


  • Of or designating work or workers in occupations not requiring well-groomed appearance .

    指工作或工作人员不需要 穿着 非常 整齐的。

  • I know they have the power to age a person catapulting you into the next decade just as being very well-groomed can .

    我知道他们有让人衰老的力量,把你推进下一个10年,就像 浓妆艳抹所能 做到 那样

  • Polished and well-groomed ; showing sophisticated elegance .

    优美而又 整洁;表现出练达的优雅。

  • Looking businesslike is the first step to acting businesslike and people will take you more seriously if you are well-groomed .

    表现职业化。衣着职业化是 体验你是否 专业的第一步,假如你 注意 润饰的话,人们看待你总是更认真 一些

  • I do not tell this to the eager well-groomed seniors who settle onto the couch in our den .

    我没把这个 事实告诉给那些在 面试房间坐在沙发上的渴望, 穿着 得体的高中生们。

  • With images of shiny red tomatoes well-groomed pigs and other succulent fruits and vegetables the program also promotes quality .

    网站还对产品质量进行了宣传,张贴了 很多图片, 上面是红 闪闪发亮的西红柿、 皮毛 干净的猪以及其他 一些鲜美的水果和蔬菜。

  • Today politicians must be well-groomed animals selling their personalities not their parties .

    那个 年代了,的政客们要 打扮 衣冠楚楚 ,推销的个人 形象而是的政党。

  • Men like to express open admiration for women who 're healrhy well-groomed and confident .

    男人喜欢对身体健康,装扮 得体且充满自信的女人公开表示赞美。

  • In reality whether or not you 're a celebrity a well-groomed appearance can raise your self-confidence and help you make a good impression on other people .

    不管你是明星, 光鲜 靓丽的外表都能提升的信心,给人以的印象。

  • Learn to show up on time to look neat and well-groomed and to do whatever is asked of you with a willing attitude .

    学习如何准时,如何看上去 整洁 干净,然后以肯干的态度去做任何要求你做的。

  • Well-groomed and neatly tailored ; especially too well-groomed .


  • There are a lot of good-looking well-groomed people in banking but not many higher up seem to wear much make-up she says .

    在银行界,有许多长相好、 打扮 时的员工,但许多高层 员工并不 太重的妆,她说。

  • This tall well-groomed man sank even deeper into his chair and stared blankly at a spot on the wall ahead of him .

    那位高个 精心 打扮的男士 身体缩进座椅中,眼睛无神地盯着他对面的一面墙。

  • Whether or not being clean and well-groomed brings one closer to God it certainly brings one closer to others .

    不管 整齐清洁是不是能使人更接近上帝,但它的确能拉近与人的距离。

  • A well-groomed beard can look just as professional but you have to be meticulous about keeping it trimmed or you risk looking like your chin is growing a Brillo pad .


  • You should for example take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed avoiding the extremes of too elaborate or too casual attire .

    比如说,你应该在穿着上 倍加 细心穿戴 整齐 得体,避免走极端, 不要穿得过分考究,也不要显得太随便。

  • It is important to look professional and well-groomed .

    外表看上去 整洁而且职业化,这一点是很重要的。

  • Cabin crews are well-groomed and possess professional appearance .

    机舱服务员 打扮 合宜及拥有专业的形象。