


  • In this test the motor power is indicated on a wattmeter but the major part is backed off electrically .

    在这项实验中,马达功率指示在 瓦特 上,但是其主要部分被电补偿。

  • The meter with which we check power is a wattmeter .

    我们用来检查功率的仪表是 瓦特

  • It discusses briefly the technologic specification and test project during the field test of electronic wattmeter according to the state technology norm and test experience and puts forward the better advices and problems to the test project of the field test of electronic wattmeter .

    根据国家相关的技术规范及现场工作经验,对电 现场 校准的技术要求、检定项目作了简要的探讨,并对电 表现场校准工作提出建议及应注意的问题。

  • Since the sum of these two power components can be obtained by the usually used two Wattmeter method then the components can be Separated .

    功率分量之和可由通常采用的二 瓦特 法获得,于是 序功率分量即可析离开来。

  • Using Status and Prospect of Advance - payment Card Wattmeter

    预付费 的使用状况和前景

  • Multiplexing data acquisition technique of wattmeter is researched the data output pulse characteristic of wattmeter is analyzed a new type of data acquisition and test system with modern microcomputer measurement and control technology is developed .

    针对 多路数据实时采集技术进行了深入的研究和探讨,分析了电能表数据输出的脉冲特性,采用现代微机检测与控制技术开发了一种新型的数据采集和检测系统;

  • Circuit Design of New Wattmeter with Digital Display

    一种新型 电网数显 功率 的电路设计

  • The SWR wattmeter application in short-wave communication system is considered .

    阐述了 驻波 功率 在短波通信中的应用。

  • The remote simple substation realized electric quantity collection through designing and rebuilding the existing wattmeter transmission approach and key station .

    对现有 电表、传输途径、主站系统进行设计改造实现远距离简易变电所电量采集。

  • Application of new technology in microprocessor sampling wattmeter

    微机采 样式 功率 中新技术的应用

  • Selection of Wattmeter and Reduction of Line Loss


  • Discussion on application of low power factor wattmeter

    低功率因数 瓦特 应用的有关问题的探讨

  • Design of a Digital Wattmeter Used for Testing Gyroscope

    陀螺仪测量用数字式 功率 的设计

  • A Method to Measure Resistence of Large Ground Grid & Wattmeter Method

    测量大型地网接地电阻的方法& 瓦特

  • Development of electric shovel data management system based on IC wattmeter

    基于IC卡 电表的电铲数据管理系统的研制

  • This law is not only suited to two-wattmeter method but also to one wattmeter case .

    该规律不限于二瓦特计法,对仅用一块 读数时也适用。

  • The Research on a Multifunctional Intelligence Wattmeter with Functions of Reactive Power Compensation and Dividing Time Quantum

    多功能智能 无功补偿分时段 的研究

  • With real examples calculation methods of incremental mode PID in automatic systems were explained ; design flow and some reference programs of feedback control precision adjust in < Ampere meter Voltmeter Wattmeter and Ohmmeter Automatic Calibration System > was also described .

    以实例说明增量式PID算法在自动化测试系统中的计算方法以及在《三表自动化计量检定系统》 中小 量程的反馈控制精度调节的设计流程和部分参考程序。

  • 781 . With a clatter the flatterer shattered the chattering wattmeter in the chaos .

    781.当啷一声,马屁精在混乱中打碎了格格 作响 瓦特

  • In order to test the transducers effect a digital wattmeter system is designed and made .

    为了验证所设计的传感器的效果,本文设计并制作了数字式的 系统的 硬件 电路

  • The Research of Sampling Wattmeter with More Wide Bandwidth

    具有较宽频带的取 样式 瓦特 的研究

  • Study On the Manufacture & Management Network System for an Enterprise of Kilo - Wattmeter


  • The paper presents a practical method of digital wattmeter based on microcomputer and software .

    本文介绍了一种基于微机的软件化数字 功率 的实现方法。

  • A virtual reality high-voltage low-power-factor wattmeter based on current-comparator

    基于电流比较器的虚拟高压低功率因数 瓦特

  • The truncation error caused by non-continuous sampling timer is one of the main factors influencing the measurement accuracy of sampling wattmeter .

    采样定时间隔非连续可调导致的截断误差是影响取样 瓦特 测量精度的主要因素之一。在 基础上。

  • Multiplexing Data Acquisition Technique Research Based on Wattmeter

    基于 的多路数据采集技术的研究

  • Compensated calculating method of angle error of sampling Wattmeter

    样式 功率 相角误差的补偿算法

  • A Study on Power Frequency Wattmeter Based on Double Three Slope Principle

    基于双重三斜原理的新型 工频功率 的研究

  • Relay type recording wattmeter direct writing electromagnetic oscillograph

    继电器计记录 瓦特 直接记录式电磁示波器

  • This paper presents principles circuit design and error analysis of a virtual reality high-voltage low-power-factor wattmeter based on current-comparator .

    分析了以电流比较器为基础的虚拟高压低功率因数 瓦特表的工作原理和电路,并讨论了其误差。