while symbol

[hwaɪl ˈsɪmbəl][hwail ˈsimbəl]


  • Research on consumption economy has been conducted for a long time while few people take consumption modernization into ac - count which is the main content and basic symbol of modernization .

    对消费经济的研究在我国理论界已有较长一段时期, 但是消费现代化的研究 鲜有研究。消费现代化是现代化的重要内容和基本 标志

  • New Historicism is involved in past symbol system while Cultural Anthropology is involved in symbol system of exotic culture and both methods are comparable .

    新历史主义涉入过去的符号系统,与人类学涉入 种文化的 符号系统,这两种方法之间具有类比性。

  • While in demultiplexer the stuff packages are deleted and the PCR is picked up to calculate symbol rate so as to recover the original TS.

    解复用 ,再删空包并提取PCR计算 码率,恢复原始码流。

  • While the cause of this situation most likely rests with an essential change of manner in which we look on nature and reason . And practical life attains a more important position when compared with theoretical life and this is also some symbol of such kind an essential change .

    造成此一状况的原因很可能在于我们看待自然和理性的方式发生了根本的变革,而实践生活占据一个高于沉思生活的位置也是这样一种根本变革的某种 表征

  • Philosophy is the center of culture while culture is the carrier and symbol of philosophy .

    哲学是文化的内核, 文化则是哲学的载体和 表征

  • This theory is no doubt the personal feelings of human art while the emotional symbol that this art form has its own unique meaning and connotation .

    这里理论无疑将人类的个人情感艺术化了, 这种情感 符号即艺术形式有着专属它自己的意义和内涵。

  • In that environment art had been largely de-socialized and de-political while on the contrary learning from western modernism became a symbol of enthusiasm and progress .

    在当时的环境下,艺术已经被极大地去社会化和去政治性 相反,学习西方的现代主义艺术是充满激情与前途姿态的 象征

  • Trademark is a symbol used to distinguish one product or service from others while trade name is a symbol used to distinguish one trade entity from the others .

    商标是区分不同商品或服务来源的标记, 商号是区分市场上不同经营主体的 标记

  • While displaying a rich ethnical and regional character the ethnic finery is also the symbol of cultural recognition in a country with multi-ethnic groups .

    民族服饰 彰显浓郁的民族和地域特色的同时,还是多民族国家文化认同的外在 符号

  • While recognize the gross negligence standard we must consider the science and technology development the safe education thorough and the massive police warn symbol factors which is possible to the behavior influence .

    同时认为在认定重大过失标准时,应当考虑科学技术发展、安全教育深入和大量警示 标志的使用等因素对行为注意可能性的影响。

  • Capital is a value that can be increased in value while virtual capital is a value symbol that can bring monetary revenue .

    资本是可以增值的价值 虚拟资本是可以带来货币收入的价值 符号

  • There is no decentralization of power and restraint of balance in the constitution of five powers while they re the symbol of separation of powers .

    孙中山的 五权宪法思想既没有三权分立说中的分权,也没有三权分立说中的制衡。

  • While we add an appropriate topology to the space the input-output map will become a topological dynamic system and we call it CNN symbol dynamic system .

    置以合适的拓扑, 这个空间及其输入一输出映射就构成了一个拓扑动力系统,称这个动力系统为CNN 符号动力系统。

  • The circuit loss rate is an important economic and technological norm of enterprises of power supply while at the same time it is an outstanding symbol that measures enterprises ' comprehensive management level .

    线损率是供电企业的一项重要经济技术指标 也是衡量企业综合管理水平的重要 标志

  • The former assumes the bank as its foreground while the latter the circle as a symbol .

    前者以“岸”为前景, 后者以“圈”为 象征,所说的 都是圆形运动。

  • While to most people mcdonald 's is no more than a place to stop for a quick meal to others it is a symbol of the bad effects of globalization .

    大多数人来说,麦当劳仅仅是一个可以快速就餐的场所;而对另一些人来说,麦当劳已经成了全球化弊端的一个 象征

  • On the other hand mass media spreads culture with re gard of the major carrier of mass culture while TV program can be considered to be the symbol system in contemporary mass culture .

    大众传媒是大众文化的重要载体,大众传媒的重要功能是传播文化的功能。 作为电子媒介的电视可以说是当代大众文化的 象征系统。

  • While at the same time being a symbol of the philosophy of Yamaha Service becoming a source of pride for each service staff .

    同时身为雅马哈服务理念的 象征,成为骄傲为每个服务人员的来源。

  • While the symbol changing there are singularities with varying amplitude or frequency in digital modulation .


  • While it is depressing that vast riches are a socially acceptable status symbol for 18-year-olds they are no worse than more traditional ways of lording it over others .

    社会居然接受18岁孩子用大量财富来 体现自己的地位,这一点 固然令人沮丧, 这种方式并不比其他传统逞威风方式更有害。

  • While the broadening of political participation is regarded as an important symbol of political modernization and development it is also an integral part in the theory of political development .

    政治参与的扩大被看作是政治现代化和政治发展的一个重要 标志,同时也是政治发展理论中的重要内容之一。

  • So while bow ties still seem fusty for older generations for young men they have become a symbol of counter-culture .

    因此, 尽管领结似乎仍然意味着发霉的老一代,但对年轻人来说,它们已成为反文化的 象征

  • While the average Texan today is far more likely to work in an office than on a horse the cowboy remains an important cultural symbol in Texas .


  • While channel shortening is employed in ADSL system to cancel symbol interference echo cancellation is required because of serious echo interference in loop lines .

    ADSL系统采用信道缩短的方法来抵消 符号间干扰, 同时由于环路线中回波干扰也比较严重,需要采用回波抵消措施。

  • As to the matter of the relationship between different writing systems and languages characters and words it is generally considered that language is the symbol representing concept while writing is the symbol expressing language and that language and writing are respectively the referred and referent .

    文字和语言、字和词的关系问题,学界一般的认识是:语言是观念的符号,文字 是语言的 符号,也即符号的 符号 字是文字单位,词 是语言单位。

  • While appreciating the beauty backpackers get sensual aesthetics and symbol aesthetics including sensory experiences cognitive experiences emotional experiences and introspective experiences . They are experiencing a mental change from being shallow to being deep .

    审美的过程中,背包旅游者获得感官审美和 符号审美,其心理经历了由浅入深的转变,包含知觉体验、认知体验、情感体验和反思体验。

  • While Libra is known for its balancing nature ( the Balance is Libra 's symbol after all !) these love partners share nurturing personalities and desire harmony over conflict .

    平衡的本性,这对 爱侣的性格互相呵护,共同爱好和谐和美。

  • But while this small symbol of normality suggests that the Carolwood home was a haven of happiness for Michael 's brood another inscription betrays the desperation their father was facing .

    孩子们这些小小的举动 也许向我们 展示了这个里是迈克尔一家避风的港湾,幸福的天堂,但另一句涂鸦式的留言却透露出了他们的父亲 正身处绝望之中。