window dressing

[ˈwɪndo ˈdrɛsɪŋ][ˈwindəu ˈdresiŋ]


  • New accounting rules compress the space of window dressing of consolidated financial statements but still exists under the circumstance of immature China capital market .

    新会计准则虽然压缩了对合并会计报表进行 粉饰的空间,但是在我国资本市场还不成熟的条件下,仍然存在着很大的会计报表 粉饰空间。

  • CSS has addressed many issues related to window dressing : fonts spacing padding backgrounds and more & all visual presentation elements .

    CSS已解决许多与 窗口 修饰相关的问题:字体、间距、填充、背景,等等&所有视觉呈现元素。

  • Window dressing . Business as usual .

    装潢门面 期间,照常营业。

  • But this type of financial window dressing is neither exclusive to Lehman nor prima facie illegal .

    但这种财务上 粉饰 门面”的做法并非雷曼所独有,而且从表面上看也并不违法。

  • In the case of the latter I guess words are window dressing .

    后一种情况下,我想文字只是 用来 做做 样子 罢了

  • Fair Value and the Window Dressing of Consolidated Financial Statements

    论公允价值与合并会计报表中的财务 粉饰

  • Mr Obama will soon need to show that what he is proposing amounts to more than just window dressing .

    奥巴马很快就必须用实际行动来证明,他所提议的措施不只是 装饰 门面

  • They have painted the living room and tidied the garden in order to sell the house but it 's really only window dressing because the roof needs attention and the electric wiring is still unsafe .

    为了出售房子他们粉饰了起居室并整理了花园,不过那其实只是 粉饰 门面 而已,因为房顶需要修缮,供电线路还不安全。

  • If banks ' sheer bulk is a systemic problem then a new cap that preserves the status quo is merely window dressing .

    如果银行的绝对规模是系统性问题,那么维持现状的新限制不过是在 粉饰 门面

  • This effect may be the result of window dressing by the fund managing companies .

    这种现象可能与基金的 窗饰效应有关。

  • Packaging must first of all the customer is responsible for window dressing and be products are not going to win .

    包装首先要对客户负责, 华而不实 实而不华的产品不会赢得消费群体。

  • Anything else is just window dressing .

    至于其他 作法,不过是 点缀而已。

  • This shop 's window dressing is elegant .

    该店的 橱窗 布置 是美观大方。

  • There is a pattern of incremental rule change but it 's just window dressing and we move forward to the next scandal .

    证交所形成了“一种规则渐变模式,但这只是 门面,丑闻还会爆发”。

  • We will see whether the save our cities campaign is for real or just window dressing .

    我们要看看这次“拯救我们的城市”运动是认真的还是 门面

  • And politically speaking window dressing R & D centres no longer work for multinationals .

    从政治角度而言,“ 粉饰”研发中心对跨国公司而言也不再奏效。

  • So I think a lot of it is political window dressing more than a substantial reform .

    所以我认为这应该是政治 作秀 窗口,而不是重大变革。

  • The measures are little more than window dressing that will fade fast once investors take a hard look at them .

    这些措施也就是 门面,一旦投资者认真探究,就会原形毕露。

  • In reality many of the changes are window dressing with schools just trying to keep their cash cow M.B.A. programs alive by attempting to ride the entrepreneurial fever breaking out across the country .

    在现实生活中,有许多此类变革其实只是 装点门面而已,学校们想要让M.B.A.项目这棵摇钱树保持活力,于是就趁着全国刮起的这一股创业风潮来赶时髦。

  • Keep up appearances Window dressing . Business as usual .

    ph.1. 门面,2.保持常态 装潢门面 期间,照常营业。

  • Since the beginning of last year the SEC has brought at least three cases against money managers for allegedly window dressing stocks in their portfolios .

    从去年年初开始,SEC就基金经理涉嫌对投资组合中的股票进行 粉饰 账面操作至少提出了三项诉讼。

  • As an art window dressing has evolved far beyond the snow scenes of my youth .

    作为一种艺术, 橱窗 展示已经演变成远非我年轻时的雪景。

  • Foreign experts who have dismissed similar campaigns in the past as window dressing are noticing improvements in the protection of intellectual property rights for the first time .

    外企高管过去对此类销毁活动一直不以为然,视之为 作秀行为,但现在,他们首次注意到,中国的知识产权保护有了改善。

  • It isn 't easy to spot or prove the window dressing of stocks .

    要识别或证实针对股票的 粉饰 账面行为并不是件容易的事情。

  • The reforms have been interpreted as window dressing .

    这些变革被称作是 装饰 门面

  • Sceptics say this means that regional experiments with hedging are mere window dressing until regulators make it easier for fund managers to short the largest stocks across the Gulf .

    持怀疑态度的人士称,这意味着除非监管机构使基金经理们更易于做空海湾地区最大的股票,否则该地区在对冲方面的尝试只不过是 做做 样子

  • The second part puts much effort on the typical ways Chinese listed companies use in window dressing .

    第二章着重分析了我国上市公司报表 粉饰的常见手段和典型案例。