


  • The next year Mr. So moved the festival outdoors to the West Kowloon waterfront .

    第二年,So将啤酒节安排在户外,搬到了西九龙 海滨

  • The waterfront of a seaside town .

    海边城市 临海的部分。

  • The construction of the urban waterfront space has always been related to urban memories and its utilization development and update also affected the historic process of cities .

    城市 空间的建设从来都和城市记忆相关, 城市 空间的利用、发展、更新也影响着城市的历史进程。

  • All are arranged along an axis for the people linking the waterfront to the new city .

    所有这些都沿一条轴线将 水区和新城市中心联系起来。

  • Cities which began as ports retained the chief commercial and administrative centre of the city close to the waterfront .

    最初作为港口发展起来的城市,其主要商务区和行政管理区都位于靠近 码头 地方

  • The Relation of Tourism Development of Urban Waterfront and Urban Development

    城市 水区旅游开发与城市发展关系研究

  • It 's a beautiful route through the city and along the waterfront .

    沿途很美,先穿过城市然后沿着 水区

  • Factories and warehouses edge the waterfront .

    工厂和货栈林立在 江边

  • I have covered the waterfront on this subject in my report .

    我在报告中详细 了这问题。

  • They went for a stroll along the waterfront .

    他们沿着 水区漫步。

  • Urban Waterfront of Cold Area Green Landscape Ecological Planning and Design Research

    寒地城市 绿地景观的生态规划与设计研究

  • We chose to focus on the waterfront area and the newly incorporated southern bank .

    我们选择 河滨地区和新合并的南岸地区作为重点。

  • But that would mean missing out on the archipelago 's lush tropical landscapes and increasingly upscale waterfront resorts .

    但这意味着将错过这些群岛上繁茂的热带植被景观以及不断增长的高档 海滨度假村。

  • Located right on the waterfront the opera house is one of the world 's recognized buildings .

    位于 水边 码头 的右侧,是被公认为世界最 雄伟的建筑之一的悉尼歌剧院。

  • The influencing factors of waterfront landscape changing of Mochou lake of Nanjing City were studied .

    对南京市莫愁湖滨 景观环境变迁的影响因素进行研究分析。

  • The Square Lake and the natural bunding create a natural ecological environment in the waterfront park of Hanshan City .

    方湖莺堤营造了含山城 公园的绿色生态环境,建立了人与动植物和谐共存、充满生机的生态系统。

  • The waterfront 's on the other side of these warehouses .

    这些仓库另一面的 水边

  • It has created along the Bund and the Huangpu waterfront one of the most exciting and unique urban places in the world .

    沿着外滩和黄浦 江岸,上海创造出了世界上最动情和独特的城市空间。

  • Row upon row of newly built warehouses line the waterfront .

    江岸新建的仓库 鳞次栉比

  • The Research on Construction and Design of Urban Waterfront Regions Landscape Space System

    城市 水区景观空间体系建构及设计研究

  • Much of the waterfront is open to visitors including a long walkway along the bay .

    滨海 的许多地方都对游客开放,包括沿着海湾的一条长长的人行道。

  • A stroll along the city 's restored waterfront is also a must .

    漫步城市重建的 水边 码头 游客非常之举。

  • Research on Ecological Landscape Planning and Design of Urban Waterfront

    城市 空间景观生态规划与设计探析

  • Urban waterfront is the most important open space in city .


  • The Landmark Award for the Charleston Waterfront Park is a completely different level of recognition .

    查尔斯顿 公园获得了地标奖,这是与上述两个项目不同级别的奖励。

  • The waterfront of a seaside town . There is a supermarket next to the department store .

    海边城市 临海的部分。百货公司旁边有个超市。

  • In seaboard cities the waterfront was the most important and colorful part of town .

    在沿海城市, 码头 是城市中最重要、最有活力的地区。

  • Study on Public Participating in Urban Waterfront Land-use Planning in Kaifeng

    开封城市 水区土地利用规划中的公众参与研究

  • Waterfront landscape area Conceptual planning Taizhou .


  • Waterfront of the city boasts the most abundant natural resources which is the essence of the civic landscape .

    城市 水区拥有城市中最为丰富的自然资源,是城市景观的点睛之笔。