wave-particle duality

[化] 波粒二象性

  • So this validates de Broglie and it also validates the whole concept of wave-particle duality .

    这就证实了德布罗意的观点,也证实了, 波粒 的原理。

  • Two core ideas of Laws of thermodynamics and wave-particle duality and the theory of relativity get relatively minimum frequency .

    热力学定律与 波粒 和相对论这两个核心概念得到的频次相对最低。

  • Philosophy Thought of Wave-Particle Duality

    波粒 的哲学思考

  • Author suggests that it is necessary to design experiments to measure the phase velocity of de Broglie wave and to study the wave-particle duality deeply .

    建议设计实验测量德布罗意波的相速度,深入研究 波粒

  • New explanation about wave-particle duality in microcosm and test experiment

    关于微观 粒子 波粒 的新解释与检验实验

  • In quantum mechanics there is wave-particle duality so the properties of the particle can be described as a wave .

    在量子力学中,存在 波粒 ,这样 看来粒子特性可以描述为波。

  • Wave-Particle Duality and Duality of Labor

    波粒 与劳动二重性

  • Some thoughts of the quantum mechanics have produced great influence on people 's philosophic ideas and the core thought of the quantum mechanics is Wave-particle duality Bohr 's Complementary principle Uncertainty Principle and Causality relate to probability .

    量子力学的一些思想对人们的哲学观念产生了相当大的影响,量子力学的核心思想是 波粒 、互补原理、不确定性原理(测不准原理)和因果关系的几率描述。

  • Based on the phenomena observed from yong 's interference Experiment the wave-particle duality of light is discussed and examined by using probability knowledge and respectively from wave and particle angles .

    本文根据杨氏 实验观测到的现象,从波的角度和粒子的角度,运用概率知识,分析讨论了光的 波粒

  • Therefore this thesis has elaborated the wave-particle duality of the mirror-analogy mechanism namely Quantum Music Theory In musical structure research from theoretic interpretation to practical demonstration .

    由此全文分别从理论阐述和试验诠释两个 角度对音乐结构研究的 波粒 映喻机制,即量子音乐论的展衍假说进行了详细的阐释。

  • Two-photon source generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion to obtained high-order wave-particle duality relations . 3 .

    通过自发参量下转换产生双光子源,得到高阶 波粒 关系。

  • Electronic transmission probability through the molecular bridge to output terminal is obtained the transmission peaks appear at the points where incident electronic energies is resonant with the molecular orbits and the oscillation by the electronic wave-particle duality is explained .

    结果显示透射电子传输峰值的出现是传导电子与分子轨道能级谐振的结果,而电子传输的振荡特性是 透射电子粒子 与波动 同时存在时的物理 反映

  • From the wave-particle duality we can deduce the Lambert law of light absorption according to the light waves energy and probability of photon .

    波粒 出发,分别根据光波的能量守恒定律及光子出现的概率密度与 电场 强度 平方 正比,推导出光吸收的朗伯定律。

  • This paper analyzed the contradiction of Born 's probability explanation when particles of microcosm interference through an ideal experiment proposed a new explanation about the wave-particle duality in microcosm and described a test experiment that examed the new explanation .

    通过理想实验分析微观粒子相干涉时玻恩的几率解释出现的矛盾,提出了微观 粒子 波粒 的新解释,给出了检验新解释的实验设想。

  • On the basis of thorough research on these theories and by breaking through the threshold of wave-particle duality with philosophical thinking a new material category & supra-micro-material world has been found .

    当我们对它们进行深入研究,运用哲学思维突破 波粒 的阈值范围时,便发现了一个新的物质范畴&超微观物质世界。

  • How to describe the wave-particle duality of light ?

    如何描述光的 波粒

  • Optical interconnection technique is a kind of theory using photon wave-particle duality phenomenon to achieve the signal transmission and data exchange .

    光互连技术是以光的 波粒 二相性 各种现象实现信号传输和数据交换的理论。

  • The Developing Hypothesis on the Quantum Music Theory : The Mirror-analogy Mechanism of Wave-particle Duality on Musical Structure Research

    量子音乐论的展衍假说:音乐结构研究的 波粒 映喻机制

  • Light has a new character beyond the wave-particle duality

    光存在 波粒 之外的新特性

  • The double solutions correspond possibly to the wave-particle duality in quantum theory and connect the double solution theory of the nonlinear wave mechanics .

    双解可能对应于 量子理论中的 - ,联系于非线性波动力学的双重解。

  • The papar calls scientits ′ attention to that the wave-particle duality theory established depond on the wavelength being small enough but the demarcation line is not clear .

    指出,虽然 波粒 成立的前提是波长足够小,但在现有理论中却提不出一条清晰的界线。

  • That the future development of physics : the wave-particle duality is the most basic micro-world features .

    以后的物理学发展表明: 波粒 是整个微观世界的最基本的特征。

  • As a non-classical light source single-photon sources are used to demonstrate the principle of quantum mechanics illustrating the quantum strangeness such as wave-particle duality of light .

    一方面,单光子源作为一个非经典光源可以被用来 演示量子力学的基本原理, 展现量子的奇异

  • Which Way experiments possible breaking of wave-particle duality and new duality

    WhichWay实验, 波粒 性的可能破 和新的 象性