window request

[ˈwɪndo rɪˈkwɛst][ˈwindəu riˈkwest]

[计] 窗口请求

  • With the number of conflicts increasing the backoff window size is growing rapidly in the algorithm . At the same time the number of SSs which transmit the bandwidth request relatively keeps the normal level and there will cause a lot of waste competitive slots .

    由于二进制指数后退算法的后退 窗口会随着冲突次数的增加而迅速增大,在 申请带宽SS数量较小时,会造成部分竞争时隙浪费。

  • The England midfielder has reiterated his desire to join United before the transfer window closes only for Rummenigge to snub his request once more .

    这位英格兰中场球员已经多次表达了加盟曼联的愿望,但 鲁梅尼格再一次漠视了他的 要求

  • Link Layer Delay Analysis of Partial Window Multiple Rejects Automatic Repeat Request

    数据链路层部分 窗口多拒绝 ARQ算法时延分析

  • Instead the entire data set is pulled from the database and Hibernate manually extracts the window of data it needs to fulfill the request .

    相反,会从数据库获取完整的数据集,然后 Hibernate提取满足 请求所需的数据部分。

  • The properties window displays the Web service request that you sent using the Test Client .

    属性 窗口显示您使用TestClient发送的Web服务 请求

  • Analysis on Partial Window Multiple Rejects Automatic Repeat Request ( ARQ ) in Fading Channels

    衰落信道下部分 窗口拒绝选择重传协议下的性能分析

  • The optimal backoff window size and contention window size are given and the transmission efficiency is calculated by analyzing the collision probability of contention request .

    通过对竞争 请求的冲突概率进行分析,推出了回退窗口和竞争 窗口的最佳分配尺寸,并计算了不同业务流数量下系统可达到的最大传输效率。

  • For the object with higher interest-measure the time slip-window method is utilized and the size of time window is dynamically corrected in terms of the request and corrected instances of the object within the previous time window .

    对于兴趣度高的对象采用滑动时间窗的方式,根据上一个时间窗内的对象 请求和修改情况,对时间 尺寸进行动态修正。

  • In general using the option of a consistent read eliminates the consistency window for the request .

    一般而言,使用一致性读操作选项可消除 请求一致性 窗口

  • This function opens a window and prints the request 's information : HTTP method URL parameters headers and response .

    该函数打开一个 窗口,并输出 请求的信息:HTTP方法、URL、参数、头部和响应。

  • Parameters . xml : This file contains a description of the parameters that should appear in the request window during the instance request .

    xml:此文件包含对应该在实例 请求期间出现在请求 窗口中的参数的描述。

  • For example if you decide to display help information as a tool tip rather than in a separate window that would open by user request the tool tip might not be accessible to screen reader users .

    例如,如果您决定将帮助信息作为工具提示,而不是在由用户 请求打开的单独的 窗口中,工具提示可能对屏幕阅读器用户是不具有易访问性的。

  • V2.0 of the specification now makes this portlet window ID available to the portlet via the request and thus the portlet can use this ID to key data that it would like to store .

    版规范现在使该Portlet 窗口ID可通过 请求供Portlet使用,因此Portlet可以将此ID用于它要存储的关键数据。