wave carrier

[wev ˈkæriɚ][weiv ˈkæriə]

[计] 载波

  • Then the structure and working principle of FPLD laser are described furthermore the traveling wave equation and carrier rate equation which base on cavity electromagnetic field are also deduced.2.The basic components of SFCC laser structure and its working mechanism are described .

    然后详细介绍了FPLD的结构和工作原理,并推导出基于腔内电磁场随机光场展开的 行波方程和 载流子速率方程。2.描述了SFCC可调谐激光器的基本组成结构和工作机理。

  • Digital TV signal modulation is a message transmitting method which is expressed by some discrete states in carrier wave . Only carrier wave modulating parameter is detected .

    数字电视信号的调制是用载波 信号的某些离散状态来表征所传送的信息,在接收端只对 载波信号的离散调制参量进行检测。

  • The nanowire diameter related wave vector uncertainty carrier distribution in InAs nanowires and the carrier concentration related Fermi-Thomas screening effect were proposed to play important roles for this phenomenon .

    通过 矢不确定性与纳米线直径的关系、InAs纳米线中 载流子的分布、载流子浓度相关的Fermi-Thomas屏蔽效应对该现象进行了理论分析,给出了合理的解释。

  • In the wave of economic globalization leading by multinational corporations as the carrier of the technology transfer foreign direct investment has become an important way of improving the technology innovation and promoting economic growth in most countries especially in the developing countries in the world .

    在以跨国公司为主导的经济全球化 浪潮中,外商直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment,FDI)作为技术转移的 载体,成为世界各国尤其是发展中国家提高技术创新能力和促进经济增长的重要途径。

  • It is gained that the position of missile fire power cell by user station calculating the carrier wave gathered by carrier wave equipment .

    根据GPS测距和差分GPS定位原理,利用 载波相位差分设备把采集的载波 相位发送给用户站进行求差解算坐标,得到机动作战导弹火力单元的位置坐标。

  • In recent years the requirement of broadband multimedia service promotes the development of the communication network ; light wave is considered as the best carrier which has been proved by the development of optical communication .

    近年来,人们对宽带多媒体业务的需求促进了整个通信网络的宽带化发展, 光波是宽带信息的最佳 载体,光纤通信的发展已证明了这一点。

  • This paper presents a sample circuit model for no internal phase shift and single longitudinal mode DFB-LD basing on the coupling wave equations for period waveguide structure and the rate equation for carrier density .

    以周期波导结构的耦合 方程及 载流子密度速率方程为基础,在适当的假定条件下,本文得到一个比较简单的适于无内部相移的折射率耦合单模分布反馈半导体激光器电路模型。

  • To resolve the issue about the automatic meter reading author designed a high-precision collect meter reading system of carrier wave on power using the power carrier wave communication technology and the flush type technology .

    为了实现居民用电抄表自动化,笔者结合电力 载波和嵌入式技术、设计一种高精度的电力 载波集中抄表系统。

  • Seismic wave as a kind of information carrier takes plenty geological information through traveling in the coal and rock medium .

    地震 作为一种信息的 载体,在煤岩介质中传播时携带了大量的地质体信息,并通过不同震波参数特性表达出来。

  • The atmospheric laser communication is a means of communication with the light wave as a carrier and the atmosphere as a channel for voice data image and other information transmission which is a key research of laser communication field in the future .

    大气激光通信是以 光波作为 载波以大气作为信道进行语音、图像或者是数据等信息传输的一种通信方式,是未来激光通信领域中的一个重点研究方向。

  • Acoustic wave is the only information carrier which can propagate long distances in sea water .

    声波是唯一能在海水中远距离传播的信息 载体

  • This paper presents the development of technology of welding current remote control and concentrates on the principle of a stepless wave carrier welding current remote controller .

    叙述了焊接电流遥控技术的发展,详细论述了无级 载频式焊接电流遥控器的原理。

  • If the light wave as the narrow pulse signal carrier the relative bandwidth of pulse transmission can be effectively reduced ;

    如果以 光波做为 载波入行狭脉冲信号的传输,否以无效的加长脉冲信号的相闭于带阔;

  • Applying auxiliary carrier wave of color television to correct frequency is a kind of accurate method in which auxiliary carrier wave derived from color television is compared with signal source by frequency or cycle .

    应用彩色电视副 载波校频就是把取自彩色电视机的副 载频信号与被校信号源进行频率(或周期)比对的一种高准确度的校频方法。

  • Modulation wave is compared with triangular carrier wave Internal generated by Chip and the pulse wave is worked to three-phase full-bridge inverting circuit .

    调制 在与芯片内部生成的三角 载波进行比较,比较后的脉冲波作用到三相全桥逆变器电路,从而实现了对电机转速,转向的控制。

  • Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (μ c-Si : H ) films have attracted widely application in the silicon thin film solar cells because of their good long wave response characteristics high carrier mobility and stable behavior under illumination compared with hydrogenated amorphous silicon ( a-Si : H ) .

    相较于非晶硅(a-Si:H)薄膜,氢化微晶硅(μc-Si:H)薄膜由于良好的 长波响应特性,高的 载流子迁移率和高的光电稳定性等优点,在硅基薄膜太阳能电池中得到了广泛运用。

  • Let the output of signal sensor be the original input and those of noise sensors as reference inputs then noise caused by the change of orientation of magnetic field sensor relative to geomagnetism orientation can be eliminated efficiently as well as bow wave due to carrier movement .

    以信号传感器输出作为原始输入,噪声传感器输出作为参考输入,采用自适应噪声抵消技术,能有效消除因 载体运动产生的涡流磁场及因磁探头方向相对地磁方向改变而引起的噪声 输出

  • A novel scheme for optical millimeter ( mm ) - wave generation with optical carrier suppression ( OCS ) modulation by external modulator in a radio-over-fiber ( ROF ) system was proposed .

    提出了一种改进的光 载波抑制产生光毫米 的方法。

  • The UWB ( Ultra Wide Band ) technology uses nanosecond to picosecond level non-sine wave narrow pulses to transmite data without the carrier . The bandwidth which these pulses occupy can reach GHz level the maximum data rate can reach 100 Mbit / s level .

    超宽带UWB(ultrawideband)技术不采用 载波,而采用纳秒至皮秒级的非 正弦波窄脉冲传输数据,这些脉冲占用的带宽可以高达数GHz,最大数据传输速率可以达到数百Mbit/s。

  • By inserting a quarter-wave plate . used as a light wave carrier in front of or behind the photoelastic model in the plane polariscope . isochromatics of n + 1 / 4 and n + 3 / 4 order may be obtained n being any integer .

    在平面偏振场中,加入四分之一波片,作为一个均匀的光 载波,与实验模型中的等差线相叠加,可得到n+1/4和n+3/4级等差线。

  • There are several methods to generate the terahertz wave including photo carrier acceleration the second order of nonlinear effect in electric-optical crystal plasma oscillation and electronic nonlinear transmission line .

    产生 太赫兹辐射 产生的方法包括光敏天线中的光 载流子加速、电光晶体中的二阶非线性效应、等离子体振荡和电子非线性传输线。

  • Elastic wave is a carrier of energy spreading . It is proved approximately in theory that the elastic wave of the movement is the process of entropy increasement .

    弹性 是能量传播的 载体,从理论上可以近似证明弹性波的传播是熵增加的过程。

  • First analysis of the overall structure of the module and then the module is divided into the modulation wave generator module triangular carrier module module and the dead zone modules .

    首先分析模块的整体结构,进而将模块分成调制 发生器模块、三角 载波模块、比较器模块和死区模块。

  • A systematic exposition of the semiconductor optical amplifier basic structure and working principle the random electromagnetic field traveling wave and SOA equation and carrier rate equation is derived . 3 .

    较为系统地论述了半导体光放大器的基本结构和工作原理,在此基础上导出了基于腔内电磁场随机光场展开的SOA 行波方程和 载流子速率方程。

  • The developed software in this paper simulates the PWM wave with specific carrier and reference wave . We analyze harmonic component under the condition of different carrier ratios and modulation depth in order to select an ideal PWM wave . names of people and places ;

    对特定的 载波和参考波进行的PWM 波形调制和仿真,分析了在不同的 输入载波比和调制比的情况下,PWM波形的谐波含量,从而可以选出比较理想的PWM波形。

  • Accompanied by the promotion of the wave of digitalization and networking the digital library a new carrier with gathering processing exchanging and broadcasting information is outstanding .

    伴随着数字化和网络化 大潮的推进,一个集信息储藏、加工、交互、传播于一体的崭新 载体&数字图书馆,正脱颖而出。

  • Remote metering system based on terminal unit of expanding frequency wave carrier in residential area

    扩频 载波用户终端的居民小区远程抄表系统设计

  • Standard for protective spacing between medium short wave broadcast transmitting station and electric cable carrier telecommunication systems

    中、 短波广播发射台与电缆 载波通信系统的防护间距标准