water-cooled tube

[电] 水冷管

  • In order to study the hydraulics of pebble-bed water-cooled nuclear reactor experiments of water flowing through circular tube packed with same glass balls were carried out .

    本文以球床 水冷反应堆为研究背景,对 填充玻璃球构成的球床多孔介质通道内单相水紊流区的流动特性进行了研究。

  • This paper first studied the principle of the phase-shifted full-bridge zero-voltage converter and parameter design methord of the main circuit and a new design program for high-frequency transformer windings with water-cooled copper tube instead of multi-strand copper wire is presented .

    本文首先研究了移相全桥零电压变换器的工作原理和主电路的参数设计方法,并提出一种 采用 水冷 铜管替代多股铜导线对高频变压器绕组进行设计的新方法。

  • How to ensure the welding quality of water-cooled wall tube of bulk boiler

    如何保证散装锅炉 水冷的焊接质量