


  • Debates are essential in policymaking to ensure that policymakers are well-informed of associated risks and trade-offs .

    争论的重点是在政策中确保政策的制定者们可以 广泛 考虑相关联的风险及损失。

  • Having an established and well-informed plan will curtail some of the panic that comes with security intrusions .

    拥有确定和 周密的计划会减少安全入侵所带来的一些恐慌。

  • He is the best sort of foreign correspondent : sensitive well-informed and humorous .

    他是那种最棒的外国记者:敏感, 消息灵通,有幽默感。

  • Training from agricultural scientists could help labourers make even more intelligent and well-informed crosses .

    来自农业科学家的培训可能帮助劳动者进行更智能和 知情 作物杂交。

  • We 're all adults and most of us probably like to think that we 're fairly well-informed when it comes to basic life wisdom .

    我们都是成人了,我们中的大多数人可能会倾向于认为我们在基本生活智慧方面是 见多识广的。

  • To be well-informed we should form the habit of reading newspapers and magazines .

    想见 广,就应当养成经常阅读报纸和杂志的习惯。

  • He assumes a well-informed manner but in fact he knows very little .

    他假冒一 消息灵通的样子,事实上他知道很少。

  • And he keeps his stakeholders well-informed on this progress .

    并且他在进行过程中与项目涉 保持 良好 沟通

  • All our food and resource problems could be handled easily if we were the Homo economicus of economic theory well-informed rational and incorruptible .

    如果我们是经济学理论中的“经济人”, 消息灵通、理性而又廉洁,那么我们所有的食品和资源问题很容易就可以解决。

  • In this way we may be well-informed and become qualified modern men .

    这样,我们就会 消息灵通,变成合格的现代人。

  • He is a well-informed man .

    他是一个 消息灵通的人。

  • They become as well-informed as possible on the issues involved .

    他们对涉及到的问题掌握了 可能 知识

  • He recounts the conflict with the exactitude of a well-informed witness and the zeal of a reformer .

    他以 见识 广博的目击者的精确性和革新者的热情详细叙述了这些冲突。

  • This type of communication is aimed at helping consumers and health care professionals make well-informed decisions about medication use .

    这类通信的目的是帮助消费者和卫生保健专业人员在药物应用上做出 充分 知情的决定。

  • Counsel must be well-informed about the substantive and conflicts law of the forum selected .

    律师务必对所选定的法院的实体法和冲突法 了若指掌

  • Try to have at least one well-informed opinion about the task at han .

    每次开会时,尽力对正在进行的任务提出至少一点 信息 可取的意见。

  • Providing the most current information available can enrich debate and ensure that future decisions are well-informed .

    提供现有最新 讯能够丰富讨论,保障今后作出 知情决策。

  • She 's very well-informed about this subject .

    她对这个学科 见识 广博

  • They are well-informed borrowers .

    他们是 消息灵通的借款人。

  • He was well-informed and shrewd with good calm judgment .

    博学精明,并且 着出色、冷静的判断力。

  • In the information age they must be well-informed .

    在信息时代,他们必须 信息 灵通

  • Last year I am on the net I understanding so a group of person they mostly university student well-informed they have the same of love that be the train .

    去年我在网上,我认识了这样一群人,他们多是大学生, 知识 丰富,他们有着同一个爱好,那就是火车。

  • The scandal was dug up by a well-informed journalist .

    这件丑闻是被一位 消息灵通的新闻记者发现的。

  • Based at UNICEF headquarters in New York OPSCEN works to ensure a well-informed response to any humanitarian need .

    联合国儿童基金会运行中心正以纽约总部为基地,努力确保所有人道主义 援助需求的响应获得 充分的信息。

  • He is very well-informed ; that 's why he wins the general knowledge competition .

    见识非常 广博,所以他在常识竞赛中获胜。

  • This is a subject for serious well-informed discussion not tabloid headlines .

    这个主题不同于通俗小报的标题,适合进行严肃而 深入的讨论。

  • In an efficient market disagreements between well-informed people are exactly what one would expect .

    在有效市场中, 消息灵通 人士之间的分歧恰恰在人们的预料 之中

  • He learned the news from well-informed resources .

    情况是他从 消息灵通 人士那里听来的。

  • She explained it in terms which any intelligent and reasonably well-informed layman can understand .

    她把这解释得很通俗,任何有头脑、有相当 知识的外行也都能明白。