
v.哮鸣喘息,发出呼哧呼哧的喘息声( wheeze的现在分词 )

  • Inhaling ozone can irritate the lungs and cause wheezing and coughing .

    臭氧被人体吸入后会刺激肺部,引发 气喘和咳嗽。

  • In three to nine months coughs wheezing and breathing problems will dissipate as your lung capacity improves by10 % .

    在三到九个月内随着你的肺活量增加了10%,咳嗽, 哮喘和呼吸道疾病将会消失。

  • Wheezing ( more common in viral infections ) .


  • The relationship between IL-13 gene polymorphism and wheezing post RSV infection in infants and asthma

    IL-13基因多态性与RSV感染后婴幼儿 喘息及哮喘关系的研究

  • Wheezing and vomiting episodes have been described in children receiving live influenza vaccines .

    在接种流感活疫苗的儿童中曾有关于 出现 喘息和呕吐的描述。

  • Chronic stimulation of the lungs and bronchi result in chronic bronchitis and emphysema causing shortness of breath and wheezing .

    吸烟者的气管及肺部受到长期刺激,会引起慢性支气管炎及肺气肿,引致气促和 气喘

  • For prevention and treatment of bronchial asthma or asthmatic bronchitis bronchial spasm associated with ( wheezing ) respiratory disease .

    用于预防和治疗支气管哮喘或喘息型支气管炎等伴有支气管痉挛( )的呼吸道疾病。

  • Respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing ; often of allergic origin .


  • The arrial of spring brings fragrant blooming trees and lush green grasses and sneezing and wheezing for millions of people with pollen allergy .


  • I can hear the wheezing from here .

    我可以听见 她的 喘息

  • Your wheezing breathing suggests asthma or bronchitis .

    你的哮喘显示你 可能 患有 气喘 或支气管炎。

  • To convey my impression of the woman 's wheezing I set the winter as its background .

    我把这情景写成 一首 ,为了与 哮喘 相配,我把背景设置成了冬天。

  • Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways characterized by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing .

    哮喘是一种慢性呼吸道疾病,以呼吸急促和 喘息反复发作为特征。

  • A : Asthma is a chronic breathing disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing .

    答:哮喘是一种慢性呼吸疾病,特征是呼吸急促和 喘息反复发作。

  • I thought he must suffer from asthma because he was wheezing such a lot .

    我想他一定患有哮喘病,因为他 喘息 如此厉害。

  • Asthma is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing which vary in severity and frequency from person to person .

    哮喘是一种慢性病,以呼吸困难和 喘息反复发作为特征,其严重程度和发作频率因人而异。

  • It 's certain allergy season is on its way though bringing sneezing wheezing coughing runny noses itchy eyes and headaches with it .

    虽然过敏会带来喷嚏、 哮喘、咳嗽、流鼻涕眼睛痒和头疼,但是过敏的季节正在到来。

  • Relationship between common and new types of virus in the respiratory tract and infant wheezing disorders

    呼吸道常见病毒和新型病毒感染与婴幼儿 喘息 疾病的关系

  • The Correlation Analysis Between the Persistent Wheezing of COPD and the Positive Result of Sputum Fungal Culture

    COPD并发持续 喘息与痰真菌培养阳性的相关分析

  • Objective : to observe the effect of extract liquid of cold wheezing Pill on experimental asthma in guinea pigs .

    目的:观察冷 丸提取液对豚鼠实验性哮喘的作用。

  • The man was trying to say something but he was only wheezing .

    那个男人想要说些什么,但他只能 喘息

  • Signs and symptoms usually develop within minutes and may include tingling in the mouth hives swelling of the lips face tongue and throat wheezing or breathing difficulties dizziness abdominal pain diarrhea nausea or vomiting .

    过敏的症状与体征经常在数分钟内产生,常见的症状有口腔麻刺感,荨麻疹,脸、口唇、舌头以及咽喉肿胀, 出现 或呼吸困难,头晕、腹痛、腹泻、恶心或呕吐。

  • The goal of this meta-analysis was to compare the efficacy of inhaled corticosteroids vs placebo in infants and preschoolers with recurrent wheezing or asthma .

    这种元分析的目的是想比较吸入糖皮质激素与安慰剂在治疗婴幼儿周期性 喘息和哮喘方面的疗效。

  • Wheezing ; Mycoplasma pneumonia ; Infants and young children .


  • Sleeping through the night without episodes of coughing and wheezing .


  • The researchers also reported that eating margarine increased the risk of nasal allergy symptoms and wheezing .

    研究者亦报道,食用人造黄油增加鼻部过敏症状及 哮喘

  • ( As for pet dander and allergies sneezing and wheezing are not great sleep enhancers . )

    (至于宠物皮屑和各种过敏导致的打喷嚏和 喘息都是会影响睡眠的因素。)

  • A barrel-organ was wheezing out an old tune .

    一架手摇风琴正在 呼哧呼哧地奏着一首古老的曲子。

  • Prevalence of Chlamydia infection in wheezing illnesses of young children in Chengdu

    成都地区婴幼儿 喘息 疾病衣原体感染的临床研究