


  • Copenhagen might be one of Europe 's most charming capitals but Denmark chose to hold the conference in a windowless convention hall in a windswept suburban wasteland barricaded from the outside world by high fences and concrete road blocks .

    哥本哈根或许是欧洲最迷人的首都之一,但丹麦选择了在郊区荒地上一座 没有 窗户的会议厅举行会议。高高的栅栏和水泥路障将会场与外界隔离。

  • One US aerospace company has announced plans though . This year Spike Aerospace said it would include a windowless cabin in its Spike S-512 Supersonic Jet which is due to launch in 2018 .

    不过,有一家名为SpikeAerospace的美国航空航天公司今年表示,其2018年将会推出的Spike S-512超音速客机,就将配备 窗式机舱。

  • It is windowless about the size of an airplane hanger and painted in a muted beige that would not be out of place in a suburban office park .

    它没有 窗户,和一个飞机库差不多大小,喷涂了温和的米棕色,看上去和郊区的办公园区很协调。

  • A structure based windowless image filter and its applications

    基于结构的 窗口图像滤波器及其应用

  • Downstairs in the windowless basement where the real work is done it is sleazy and sweaty .

    工作实际上在楼下 没有 窗户的地下室里完成,又脏又累。

  • Here in the windowless unfinished mall that stretches seven floors underground they sleep on mattresses that have been thrown away .

    这里 没有 窗户,未完成的购物中心有七层楼,他们就睡在丢弃的床垫上。

  • It 's based on results produced by 157 people who spent eight weeks in a windowless sleep lab in Boston .

    研究人员召集了157名志愿者,让他们在波士顿一个 没有 窗户的睡眠实验室里生活8个礼拜。

  • Mr Liang said the windowless room was designed with Chinese-style ornaments on the walls and seats about 400 people .

    梁表示,一 法庭 没有 窗子,墙壁为中式装修,可容纳大约400人。

  • He was in a high-ceilinged windowless cell with walls of glittering white porcelain .

    他是在一间房顶很高、 没有 窗户的牢房 ,四壁是亮晶晶的白色瓷砖。

  • They recruited 49 office employees just over half of whom spent the day in mostly windowless environments while the rest enjoyed frequent exposure to daylight through windows .

    他们聘用了49个办公室人员,刚好过半的人呆在大部分 没有 窗户的环境,然而其他人经常接触到透过窗户的阳光。

  • This clear volume plays against the wood-clad monoliths windowless from the approach their opaque mahogany shells echoing the rich earthy hues of the weathered steel .

    建筑处理手法非常清晰,摒弃一般 窗户的概念,不透明的红木与锈蚀钢板朴实的色调相呼应。

  • But for reasons that remain unclear he was left for five days in a 5-by-10-foot windowless room without food water or toilet facilities .

    但因为某些未知原因,他被关进一 面积约只有4.5平方米的牢房里长达5天, 没有 窗户,没有食物和水,也 没有厕所设施。

  • You get full control of the appearance and window settings : windowless transparent moveable the works .

    你可以完全控制外观和 口设定: 窗口、透明、可移动和艺术效果。

  • Leaving the elevator on the tenth floor they stepped into the windowless anteroom .

    走出十楼的电梯 ,他们走进了 窗子的接待室。

  • On the other side of the Atlantic any advocates of a loose fiscal policy risk finding themselves in a windowless cell under the European Central Bank for International Monetary Fund re-education on the dangers of sovereign debt crises .

    在大西洋彼岸,若有人倡导宽松的财政政策,就有可能被欧洲央行(ecb) 关进小 黑屋,接受国际货币基金组织(imf)有关主权债务危机危险的再教育。

  • Fleming called again a few minutes later to say that she was stuck in the windowless studio with water rising rapidly .

    几分钟后,凯特再次给沙琳打电话,说她被困在那 没有 窗子 地下室里,水位上升的很快。

  • The camera crew was flown in a private jet to an unknown destination in Iran then driven for hours to the site in a windowless van according to the report .

    摄制组乘坐一架私人飞机飞往某不明地点,下机后又乘坐一个 面包车 了几小时。

  • Windowless activation allows for nonrectangular or transparent controls and windowless controls do not require the system overhead that a control with a window requires .


  • The little room was windowless and oppressive .

    这个小房间没有 窗户,使人感到闷热难耐。

  • I spent the turn of the century in solitary confinement in my windowless cell amid the cries and moans of the medical ward .

    我在 单人 牢房 伴着病人般的尖叫和呻吟度过了世纪之交。

  • In a windowless office Steven drucker a researcher on media applications is unable to get his laptop to work with the projector .

    在一 办公室,媒体应用研究员斯蒂芬?德鲁克无法使他的笔记本电脑和投影仪联机工作。

  • A windowless double MCP proximity single framing camera is introduced and the camera is used to detect the soft x-ray radiated by capillary discharge Z-pinch plasma .

    研制了一种 开放 双MCP近贴单幅相机,相机用于毛细管放电Z箍缩等离子体软X射线激光的探测。

  • They drag you to a windowless room sometimes handcuff you to a chair .

    他们会把你脱到一个 窗户的屋子里,有时候还把你拷在椅子上。

  • The cavernous and windowless nuclear reactor building has gone begging for commercial tenants for years .

    多年来,这座 洞穴 一样没有 窗户的核电站一直在招商。

  • But today for Lunch with the FT Summers ' aides have persuaded him to walk down the stairs to the Ward Room a windowless alcove near the White House mess .

    但今天,为与英国《金融时报》(FT)共进午餐,萨默斯的助手说服他来到楼下的用餐室&白宫厨房附近一 没有 窗户的小屋。

  • New technology that could help reduce the weight of an aircraft could soon see windowless planes take to the air .

    一种用来减轻飞机重量的新技术,或许将很快让 这种 飞机成为 现实

  • Researchers found that workers forced to toil in windowless rooms had a poorer quality of life and more erratic sleep patterns than those with access to daylight .

    研究人员发现在 没有 窗户的房间工作的员工相对那些能接触到阳光的员工生活质量更差,睡眠模式也更不稳定。

  • Sarah 's room was at the back of the house . Looking out of the window she could see the windowless brick wall of the box factory in the next street .

    萨拉的房间在这幢房子的后部,从窗子里望出去可以看到邻街的一家制盒厂 没有 窗子的砖墙。