waveform algorithm

[ˈwevˌfɔrm ˈælɡəˌrɪðəm][ˈweivfɔ:m ˈælɡəriðəm]

[计] 波形算法

  • Discrete Multisplitting AOR Waveform Relaxation Algorithm and Its Convergent Analysis for Initial Value Problem of Ordinary Differential Equations

    常微分方程组初值问题的离散多分裂AOR 波形松弛 算法及其收敛性分析

  • The paper investigates the capability of extension of characteristic waveform interpolation ( CWI ) algorithm to wideband speech coding .

    考察了特征 波形内插(CWI) 算法对于宽带语音编码的扩展能力。

  • Design Methods for Step Frequency Waveform and the Target Pick-up Algorithm

    频率步进 雷达参数设计与目标抽取 算法

  • By calculating the morphological gradient between the peak and the bottom point of waveform three-area-compare algorithm is originally put forward which can be used to make the qualitative discrimination between the inrush and fault current .

    在计算电流 波形峰谷点之间的数学形态梯度的基础上,提出了一 三面积比较法,用于识别变压器励磁 涌流和故障电流。

  • The application of waveform analysis algorithm to the processing of remotely sensed spectral data

    光谱遥感数据 波形分析 的应用

  • At last a the realization of waveform recognition algorithm is introduced which is verified by tests .

    最后介绍了 波形识别 算法及其在 连铸 预报上的应用,现场试验数据证明了 算法的可靠性。

  • A prototype waveform interpolation algorithm for voiced speech

    一种浊音语音原型 波形内插 算法

  • On Engineering Control of Nonlinear System with Waveform Recursive Algorithm

    非线性工程控制系统的 波形迭代 算法

  • ADPCM algorithm is a 16-bit waveform data compression algorithm with low space consumption and high voice quality .

    ADPCM算法是一种针对16-bit声音 波形数据的压缩 算法,具有空间消耗低,语音质量高等特点。

  • Research on Waveform Matching Recognition Algorithm in Partial Discharge Pulse Extraction

    用于提取局放脉冲的 波形匹配识别 方法初探

  • Instead of extracting features through commonly used indicators such as statistic measures or information entropy wave matching extracts features by matching the vibration signal with parameterized waveform optimized by differential evolution algorithm .

    传统的特征提取 算法大多数通过统计特征和熵等指标来提取特征。与此不同的是,波形匹配通过把振动波形和参数化 波形做匹配来提取特征。匹配过程由差分进化 算法来优化。

  • A New SAR Echo Waveform Simulation Algorithm

    一种新的SAR 回波仿真 算法

  • The current algorithms for logic simulation are event-oriented . A process-oriented highly time-parallel algorithm called waveform algorithm is first presented in this paper .

    本文阐述的 波形 模拟算法是一个面向过程的,在时间上高度并行的逻辑模拟算法。

  • The software program including measurement of the velocities of longitudinal and leaky surface waves simultaneously in spatial domain and waveform processing algorithm is developed . With the help of the combination of the method and software automatic measurement of limited size materials can be achieved .

    开发了一套在空间域同时测定纵波与漏表面波速度的方法及 波形处理 算法程序,实现了小尺寸材料弹性常数自动测量。

  • Taking bipolar SPWM waveform generating algorithm as an example waveform error phase shift and harmonics of the new soft SPWM waveform are analyzed .

    以双极性SPWM 波形等面积生成 算法为例,分析了新型软SPWM波形误差、相移,并进行了谐波分析。

  • Both new waveform convergence algorithm and latency algorithm are introduced to accelerate the rate of waveform convergence .

    同时,给出了新的部分 波形收敛 算法和潜等算法,加速了波形的收敛速度。

  • This paper introduces a speech coding scheme and a tone modification method for Chinese speech synthesis based on prototype waveform interpolation ( PWI ) algorithm .

    本论文主要完成基于原型 波形内插(PWI-PrototypeWaveformInterpolation) 算法的语音编码和基于这一算法在汉语语音合成中声调调整方面的研究。

  • Study on the Pretreatment and Waveform Detection Algorithm of ECG

    心电信号预处理和 波形检测 算法的研究

  • A new extraction method of partial discharge ( PD ) is proposed in this paper which utilized Laplace wavelet based on waveform matching recognition algorithm .

    针对现场采集的局部放电信号中经常混杂白噪声和 窄带 周期 干扰现象,本文首次提出使用Laplace小波按照 波形匹配的原则来提取局部放电脉冲信号的 方法

  • Based on these this paper presents the method of computing interconnecting delay by combining RC delay and loading crosstalk dynamically for detailed routing and syncretizes it into the Boole process-based waveform simulation algorithm .

    在此基础上,面向详细布线提出RC延迟与动态加载串扰相结合的互连线延迟计算方法,并将其融入到基于Boole过程的 波形模拟 算法中。

  • Firstly we apply a particle swarm optimization to select the parameters of the periodic DBS waveform . This optimization algorithm can reduce the power consumption and selective time .

    首先运用粒子群 算法对周期性 DBS的参数进行了优化,减小了DBS的能量消耗以及参数选择时间。

  • A new waveform matching algorithm : V-P-V algorithm ── used for the Chinese signature verification

    一种 波形匹配新 算法:V-P-V算法&用于中文签名真伪识别

  • By means of analyzing the relationship of inrush current waveform and magnetization curve a waveform factor based fast algorithm to distinguish inrush current of power transformer from its fault currents is proposed .

    通过分析励磁涌流波形与磁化曲线的关系,提出了一种基于 波形系数的变压器励磁涌流快速识别 算法

  • The paper analyses mainly waveform replication iteration algorithm and PSD replication iteration algorithm .

    本文重点分析了随机振动的 波形复现迭代控制 算法和功率谱复现迭代控制算法。

  • Software algorithm is the kernel to realize virtual instrument . Waveform output algorithm is the key in virtual signal generator .

    软件算法是实现虚拟仪器 功能的核心,在虚拟式信号发生器中关于输出 波形 算法 实现一直是研究的重点。

  • Optimal Design for Ultra-Wideband Pulse Waveform Based on the Parks-McClellan Algorithm

    基于Parks-McClellan 算法的超宽带脉冲 波形优化设计

  • Lots of similarity algorithms based on time domain frequency domain and characteristic informations of the waveforms is studied in this paper and a new waveform similarity comprehensive algorithm is proposed .

    本课题对波形信号时域、频域以及特征信息方面的相似度算法进行了大量研究,提出了一种新的 波形相似度综合判断 算法

  • The simulation result shows that the torpedo homing performance in the shallow water can be improved effectively through optimization design of signal waveform and detection algorithm and application self-adaptive techniques .

    仿真结果表明,合理设计信号 波形及检测 算法,运用自适应技术能够有效地改善和提高鱼雷自导的浅水性能。

  • Parsing results of EKG waveform using this algorithm are at least as good as the corresponding results of IBM special-purpose program for EKG recognition .

    算法用于心电图 波形的剖析,取得了比运用国际上专用识别心电图的IBM程序分析更满意的结果。