welded metal


  • Static tensile strength of undermatching welded joint are influenced by relative thickness of the welded metal . As the relative thickness decreases the joint tensile strength increases from that of the weld metal to the base metal strength .

    低组配焊接接头静拉伸的力学性能,受 焊缝 金属的相对厚度所影响,随着相对厚度的减小,接头的拉伸强度由焊缝金属的拉伸强度增至基本金属的拉伸强度。

  • The sensitivity of crystallization cracking which is affected by alloy elements in HQ high strength steel submerged arc welded metal was studied with continuously variable'deformation rate cracking test ( V-DR ) method for the first time .

    首次应用变形速率连续可变式热裂纹试验方法(VDR法)研究合金元素对 HQ高强度钢埋 弧焊结晶裂纹敏感性的影响。

  • He welded the pieces of metal together using oxyacetylene .

    他用氧乙炔把 金属在一块。

  • Welding is the main connection of railway vehicles Railway Vehicle basically welded sheet metal which contains a variety of joint type joint type structure the more the more complex .

    焊接是铁路车辆的主要连接方式,铁路货车车体基本上都是用 板材 焊接的,其中包含了各种接头形式,结构越多接头形式越复杂。

  • Under functional analysis the structure of frame is welded with metal plate .

    通过对机架的功能分析,确定了结构选用 钢板 焊接 箱式 结构

  • Welded metal is composed of α - Al and Al-Si eutectic ;

    熔化 是由α-Al和Al-Si共晶相组成;

  • Experimental Study on Effects of Formation Angle on Performance of Welded Metal Bellows

    成型角对 焊接 金属波纹管性能影响的试验研究

  • Measurement and analysis of diffusion hydrogen in welded metal

    焊缝 金属中扩散氢的测定与分析

  • Structure Analysis and Optimization of Welded Metal Bellows

    机械密封用 焊接 金属波纹管结构分析与优化

  • The effect of trace elements such as Ti B on toughness of welded metal was studied .

    研究了Ti、B微量元素对 焊缝 金属韧性的影响。

  • Study on welded metal properties of high carbon cast self-shielded flux cored wire with Nb and Mo

    Nb和Mo对高碳自保护药芯焊丝 敷性能

  • Application of LINGO Optimization Software used in Welded Beam electrode metal contact for welding machines

    LINGO优化软件在 焊接条设计上的应用电焊机 金属接点焊条

  • A narrow strip of welded metal used to join steel members .

    焊接 金属的窄的长条。

  • Calculation of Mechanical Properties of Welded Metal - bellows

    金属波纹 力学特性的计算

  • Through the analysis of the example and mechanism the natural ageing cycle of the structure welded by than plate is less than the one welded by solid metal . It 's mechanism is analyzed .

    通过实例分析,得出薄板 焊接结构件自然时效周期远远小于实心 周期,并对其机理进行了分析。

  • The results show that addition of trace element is favourable improving welded metal toughness .

    结果表明,加入Ti、B微量元素有利于改善 焊缝 金属韧性;

  • Study on estimate method of fatigue crack initiation life in welded metal

    金属 焊接 接头疲劳裂纹萌生寿命估算方法的研究

  • Numerical calculation and analysis of stress on welded ceramic / metal joint

    陶瓷/ 金属 焊接应力的数值计算与分析

  • Effect of EB . Back - scanning distance on controlled refinement of welded metal

    电子束回扫间距对 焊缝 金属的可控细化作用

  • The preheating reduced the crystal cracks and increased the tensile strength of welded joints but which made the work-piece surface oxidized seriously and distorted greatly as well as the crystalline grains grown seriously in base metal heat - affected zone and welded metal .

    分析发现,预热虽然可以减小焊接接头结晶裂纹的倾向,提高接头拉伸强度,但是高温预热却使得焊件表面氧化严重,焊接试板变形大,且母材、热影响区和 焊缝晶粒严重长大。

  • Application of welded metal bellow mechanical seal and its existential problems

    焊接 金属波纹管机械密封的应用与存在的问题

  • Nonlinear mechanical analysis and experimental research for welded metal bellows

    焊接 波纹管的非线性力学分析与试验研究

  • ANSYS was used to calculate the stress within membranes of welded metal bellows used for mechanical sealing .

    利用ANSYS有限元程序对机械密封 焊接 金属波纹管波纹膜片进行应力分析计算。

  • The fracture features of Charpy impact test specimens of welded metal are also analyzed .

    文中还对 焊缝夏比冲击试样的断裂特性进行了探讨。

  • The welded metal consists of grain boundary ferrite ferrite side plate and acicular ferrite .


  • Submerged Arc Welded Seam Metal Properties Affected by Flux

    焊剂对埋弧焊 焊缝 金属 冶金性能的影响

  • Theoretical Analysis For Designing Conical Welded Metal Bellows

    锥形 焊接 波纹管的理论分析

  • Cause and Solution for Invalidation for the Welded Metal Bellow Mechanical Seal for Liquid Hydrocarbon Pump

    液态烃泵用 焊接 金属波纹管机械密封的失效原因及解决办法

  • Effect of Barium to Welded Pipe Weld Metal De-phosphor

    钡对 焊管焊缝 金属脱磷的有效作用

  • Influence of Friction Speed on Structure and Properties of Friction Welded Dissimilar Metal Joints

    摩擦速度对异种 金属摩擦 焊接头组织性能的影响