weld line

[wɛld laɪn][weld lain]


  • In order to establish a coordinate system for trajectory planning of posture adjustment accurately the key part during auto-searching weld line & the calculation of entrance angle was investigated .

    为正确建立位姿调整轨迹规划的坐标系,研究了移动机器人在自寻 过程中的关键问题&切入角的计算。

  • Kalman Filtering Applied on Dividing Weld Line of Pipe

    Kalman滤波技术在钢管 焊缝划分中的应用

  • This paper introduces the weld line of car back bridge of small size cars as well as the welding techniques and characteristic of ensemble forming of bridge shell .

    介绍了微型车后桥壳装 线,桥壳整体成型的焊接工艺与特点。

  • Application of Rough Set Theory in the Analysis of Weld Line on Injection Molding Parts

    粗糙集理论在注塑件 分析中的应用

  • The peculiarity and error of CAE were analysed and corresponding control measures for the weld line were proposed according to different affecting factors .

    分析了 CAE的特点及误差,并针对不同影响因素,给出了相应控制对策。

  • Study on Fatigue Behavior of Weld Line by Secondary TIG Dressing

    二次TIG熔修 焊缝的高周和低周疲劳性能研究

  • The trajectory planning of posture adjustment is presented for a weld mobile robot during auto - searching weld line .

    主要研究移动焊接机器人在自寻 过程中位姿调整的轨迹规划。

  • This article introduces the technological method of using glass fibre tubes to solve the splitting problem from the weld line after the forming of the thermosetting product pedestal .

    利用玻璃纤维套管,解决了热固性塑料制件“底座”成型后从 接线 开裂的问题。

  • This subject analyzed the reasons of weld line in the injecting process and proposed the improved measures after researching the weld line influenced by process parameter and the material .

    本课题对注塑 成型过程中 产生的原因进行分析,并通过对工艺参数和注塑材料对熔接痕影响的研究,提出改进措施。

  • Based on the principle of thermal conductivity and combined with the finite element analysis techniques to explore the principles and methods of rapid thermal cycling injection mold design which makes it help shorten the molding cycle and improve the performance of the weld line .

    基于热传导原理,结合有限元模拟分析技术,探讨快速热循环注塑模具设计的原则与方法,使其有利于缩短注塑周期和改善 性能。

  • The reason and the characteristics of weld line movement have been analyzed with introduction to three control method such as BHF method draw bead method and weld line restraining method and the relevant issues needed to be further studied .

    本文就 成形焊缝移动的特点和原因做了分析。分别介绍了压边力法、拉延筋法和焊缝约束法三种控制 焊缝移动的方法,并提出了今后有待研究的内容。

  • The weld line for the plastics parts makes the mechanical strength reduced .

    塑料制件上的 接线使制件的机械强度降低。

  • New technology for model prediction and improvement of weld line strength in injection-molded parts

    注塑件 强度预测及提高新技术

  • The classification and characteristics of weld line of injection-molded parts are introduced .

    概述了注塑件 的分类及特点;

  • In this paper the thickness ratio the different mechanical properties combination and weld line position which play important role in the process have been studied .

    在本文中,研究了对拼 成形性影响比较大的几个因素:不同的板厚差比、不同力学性能组合, 焊接 线位于零件的不同位置。

  • Cavity Filling Analysis of Injection Molding Simulation : The Formation of Bubble and Weld Line

    注射成型填充模拟分析:气泡和 的形成

  • All these can be well used for reference to study the cause of molding defects ( e.g.warpage weld line ) of ultra-thin wall plastic parts thoroughly .

    该结论为深入开展超薄塑件成型缺陷(如翘曲、 )的形成机理研究提供了有益的借鉴。

  • Eliminating the weld line to improve the quality of the injection moulding parts

    消除 接线提高注塑件的质量

  • The image of weld line without large noise can be gained through image enhancement image smoothness and image filter and image edge enhancement of the original image of weld line .

    通过对 原始图像采取图像增强、图像平滑、图像滤波及图像边缘增强等预处理 技术得到了无大噪声干扰的熔 形貌图像。

  • Flow Simulation Analysis for Plastic Injection Molding and Eliminating Methods of Weld Line Based on CAE

    基于CAE技术的注塑成型模拟分析及其在消除 中的应用研究

  • But injection molding often results many product 's problems such as short shots overflow edges warp weld line dimension error and so on .

    但是,注塑成型常常出现各种质量问题,例如,短射、飞边、翘曲、 和尺寸误差等。

  • Analysis of laser weld line movement in forming of tailor welded blanks and controlling method

    拼焊板 焊缝移动及控制方法分析

  • Two types of standard CT samples which cracked in weld metal and at weld toe parallel to weld line respectively were made of steel 980 welded joint . The fatigue experiments under two types of spectrum loading respectively had been carried out .

    用980钢焊接接头制成两种标准CT试件,裂纹分别开在焊缝金属上和焊趾处平行于 焊缝 方向,在两种谱载荷下进行了疲劳裂纹扩展试验。

  • Study on Forming Mechanism and Controlling Methods of Weld Line on Injection Molding Parts

    注塑件 产生机理及控制方法的研究

  • Drop transfer in the process of MIG welding is very complicated and quality of weld line is easily impacted by welding parameters coupled with each other .

    MIG焊过程 滴过渡过程复杂,影响焊接质量的参数多,相互间耦合性强。

  • Nowadays the demand of people to the external appearance and inherent quality is becoming higher level ; therefore it is vital to forecast weld line position strength and also to enhance the strength of weld line .

    而人们对塑料产品的外观质量和内在性能的要求日益提高,因此,研究、预测 接线的强度、位置和提高熔接线处的质量具有很深远的工程意义。

  • It is weld line .

    它是 焊接 线

  • Weld line is one of the most common defects in the injection products . It not only influences the appearance quality of the products but also decreases their mechanical properties .
