补

  • The approach gives moderate evidence in support of the Dirac phenomenology picture of strong attractive Lorentz scalar and repulsive Lorentz vector optical potentials but provides weak evidence for decreasing vector meson masses in medium .

    这个方法给出了支持强吸引的Lorentz标量和推斥的Lorentz矢量光学势的Dirac唯象图像的适当证据。对介质中减少的矢量介子质量,这个方法提供了 证据

  • Weak arguments evidence argue in order to convince or persuade sb

    说服 的论据、 证据.为说服某人而与之理论

  • The case is weak because it is based on the very little real evidence .

    这一案例没有 说服 ,因为它的真实 证据非常少。

  • Exist in law enforcement law enforcement is weak ; difficult to define the boundaries of the law enforcement area ; law enforcement object liquidity ; difficult issues such as preservation of evidence .

    在执法过程中存在执法 力量 薄弱;执法区域边界界定难;执法对象流动性强; 证据保存难等问题。

  • The rule of corroboration what is called be to refer to insuring the true of entity through getting evidently weak evidence removing a certificate becomes final decision alone and set a limit for requiring corroborating evidence .

    所谓证据补强规则,是指通过排除证明力显然 薄弱 证据单独成为定案根据,限定需要补强证据的证明力,以确保案件的实体真实。

  • A weak market for autos is chief evidence to the state of trouble in ~ trade .

    汽车市场的 景气 表明零售业情况不佳的主要 标志