wind pressure

[wɪnd ˈprɛʃɚ][wind ˈpreʃə]


  • Analysis of Fluctuating Wind Pressure Characteristics of a Kind of Platform Canopies

    站台雨棚脉动 风压特性及参振模态分析

  • Numerical simulation of mean wind pressure on roof and canopy of Wuhan railway station

    武汉火车站屋盖与雨棚平均 荷载的数值模拟

  • A simulation method for non-Gaussian wind pressure field of large-span roof structures

    大跨度屋盖结构非高斯 风压场的一种模拟方法

  • Frequency Transformation of Water Cooling System in Wind Pressure Room in Nanshan Coal Mine

    南山矿 机房水冷却系统变频改造空气压缩机进 滤尘器

  • To create the sensation of touch they are exploring the possibility of using electricity and wind pressure .

    为了创造触感,他们正在探究利用电流和 风压的可能性。

  • When the overall wind pressure coefficient was not negative surrounding wind would enhance the effect of smoke exhaust .

    引入“总 风压系数”和“临界失效 风速”的概念,并将其作为评价外界环境风对自然排烟过程影响程度的判定参数。

  • Characteristics : high wind pressure large wind amount low noise long conveying distance etc.

    特点: 风压高、风量大、噪声低,输送距离远等特点。

  • The front wall is still subjected to wind pressure although the back wall is shielded from it .

    正面墙仍然受到 风压 作用,尽管后墙因受到掩蔽不会受到它的作用。

  • Investigation of Wind Flow Characteristics and Wind Pressure Distribution with Interference Effects Considered

    典型体育馆屋盖表面平均风压特性及干扰效应风洞试验研究群体互扰下的风场绕流特性和 风压分布分析

  • In uranium mine ventilation wind force wind pressure and wind direction are the three major factors affecting radon reduction technology .

    铀矿通风中, 风量和风流方向是三个影响降氡技术的重要因素。

  • Based on the local conditions of Taizhou city this paper makes an introduction of mode selection of building external windows design in case of the most disadvantageous wind pressure and discusses technical matters on wind pressure resistance and air-tightness performance test with the application of new standards .

    根据台州当地的实际情况,本文从设计和检测两个方面介绍了建筑外窗最不利 风压的设计选型,抗风压及气密性等性能检测新标准应用时应注意的相关技术问题。

  • The superposition method in mechanics of material and a MATLAB Procedure was used to calculate the top deflection of tall tower under both of weight and wind pressure .

    采用材料力学的叠加法和自编的MATLAB程序,计算了高塔设备在 载荷和自重联合作用下的塔顶静挠度,并推出了考虑自重影响时塔顶静挠度的计算公式。

  • Analysis on the wind pressure and the coupled wind-induced vibration effects on spatial flexible structure

    大跨柔性空间结构 风压和耦合风效应分析

  • Natural ventilation system of the building can be divided into wind pressure and thermal pressure ventilation systems by driving forces .

    建筑的自然通风系统由于动力的不同而分为 风压通风系统和热压通风系统。

  • Further the proposed method is illustrated through a wind pressure field simulation of a large-span stadium roof .

    采用提出的算法,进行了模拟 场和雷达 实测 场的反演实验。

  • Comparing with wind pressure ventilation system thermal pressure ventilation system can adapt more daily changes of the outside wind environment .


  • Wind tunnel test study on mean wind pressure distribution for double-skin facade

    L形和一字形双层幕墙平均 风压分布特性的试验研究

  • Application of Wind Pressure Draining Dust Technology to Construction Drainage Drilling in Soft Thin Seam


  • Numerical simulation of wind pressure distribution and wind environment of the stadium in Yingkou Olympic Center

    营口市奥体中心体育场 风压分布及风环境的数值模拟研究

  • Test method of deformation under wind pressure for building curtain walls

    GB/T15227-1994建筑幕墙 风压变形性能检测方法

  • Numerical simulation of mean wind pressure on membrane roof of EXPO-axis

    世博轴膜面平均 风压的数值模拟研究

  • An investigation to reconstruction and prediction of wind pressure field on roof with proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) is presented .

    给出利用本征正交分解(POD)对屋盖 风压场进行重建和预测的研究结果。

  • Aerodynamic characteristics and wind pressure distribution of vehicle-bridge coupled system is stud-ied based on numerical simulation by computational fluid dynamic method .

    基于计算流体动力学,采用数值模拟的方法研究了车桥耦合体系气动力特性和 风压分布。

  • Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Wind Pressure Distributed Law of Building in Village and Small Town of Zhejiang Province

    浙江省村镇房屋 风压分布规律的数值模拟与分析

  • Numerical simulation of wind pressure distribution and wind environment on the roof of National Stadium of Vietnam

    越南国家体育场屋盖 平均 风压及风环境影响数值模拟

  • Wind tunnel test for design wind pressure of glass curtain wall in complex environment

    复杂环境中玻璃幕墙设计 风压风洞试验

  • Deduces theoretically the natural ventilation calculation under the action of thermal pressure and wind pressure individually and simultaneously .

    从理论上推导出热压、 风压以及二者共同作用下的自然通风计算方法。

  • According to the examination requirement for aeration efficiency while estimating the occupation health the measurement of wind speed and wind pressure is educed in this paper .

    文章通过在职业卫生评价时所需通风效率等 参数的考核要求,引出了对风速、 风压的测量;

  • Elimination of pressure wiggles in numerical simulation of wind pressure around buildings ;

    应用紊流大 模拟方法对建筑物环境 进行了数值模拟。

  • A statistics analysis of wind pressure was carried out to reveal the strength and dispersion of the wind force and the unfavorable wind direction was found accordingly .

    通过对总受力和 压力方差的统计分析,获得了不同 风向下结构受风力作用的大小和离散程度,可为评估不利风向角提供重要参考依据。