window options


  • If you open the window menu one of your options should be marked debugger .

    如果打开 窗口列表,其中一个 窗口 标签应该是debugger。

  • The registers window is available only if address-level debugging is enabled the options dialog box debugging node general category .

    只有在“ 选项”对话框的“调试”节点下的“常规”类别中启用了地址级调试后,“寄存器 窗口才可用。

  • Thanks I definitely overlooked these options for setting the window options .

    感谢,我一定忽略了这些选项的设置 窗口 选项

  • In the main outlook window on the tools menu click options and then click the mail format tab .

    在主outlook 窗口中的“工具”菜单上,单击“ 选项 ,然后单击“邮件格式”选项卡。

  • Rather than risking the mistake of inserting the wrong parameters in the FFmpeg command line use the main window of WinFF to set the audio and video options in boxes .

    为了避免在FFmpeg命令行内插入错误参数,使用WinFF主 窗口来设置音频和视频 选项

  • Under drawing window options select the enable Autoconnect check box .

    在“绘图 窗口 选项”下,选中“启用自动连接”复选框。

  • Opens a window where you can pick search options and work with search results .

    打开一个 窗口,您可以在上面选择查找 选项,获得搜索结果。

  • This window allows you to set your password options for migrating group members . Migrating a password or selecting a complex password provide better network security .

    窗口允许您为迁移组成员设置密码 选项。迁移密码或选择一个复杂的密码提供更好的网络安全性。

  • To customize the word window click options on the tools menu and then click the view tab .

    如果想自定义word 窗口,可单击“工具”菜单中的“ 选项”命令,然后选择“视图”选项卡。

  • In the application options section under document window options click overlapping windows .

    在“应用程序选项”部分的“文档 窗口 选项”下,单击“重叠窗口”。

  • For more information about using offline or online help click the connection status menu in the lower-right corner of the help window and then click explain these options .

    有关使用脱机或联机帮助的详细信息,请单击“帮助 窗口右下角的“连接状态”菜单,然后单击“解释这些 选项”。

  • To configure identity authentication data encryption or terminal window and scripting options click the security tab .

    要配置身份验证、数据加密或终端 窗口和脚本 选项,请单击安全性选项卡。

  • If no action has been defined as default a window of options opens .

    如果没有指定默认的动作,则打开一个 选项 窗口

  • Property used a property-selection window to show available options .

    属性使用属性选择 窗口来显示可用的 选项

  • To change the behavior of a window click the down arrow or push-pin icons on the title bar and select from among the available options .

    若要更改 窗口的行为,请单击向下箭头或标题栏上的图钉图标,然后从可用 选项中进行 选择

  • In the Project Facets window that displays the following settings are selected as default options

    在显示的ProjectFacets 窗口中,以下设置是默认的 选项

  • Contains commands for changing window options .

    包含更改 窗口 选项的命令。

  • The call option would typically have a maturity window of about 90 days and the options holder then pays the shareholder a premium for access to those shares should the strike price be reached .

    看涨期权一般拥有大约90天的期限。当股价达到执行价时, 期权持有者向股票持有者支付溢价,以得到这些股票。

  • The find and replace window opens with the quick replace options displayed .

    随即打开“查找和替换 窗口并显示“快速替换 选项

  • If the command is unsure about the class 's location a window opens with a list of options for you to choose from .

    如果该命令不确定类的位置,将打开一个 窗口显示一列可以进行选择的 选项

  • This window allows you to set your options for migrating group members .

    窗口允许您设置迁移组成员的 选项

  • The window to include all the options provided by a mailing widget .

    这个 窗口包含邮件组件提供的所有 选项

  • This window allows you to customize your migration options .

    窗口允许您自定义迁移 选项

  • The22-year-old Argentinian international becomes the most high-profile of the Reds'transfer window signings and will offer Benitez more options in the centre of midfield .

    这今年冬季的转会 窗口上,利物浦以鲜明的姿态表现了对这名阿根廷国脚的兴趣,他的签入将为拉法提供更多的中场 选择

  • The default window manager is FluxBox which has no real taskbar ; the menu options are revealed when you right-click on the workspace .

    缺省的 窗口管理器是FluxBox,它没有实际的任务条;菜单 选项也只有在工作空间上点击鼠标右键时才会出现。

  • To run the script drop it on the chart window and the menu will appear select the options and type of the opened orders .

    要运行脚本,删除它在图表 窗口和菜单将出现,选择和类型的 选项打开的订单。

  • NET Help appears in an IDE window with its search options displayed as dockable windows ( including Dynamic Help ) .

    NET的帮助则出现在 IDE 窗口中(其中还包括动态帮助)。

  • The Metabroker status window provides you with the options to export the entire Glossary Model into the Metadata Server or you can filter what you want to export .

    Metabrokerstatus 窗口将为您提供将整个术语表模型导出到元数据服务器中的 选项,也可以筛选需要导出的内容。

  • At the include fonts and graphics window make sure to select the options embed TrueType fonts and include linked graphics .

    在“包含字体和图形 窗口中,确保选择 选项 嵌入truetype字体”和“包含链接的图形”。

  • To view field codes and results at the same time split the document window into panes and then set view options for each pane .

    要同时查看域代码或域内容,可将文档 窗口拆为窗格,然后分别为每一窗格设置查看 选项