



  • It should be very interesting to watch the political sparks fly as the W3C tries to extract something coherent from this welter .

    观赏这样的政治争斗非常有趣,因为W3C可以尝试着从这种 混乱中获取相关的 利益

  • Soldiers fought and died in a welter of blood and bullets .

    士兵在 血泊和枪林弹雨中作战、死亡。

  • Too Many aspiring champions in the cruel welter of the training camps had practised this Man-eating attack on him .

    过去在训练场的残酷 战斗里, 不知有多少雄心勃勃的 拳手都在他身上练习过这种吃人的攻击。

  • They will tell you how much skill and experience it takes to field countless questions and handle a welter of diverse personalities every hour of the day .

    他们会告诉你每日里要 满地 解答数不清的问题、接待 难以 的不同 客户,这需要多少技巧和经验。

  • In a welter of more than forty young people 's blood I can barely see hear or breathe so what can I say ?

    四十多个青年的血, 洋溢在我的周围,使我艰 呼吸 视听那里还能有什么言语?

  • Asking for ideas is fine if done correctly ( hint : it helps to ask the right questions ) but too often what companies get is a welter of impractical suggestions that just clutter up the system .

    如果运作得当(提示:提出正确的问题确实大有裨益),问 不失为可行之 。但实际上, 很多公司得到的创意往往是一 乱麻,根本不切实际,只会搅乱现有的体系。

  • And through all this welter of change and development your mission remains fixed determined inviolable : it is to win our wars .

    尽管 世界 风云变换,你们的使命始终未变,神圣不可侵犯:打赢战争。

  • Certainly not the way G20 leaders fawned over Barack Obama while announcing a welter of measures largely irrelevant to the immediate problem of the global recession including a clampdown on tax havens bonuses and big hedge funds .

    当然不是20国集团(g20)领导人讨好奥巴马的方式,同时宣布了一 大堆与全球衰退这一最紧迫问题几乎毫不相干的措施,包括打击避税天堂、奖金和大型对冲基金。

  • No she didn 't want her children raised in this welter of hate and uncertainty of bitterness and violence lurking just below the surface of poverty and grinding hardships and insecurity .

    不,她决不愿意让她的孩子们在 充满仇恨和不安、酝酿着暴力和痛苦,陷于贫穷、苦难和危险的一 混乱 之中 成长

  • Magnetism roller feeder technique can aggrandize mix material apiece group whereabouts difference and can aggrandize mix material drop section breadth and can mix material grain assume welter state and sequence series state arrange .

    通过对磁性辊布料技术的研究发现:磁性辊布料可以增大混合料各组分下落时差,增大混合料下料落股宽度,使混合料颗粒呈 翻滚状态和有序的串状排列;

  • In recent months there has been a welter of speculation about how many toxic assets are sitting in eurozone banks .

    近几个月,市场对于欧元区银行手上有毒资产的 规模有多大 了大量 猜测

  • Interest rates in dollar money markets rose sharply yesterday amid a welter of speculation over changes to the calculation of LIBOR the benchmark for global borrowing costs .

    货币市场的美元利率昨日大幅 上扬,因外界 普遍猜测,作为全球借贷成本基准的伦敦同业拆借利率(libor)的计算方式或将发生变更。

  • The infectant of vegetable surface can be cleaned out effectively by cavitation erosion which produced when air bubbles collapse and complex turbulence ( water 's welter and burble ) which caused by air flow .

    气泡溃灭时产生的气蚀和气流引起水的 翻滚、漩涡等复杂的扰动能有效的清除蔬菜表面的污染物。

  • They are buying the Chinese goods says one US official of the welter of Chinese commercial activity .

    他们是在购买中国的商品,一名美国官员对中国的 大量商业活动 作出 这样 评论

  • Physical diagnosis in medicine in landscape is the art of culling the significant from a welter of irrelevant detail .

    不论是在医药方面 是风景方面,物理诊断都是将重要 从不相关的细节中筛选出来的一种艺术。

  • The unled or misled welter of a commercial century - John Masefield .

    贸易世纪的缺乏领导的或被误导的混乱- 约翰·梅斯菲尔德

  • The most well known method for controlling welter of adaptive system is model reference fuzzy adaptive control ( MRFAC ) because it can be used in many situations stemming from its easier system and faster adaptive speediness .

    在各种类型的自适应系统方案中,模型参考 自适应控制系统是重要的,因为它们导致相对容易实现的系统且具有高的自适应速度,能够在多种情况中应用。