

[计] 良序

  • We generally consider self-assembly is the process on the certain condition of building units spontaneous form well-order structure . It is important means that create new substance and produce new functions .

    通常认为,自组装是 构筑 元在一定条件下自发的形成 有序结构的过程,它是创造新物质和产生新功能的重要手段。

  • The purpose of the paper aims to find out ways to make the county 's economy go into well-order lead the county to the road of sustainable development and shrink the difference between the county and other developing counties .

    因此,脱贫 莘县,如何使自己的经济发展 走向 良性 循环,如何走向可持续发展的道路, 如何 尽快缩小与发达县市的差距,这也是笔者写这篇论文的主旨所在。

  • Additionally trade dispute will prevent export to Taiwan substantively so measures should be taken like seting up well-order agricultural trade cooperating in quarantine with Taiwan and developing interest group supporting trade between cross-strait .

    此外,贸易争端也可能影响 大陆产品出口台湾,避免争端的措施 包括 形成 两岸秩序的农产品贸易,在动植物检疫上两岸进行合作及发展支持两岸贸易的利益集团。