water scrubber

[ˈwɔtɚ ˈskrʌbɚ][ˈwɔ:tə ˈskrʌbə]


  • Applying traditional methods and technologies for example cyclone dust collector water film dust scrubber and flue gas desulfurization are very hard to control air pollution from sulfur dioxide of coal-fired industrial boilers their economic environmental and social benefits are not very much .

    应用传统的控制方法及技术,即旋风除尘器、 除尘 及烟气脱硫技术,很难控制燃煤工业锅炉的SO2污染,其经济效益、环境效益和社会效益也很差。

  • The ET-III-W can be used directly on the plating tank to remove rinse spray water and fume scrubber water .

    可直接用于对电镀槽,以消除冲洗 洒水和烟气 洗涤水。

  • Engineering renovation practice on Desulfurization of water dust scrubber for medium and small sized coal burning boilers

    中小型燃煤锅炉麻石 除尘 脱硫改造技术实践

  • On some conditions de-dust efficiency is up to92 % by installing water scrubber to remore dust from blow-run gas The blow-run gas after treatment could meet national emission standard .

    对煤气发生炉的吹风气增设反击式旋风 除尘 ,在一定的条件下,吹风气中烟尘去除率可达92%以上,治理后的吹风气达到国家排放标准。

  • Ltd. Based on the test results the corelation between dust load of gas at the exit of Venturi scrubber and water consumption per cubic metre gas'and pressure drop was analysed and the optimal operation parameters for Venturi scrubber were determinated .

    根据测试结果,分析了文氏管出口煤气含尘量与 水气比、压差之间的关系,从而确定出文氏管 洗涤器的最佳操作参数。

  • Study on TiO_2 Recovery by Ceramic Membrane from the Waste Water of Flue Gas Scrubber Process

    陶瓷微滤膜回收钛白粉厂 煅烧 尾气 洗涤 废水中TiO2颗粒的工艺研究

  • This article makes an overall calculation analysis and comparison for water feed and theoretical tray number of half-water gas scrubber .

    对半水煤气洗气 水量、理论板数较全面进行了计算分析及比较。

  • Cause Analysis and Preventing Method of Flue Gas Water of Wet Scrubber

    文丘里湿式 除尘 烟气 的原因分析及防止方法

  • Production of Hydrochloric Acid from Upstream and Cycle Adsorption of Hydrogen Chloride by Water Scrubber and Foam Column

    水洗 水洗泡沫塔逆流部分循环吸收氯化氢净化工艺

  • This paper emphatically analyses on the polluting situation in the course of production of Alkali sulfide and introduces in detail the application of impacted Venturi water dust scrubber in tail-gas desulfurization of rotary kiln .

    着重分析了硫化碱生产过程中的污染状况,并详细介绍了冲击式文丘里 除尘 在硫化碱回转窑尾气脱硫中的应用。

  • Application of Impacted Venturi Water Dust Scrubber

    冲击式文丘里 除尘 的应用

  • Study on desulfurization using alkali waste water in water dust scrubber

    除尘 利用碱性废水脱硫试验研究

  • The Suggestion and Renovation of a Granite Centrifugal Water Scrubber

    一台麻石 除尘 的改造及建议

  • Experimental study of raising efficiency of Venturi water dust scrubber by cyclone - atomizing water fog film

    旋流雾化水雾膜提高文丘里 除尘效率的实验研究

  • Application of Air - extracting Cabinet and Water Bath Scrubber in Dust Removal System

    抽风柜与 水浴 除尘 在除尘系统中的应用

  • A method of forced filtration is given to solve the liquid-solid separation of dust from dust scrubber based on dust amount and characteristics of water dust scrubber of coal fired boiler .

    根据燃煤锅炉 除尘 的灰水量及特性,提出了以强制过滤的方法,来解决 除尘 液固分离的问题。

  • Improvement on the water charge process for water scrubber and cooling tower in purification procedure

    清净工序 水洗 、冷却塔加水工艺的改进

  • Design of Forced Filtration for Bolier Water Dust Scrubber

    锅炉 除尘 强制过滤的设计

  • ; The paper introduces the typical process flow and operating principle and main renovation contents of water dust scrubber for medium and small sized coal burning boilers .

    着重介绍了中小型燃煤锅炉麻石 除尘 脱硫改造技术的典型工艺流程、工作原理、主要改造内容。