


  • European nation-states developed from national kingdoms wherefrom the concept of modern nations and the stream of nationalism stemmed and spread .

    欧洲的民族国家是由民族 君主国演化而来,现代民族观念和民族主义思潮也由 萌生蔓延。

  • Overview of the relationship between the development of genetical researches and the perspective of rice breeding ; integration of the classical genetical principles and breeding methods and techniques wherefrom with modern biotechniques be underscored .

    概述了遗传学研究发展与水稻育种发展前景的关系,强调经典遗传学理论及其指导下的育种方法和技术与生物技术相结合,在继续改良栽培 稻种中的主导作用;