while loop

[hwaɪl lup][hwail lu:p]

[计] 当型循环

  • Double clicking on the while activity in the editor enables you to see the sub flow inside the while loop .

    如果您双击编辑器中的 while活动,就会看到whlie 循环中的子流。

  • At the bottom of the while loop you read another directory entry and process it .

    while 循环的底部,读取另一个目录条目并对其进行处理。

  • In the case of success before the while loop begins the script announces the root element .

    如果成功连接, while 循环开始之前,脚本应声明根元素。

  • Until then the function blocks in a while loop .

    在此之前,函数在 while 循环中阻塞。

  • The while loop has three major pattern-matching sections .

    白色 有三个主要的模板匹配部分。

  • Instead the program enters a while loop waiting for new connections .

    相反,程序进入一个 while 循环,等待新的连接。

  • The obvious issue is that the NULL check must be part of the while loop .

    明显的问题是NULL检查必须放 while 循环中。

  • Not surprisingly the while loop also requires a set of mutable local variables in this case named a and b in which to store the current pivots .

    毫不令人奇怪的是, while 循环也需要一组可变本地变量,在这里,这些变量被命名为a和b,其中存储的是当前支点。

  • With improved phase estimation method a carrier signal phase with phase noise can be estimated while loop SNR also increases .

    并采用新的相位估计方式估计含相位噪声的载波相位,提升了 条件下的 环路信噪比。

  • The key part of that is that WHILE loop .

    关键的部分是这个 while 循环

  • This article has introduced three Python program statements : the if statement the while loop and the for loop .

    本文介绍了三种Python程序语句:if语句、 while 循环和for循环。

  • The while loop will be explained in the next chapter .

    循环 语句将在下一章作具体 讲解

  • The WHILE loop scans the input array ; when an element begins with the required area code it is added to the output array .

    WHILE 循环扫描输入阵列;在元素以所需的区域代码开始时,将其添加到输出阵列。

  • If you want to fiddle with counters use the while loop instead .

    如果你希望操作计数器,可以使用 while 循环来代替。

  • So this do while loop immediately breaks out at the point of that check .

    所以这个do, while循环在检查的时候,直接中断了。

  • Once you understand the if statement the while loop is fairly simple to understand as well .

    理解了if语句之后, while 循环理解起来就相当简单了。

  • We wrap these commands in a while loop with a do / done block to create an infinite loop .

    我们将这两个命令放在一个 while 循环中,该 循环带有一个用于创建无限循环的do/done代码块。

  • A while loop activity contains other activities and a condition .

    While 循环活动包含其他活动和一个条件。

  • When the condition evaluates to false the loop terminates and the next activity after the while loop runs .

    当条件的计算结果为False时,循环终止,运行 While 循环之后的下一个活动。

  • A while loop is a loop that repeats the included activities while some condition is satisfied .

    一个 while 循环在满足一些条件的情况下,将重复所包含的活动。

  • A while loop then iterates through the dataset storing the information in a convenient array for later display .

    然后,一个 while 循环迭代数据集,在一个方便的数组中存储信息以便将来进行显示。

  • A Java do loop is similar to the Java while loop except that the while test happens at the bottom of the loop .

    爪哇做了类似的爪哇 虽然 环路 环路、了测试,而在内心发生河套。

  • The contents of the new while loop are expanded for view .

    while 循环的内容将展开以供查看。

  • This method then waits in a continuous while loop that is periodically interrupted at the desired PWM switching frequency .

    这个方法然后等待在连续 阶段性地被中断以渴望的PWM开关频率的

  • BuildCanary then goes back to the top of its while loop and waits for the next message .

    然后,BuildCanary回到 while 循环的顶端,等待下一条消息。

  • When we execute the test we get a null pointer exception at the beginning of the while loop in the readABC ( ) method .

    当执行测试时,我们在readABC()方法中的 while 循环一开始处得到一个空指针异常。

  • The while loop as was the case with the if statement supports an optional else clause containing a block of program statements executed when the expression is False .

    while 循环与if语句一样,支持一个可选的else子句,其中包含一个当表达式计算为False时执行的程序语句块。