


  • The inside products aggregate of Wanyou ceramic in2005 the species is well-found the assortment style is abundant colorfur .

    万友瓷砖2005年的内装产品集合,品种 齐全,花色款式丰富多彩。

  • The file information records into the item well-found integrity system .

    档案信息录入项目 齐全、完整、系统。

  • Model-based fault diagnosis of asynchronous motor we enumerate model of the well-found motor and analyze that it become void in fault .

    在基于模型的故障诊断中,列举了 传统 故障的 电动机模型,并分析了将 传统 故障的电动机模型应用于异步电动机故障诊断,会 带来等效模型失效的原因;

  • Request for the former develop of applied the procedure function is well-found operating convenience .

    对于前者,要求开发的应用程序功能 齐全,操作方便。

  • With the application of IC technology the sensor technology and signal processing technology liquid level detection technology has made a rapid development and progress and all kinds of well-found high precision large range of integration miniaturization intelligent ultrasonic level meter continuously emerge .

    随着IC技术、传感器技术以及信号处理技术的应用,液位检测技术取得了飞速发展与进步,各种 功能 齐全、精度高、量程大的一体化、小型化、智能化的超声波液位计不断涌现。

  • The well-found integrity thought ;


  • The technique strength is strong the examination equipments is well-found the style is novel .

    技术力量雄厚,检测设备 齐全,款式新颖。

  • In Chapter 2 we mainly introduce two well-found IP QoS models : the IntServ and the DiffServ and do some transverse comparative works on their advantage and disadvantage .

    第二章中简单介绍了 IntServ和DiffServ两种比较 成熟的IPQOS服务模型,并对它们的优缺点进行横向比较。

  • Go together with up the vitamin content enrich of colourful pepper and onions this string of nourishment and delicacy for burning all well-found .

    配上维生素含量丰富的彩椒和洋葱,这串烧的营养和美味就都 齐全了。

  • Ltd ( export ) . The company owned advanced printing machines & well-found processing equipments .

    公司拥有先进的印刷机械及 齐全 加工设备。

  • There are well-found category mineral resources in Antu county area 50 kinds of minerals have been discovered such as gold 、 coal 、 basalt 、 molybdenum 、 Iron 、 mineral water 、 terrestrial heat etc.

    安图县矿产资源种类 齐全,已发现矿产50余种,主要有黄金、煤炭、钼、铁、矿泉水、地热等。

  • A hardware for producing car a species is well-found the technical skill is consummate .

    所生产的五金车件品种 齐全,技艺精湛。

  • We own the most well-found product line to wait for your choice with the most novel style !

    我们拥有最 齐全的产品线和最新颖的款式等待您的选择!