wave constant

[wev ˈkɑnstənt][weiv ˈkɔnstənt]


  • Experimental Study on Wave Impedance and Lame Constant of Reservoir Sandstones

    储层砂岩 阻抗及拉梅 常数实验研究

  • A simultaneous detection of P wave and P-SV converted wave is made using constant offset on a 2-D organic glass model consisting of anticline fault and horizontal reflector .

    在用有机玻璃制成的背斜和断层二维模型上,采用 炮检距的特殊观测方法,进行了P波和P&SV转换 的同时观测。

  • Design of reactive type stepping motor chopping wave constant current division drive circuit

    反应式步进电机 斩波 流细分驱动电路的设计

  • The attenuation factor of longitudinal wave was changing linearly whereas the attenuation factor of the slow shear wave kept nearly constant with a low frequency on the exploration seismic band .

    纵波的衰减系数在地震频带内基本上呈线性变化,而 横波的衰减系数在地震频带内除低频外基本保持 稳定

  • Unlike in a pure liquid in which the pressure wave velocity is constant the wave velocity in gas-liquid mixtures varies with pressure .

    在混合物中压力 波速不象在纯液体中波速那样是 恒定的,汽液混合物中的波速随压力变化。

  • The Realizes of Single Chip Microcomputer Control Stepping Motor Chopping Wave Constant Current Division Driver

    单片机控制的步进电动机 斩波 流细分驱动器的实现

  • The output variation of the power shows it really does work for some following advantages : wide modulation range quick response almost no wave distortion constant output with non-linear load .

    电源输出结果显示,研制成的电源具有调节范围大,动态响应速度快,输出 波形失真小,带非线性负载能力强 诸多优点。

  • Three-phase full wave constant voltage rectifier a diamond is everlasting and can Be handed down from generation to generation .

    三相全 恒压整流器钻石恒久远,世代相流传。

  • It is found that the amplitude of second order reflected wave and refracted wave doer not keep constant at the wave front as these waves obey laws of reflection and refraction in linear acoustics .

    在斜投射时,一般而言,遵循线性声学反射和折射定律的二级 近似反射波和折射 的波前上,波的幅度不再保持 恒等

  • Suppose the speakers both emit a pure sinusoidal sound wave of constant frequency .

    假定两个扬声器都发射 恒定频率的纯正弦 声波

  • This paper derived the relations between polarization dispersion and wave length from the dielectric constant perturbation theory .

    本文从介电 常数微扰理论得到极化色散与 波长的关系。

  • The results indicated that 1 ) under constant experimental conditions the fish 's maximum daily food consumption and daily growth change as irregular sine wave . The wave distance is constant but the wave height 's change is bigger ;

    结果表明,(1)在饵料不受限制时,鲐的摄食量和生长呈不规则波浪式变化,其 距比较 恒定,但波高变化较大;

  • The test data show that the complex attenuation parameter β vLv has a good linear relation with the relative velocity V / C0 and the wave length keeps constant along the flume .

    经水槽试验,求得衰减系数系βv,进而发现,复合因素β vLv与相对流速V/C0之间有良好的线性关系。另外,试验结果表明逆流中波长沿程 不变

  • Taking the advantage of the principle that the propagation velocity of ultrasonic wave stays constant in homogeneous medium research was carried out to detect the density of steel tube concrete by ultrasonic wave method .

    利用 超声波在均匀介质中传播的速度为 常数的原理,进行超声波法检测钢管混凝土密实性的研究。

  • The results show that after one week of radiation in the groups of low and medium degree of strength most of the magnitude of basic wave decreases β index increases and δ wave index remains constant .

    结果,照射一周后低、中强度组,多数基本波波幅下降,β指数增高,δ 指数 增加。

  • Riding the wave of constant growth at Google may not have adequately prepared her for the difficulties at Yahoo sceptics say .

    质疑者表示,谷歌 一直不断增长,梅尔背靠大树好 乘凉,这样的她不一定有足够的经验来应对雅虎的困境。

  • Stokes wave theory is suitable for investigating wave propagation in water with constant depth and large relative depth .

    Stokes波理论多适合研究 水深的、相对水深比较大的水域中的 波浪传播变形规律。

  • Latency of wave ⅴ maintained constant with cut-off frequency changing from 100 to 0.002 Hz .

    改变低截止频率(100~ 0.002Hz),Ⅴ 潜伏期保持 稳定

  • A circuit for detecting QRS wave with dual time constant

    时值QRS 检出电路

  • The principle of the traveling wave induction launcher and the constant current characteristic of the series resonant circuit are analyzed by applying the electromagnetic launch theories .

    应用电磁发射理论,对 行波感应发射器的工作原理以及串联谐振的 流特性进行了理论分析。

  • Analysis and calculation of the energy doubler used for traveling wave constant impedance accelerating structure

    能量倍增器用于 行波 阻抗加速管的计算

  • To point the problem when using the up-wind scheme a numerical simulation of short wave propagation over a constant depth is done .

    通过数值模拟 水深下不同周期 波浪传播变形,指出迎风格式在计算小周期波浪时存在的问题。

  • It is proved that self-similarity of wave shape and constant speed of propagation of peak value are consequences of asymptotic behavior of wave propagation .

    证明了自相似 波形和峰值以 速传播是波传播渐近性态的表现。

  • In the process of metal cutting the cutting force has been increased gradually and then held wave nearby a constant value .

    在切削过程中,切削力逐渐增大,最后保持在某一个值附近 波动,达到 稳定状态;

  • The effects of wave length with constant wave height rudder angle and ship speed on the deviation of turning trajectory are discussed .

    计算时考虑了 波浪漂移力,并讨论 波高定时波长、舵角、船速对回转圈漂移的影响。

  • The b - wave latency remained constant after the treatment .

    b 潜伏期在治疗前后无明显 变化

  • The viscoelasticity of a medium makes seismic wave have a constant phase delay when upper-limit frequency of the data is not high .

    在资料的上限频率不高时,介质的黏滞性将导致地震 发生一个 常数的相位延迟。

  • Automatic voltage regulator for constant current charging three-phase full wave constant voltage rectifier

    恒流充电用自动调压器三相全 恒压整流器

  • The paper deduced movement and wave equation of seismic wave field in constant Q viscoelastic media using the method of Pseudo-spectral and carried on forward modeling the modeling result is the same with the one of other modeling ways .

    本文采用伪谱法推导了 Q粘弹介质中地震 场的运动方程和波动方程,并进行了地震波场数值正演模拟,模拟结果达到了其它模拟方法同样的效果。